Therion - Sitra Ahra


Jul 26, 2002
I played this a couple times, really not digging it.

The male opera singer Kings of Edom is just way too up front and it sounds like its completely dry (no effects), whats odd is the song right before it he sounds find. Its almost like they didnt finish mixing this song, and honestly his parts make the song un-bearable for me.

The big Sunday school church sing alongs are a bit way too frequent on this, I know its their trademark but they can lighten up on it a bit. There are little bits here and there on this one that are kinda turning me off, i dont mind the extreme vox in sections as long as it flows. Some of the vocal parts on this are just too over the top.

I enjoyed Gothic Kabbalah and Lemuria / Sirius B so maybe I just need to spin this one a bit more to grown on me.
You're not alone. I like this album, but I don't love it. I think I've listened to it a handful of times since buying it. There are a few tracks on the album I really like, but as a whole, I'm not impressed.
You're not alone. I like this album, but I don't love it. I think I've listened to it a handful of times since buying it. There are a few tracks on the album I really like, but as a whole, I'm not impressed.

Yep, this is how I feel about it, too. I wanted to be blown away but only found myself really enjoying a couple of tracks.
I was never really a fan of Therion, but since the headline announcement I decided I was really going to try and give them a fair shake. I thought they were fantastic at PPUSA when they appeared before.

So, I've purchased this new one thinking this going to be much of what they would be playing in September. Honestly, I still can't get into it. The mix is pretty awful in places IMHO. It just seemed to me that for the sheer number of albums in their discography, I would expect by now that a new Therion release would be one of the finest produced projects around. I just don't hear it.
Scott, I agree at this point in a band's career production / mix shouldnt suffer.

Here is a track from the last disc and I dont hear anything this polished on the new one.

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Give it time people. Trust me...

This admission is coming from one the premiere Therion fans on this forum: when I first listened to Sitra Ahra, I too was majorly disappointed compared to the past several albums. The first thing I noticed was that the guitars didn;t stand out as much as the previous 3 studio releases. The Niemann brothers were gone. :erk: But what scared me just as much as there was no heavy presence from Lori and Katarina. They are acknowledged in the book, yes, but they were not prominent on the recording and it is evident.

But I am a Therion fan first and foremost. For me, there is no turning back.

I persevered. I kept going back to the album and giving it more chances.

Finally something clicked after about the 4th or 5th listening. I'm not sure what it was at first, but with each passing through the album more and more songs hooked me. I think it was primarily the subject matter; the fact that it was not another concept album.

If you look at the liner notes, you'll notice that this is perhaps an experimental album. Have you ever heard a Harmonica in a previous Therion song? I haven't. Accordians? Maybe, but not as noticeable as it is here. Look at their garb in the promo shots. Chris and Thomas in particular border on SteamPunk.

And besides the instruments, the childrens choirs, the baritone opera singing, etc... look who mastered it: George Marino.

But back to the album... do I LOVE every song? Actually no, I don't. My least favorite songs are thankfully at the very end of the album: The Shells Are Open and Chidren of the Stone. I don't like the way The Shells are Open begins. I simply can't get past that mess. And for the same reason that several of you have already mentioned, the childrens choir is ran in the ground on the final track. And poor Din - a great throwback to their earlier years - is stuck in the middle.

Now, the good stuff starts at the beginning of the album and only gets better and better with each track - up until Kali Yuga III. After which I usually skip to Din and then I'm done. ;) Faves include Unguentum Sabbati, Hellequin, and 2012. Funny story - I couldn't stand Hellequin when I first listened, and was majorly disappointed when I found out it was being included on the setlist in South America [why not 2012?!]. But after letting it sink in and really listening to it, I find it to be a favorite track now and hope they play it live at PPUSA XII! :heh:

Yes, the vocals on Sitra Ahra are a little dry in places - probably due to the mastering we're not used to - but also because we've gotten so used to the magnificent Mats Leven for the past almost ten years. Do I miss him? HELL YEAH! But Thomas is doing a great job, and some of the more recent live footage shows me that he's settling in quite nicely.

Personally I cannot wait for Therion to take the stage in Atlanta again this year. I don't care which songs they bring because I know I'll enjoy the show regardless. I'm hoping for several favorites, but will be happy no matter what. And until then I will continue to spin Sitra Ahra and their entire catalog (I'm actually only missing the first 2 by choice - don't care for the death metal).

I do hope that Snowy, Lori, and Katarina remain with the band throughout this year and for many more to follow. I want to see this combination on stage. :kickass:
Hmmm, guess I'm alone here...

I'm a huge Therion fan - they're pretty much my second favorite band.

As big a fan as I am, I put off buying the album until this January.

Right off the bat I really enjoyed the album. To me, it's one of Therion's most easily accessible albums, great as an introduction to the band. There's new stuff and old stuff (love Din!) alike and I think it sounds fine.

The biggest impression I got from this album, is that it just seems like it was a load of fun for the band and genius Johnsson and must have been a joy to write and record. There doesn't seem to be anything forced on the album and it's just plain old good classic Therion start to finish.

My only complaint is that since it is such an accessible album, there's just not as much depth in it as in the other albums. Every time I listen to Therion I hear and discover more and more in their songs, but I fear this one may be a little too thin in that regard. Maybe I'm just spoiled from all the previous albums!

