Tips for a first time attendee

Michael TEOF said:
I would actually recommending NOT eating a big meal... if you plan on drinking.

The Michael
I don;t drink so that is why!!
Actually, this is the best tip I can come up with. Have your priority bands to stand for picked out. In other words, you don't have to necessarily stand the entire time. Stand up close and personal to your favorites, then have a seat for some of the ones you don't know much about. That will save your energy some, instead of hugging the guard railing all night. That's worked really well for me the past two festivals.
SharkBlack said:
Hey KRIS!!! WASUUUUUP!! :loco:

Just have fun, It's so well run that you don't really have to think too much. I always find that I don't eat enough or drink enough water. It's a marathon with luncheon parties, hotel parties, the show and then there's always all kinds of after parties that are tempting. This year I'll make sure I am fully recouped before I start it up again the next day and eating and drinking the agua helps the next day... That also means getting enough sleep. last year I was working on a couple hours each night... Not enough... As far as seeing the bands it's a no brainer there really is no problem finding a good position to see the bands.
And just stay away from happy Jagermeister shot drinking people!! They are deadly!! :lol: haha!!:headbang: :kickass:

Look forward to meeting you


Brett!!! Hiya hun! Yes - I'll need to be careful. I can't stand Jagermeister so I'm safe there lol. Beer on the other hand :kickass: lol. I can't wait to meet you either my friend!!!
ProgMetal Angel, bring extra cash. There's going to be a ton of CD's, DVD's and shirts from all kind of prog, metal bands. some of them hard to find, at really good prices. Enjoy the madness...:headbang:
urayoan said:
ProgMetal Angel, bring extra cash. There's going to be a ton of CD's, DVD's and shirts from all kind of prog, metal bands. some of them hard to find, at really good prices. Enjoy the madness...:headbang:

Great Idea!! Yes, I'll have to get my hands on as much music as I can ;).

Thank You!! :headbang:
I for one love the cerveza :kickass: , but keep in mind that roughly 2 beers = 1 CD. I would suggest drinking a few cold ones or flat out getting hammered (whatever suits your taste) either before or after the show. Alcohol becomes inexpensive if a few people pitch in. Still, I do spend about 2 CDs in beer.

You'll know you're having fun if the hotel staff threatens to kick you out. We have consistently beat our record, last year being threatened roughly an hour and a half after we got there. It was a group of about 10 people in a room that we stocked with food and booze.

About the show, I'll just say it's my third one straight, and I know next year it's going to be my fourth. It's that good.

I second the bring-lots-of-cash tip. I went 200 bucks over budget last year, and ready to do it again. I shop in bulk since the prices are really reasonable.

Go sightseeing when not in the show. There's a lot of interesting stuff to see and do in Atlanta before the show starts. However, AVOID the Coca-Cola tour. You will pay to see advertisements. You will have to drink around 4 gallons of the free sample sodas to get your money's worth.

All this said, I can guarntee you'll have a blast and want to do it all over again next year.
As you know, my first PP as well.

FFS, Only a 2 weeks out!!! WoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooo!!!

:headbang: :kickass: :puke: :zombie: (not nec·es·sar·i·ly in that order!!!)

LOL, See you all sooooon!!
From the girlie perspective... choose your shoes and purse (if you bring one) wisely.

I second Brett's Jaeger advice, from experience. ;) (Thanks for bringing *that* memory back up, bub. lol)

If you do tip over a bartender, be sure it's Maria or Deborah, and that one of their fans are around to catch them.

Definitely try Deb's suggestion of Guiness with a 1/2 shot Grand Marniet chaser. YUM!

John's suggestions = Amen!

Give lots of hugs, laugh as much as possible and check the names with faces poster that AMBR has been kicking major petootie on. It really helped last year.
It's my first too, but thankfully have regs to drag me thru it all...

The parties better kick ass ~ I've got high freakin' hopes and refuse to be disappointed :loco: hehehe
Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to people. Most of the time the "family" tries to expand the group.

Familarize yourself with peoples picts.. there is a thread on here for it.

90% of the people at the fest are cool and will welcome you. IF you happen to meet the other 10%- don't let them get to you.

Looking forward to meeting you in a few weeks!

13ShadesofGray said:
From the girlie perspective... choose your shoes and purse (if you bring one) wisely.

I second Brett's Jaeger advice, from experience. ;) (Thanks for bringing *that* memory back up, bub. lol)

If you do tip over a bartender, be sure it's Maria or Deborah, and that one of their fans are around to catch them.

Definitely try Deb's suggestion of Guiness with a 1/2 shot Grand Marniet chaser. YUM!

John's suggestions = Amen!

Give lots of hugs, laugh as much as possible and check the names with faces poster that AMBR has been kicking major petootie on. It really helped last year.

Mam, you are not allowed to touch a drop of liquor this year
I believe last year went something like this..

:) :kickass: :loco: :ill: :puke: :ill:

The Michael
You are, unfortunately, correct Michael. Just gonna take it slow, make sure I get enough sleep and eat at least something a few hours before arrival... and NO Jaeger. lol My lord, I'm not ever going to live that down, am I? heheh