As for their best album? Well add me to the Secret of the Runes bandwagon...
If you look at the liner notes, you'll notice that this is perhaps an experimental album. Have you ever heard a Harmonica in a previous Therion song? :

Absolutely LOVE the harmonica in Land of Canaan! The end of that song is just killer, probably the highlight of the whole album!

Again, this band has done so much over the years, I think this was a let loose and have fun album, celebrating all that is Therion. I think it's a lot lighter natured than previous albums and not as serious.
Hmmmmm...... Therion!

Interesting to read the different points of view and am not sure if I can contribute anything 'new' to the conversation but when Sitra Ahra first got leaked out to Youtube, I was able to hear a few tracks in advance of the CD's official release in the States. I also was fortunate to see them live in Santiago, Chile last year and they played three tracks from the then-forthcoming album as well.

The new CD didn't grab me strongly right out of the gate as several of its predecessors did but having said that my initial thoughts upon hearing it in its entirety were positive. In fact, I enjoyed it. Do I like it as well as some of their previous works? No. But I do like it. Very much actually. As has been mentioned the CD merits several spins before a true appraisal of it can be made. Why? There's a lot going on in the music. While that is typically the case with Therion, this CD is 'different' somehow. Experimental? Perhaps that is a good a term as any. Also I believe I read somewhere that many tracks on this CD trace their origins to the Lemuria / Sirius B timeframe and, indeed, I can detect some of that flavor in some of the songs. In addition to some interesting choices in instrumentation (the harmonica, for one), arrangements, and vocals we have to remember that Therion's line-up underwent a major overhaul in its membership. Mats Leven - gone. The Niemann brothers - gone. The newcomers are talented and add their own stamp to the work. I enjoy Thomas Vikstrom's vocals quite a lot actually (and when I saw them he pulled this off live as well, particularly in the song 'Hellequin'). Cristian Vidal is actually a talented guitarist and while (in my opinion) he is not at the level of Kristian Niemann, he still fits ably into the band.

I don't know that I care to dissect each song as I, like the others who've posted, have favorite and least favorite songs on this CD. And songs that feature parts where I might tend to think "I'm not sure I get this" usually don't bog down too badly or too long that I feel compelled to skip a track on the album. The children's choir? Yeah, that was a bit of an acquired taste but now I actually feel it is appropriate within the context of the song and how the term 'children' is being used symbolically (though by no means do I profess to have a keen ear for lyrics or an uncanny ability to interpret them).

So, yeah, lots of stuff going on with this album for sure. And, maybe its just me, but -- generally speaking -- there is at times a bit of an abrupt transition musically from one song to the next. Not sure how to qualify thiat point intelligently but I speak of the 'feel' of a song.... one song goes in direction "A", the next seems to be "Z", then we jump back to "H", then maybe "A" again..... etc. Clear as mud, I know. But some might find such transitions a bit off-putting. I really don't mind it so much, it just took a bit of getting used to. Now I can play the whole album start to finish, enjoy it all, and skip nary a track.

Yet, something within me makes me think that we'll really see the true essence of this new line-up on the NEXt album. That'll give the unit time to solidify as a whole. Also, presumably, the band will create the majority (if not all) of its songs for the future album without using blueprints of 'what already was' (whether it be whole or in part). I guess we'll see....

In any event, sorry if this post gummed up the conversation but since Therion are one of my absolute favorites, I feel compelled to chime in with my two pesos. I'm very much looking forward to seeing Therion at ProgPower this year and they are the band I'm most looking forward to seeing/hearing. If what I saw in Chile last year as any indication, we are in for something really remarkable.
I knew after listening to it for the first time that it would have to grow on me, and grow it has been doing. I was always a fan of the first track, but it took a while for most of the album.

Unlike Rider, I think Din and 2012 are probably my least favorite tracks. Maybe it is because I like the choir vocals and heavy orchestration stuff. (For me, Secret Of The Runes is the high point of Therion's career.) The best songs are the title track, Hellequin, Cu Chulainn, and Kali Yuga III.
I've been trying like hell to get into this band, a song, a riff, something!!! I have Gothic Kabbalah and Lemuria / Sirius B and dl'ed Sitra whateva, but I can't find one thing here that interests me! Nothing, not a snippet! It sucks, because they are headlining Saturday night and the only band I ever gave up on was Rage due to a developing medical condition from the flight in...but it looks like I may give up and bail out before Therion

I'm trying, failing, and it sucks!
I've been trying like hell to get into this band, a song, a riff, something!!! ...I'm trying, failing, and it sucks!

let me see if I can assist you. Lots of older footage here but we should expect a similar - if not better - show in September...

You want galloping, headbanging, throwing horns riffs? You got 'em:

then I implore you to go back and listen to Blood of Kingu, Uthark Runa, Lemuria, Typhon, Kali Yuga I & II, Abraxas, Voyage of Gurdjieff, Tuna, TOF - The Trinity, Sons of the Staves of Time, Wand of Abaris, Falling Stone, Adulruna Rediviva, Unguentum Sabbati, 2012, Hellequin....

*exasperated* :(
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