To all the fans who just sat there....

I loved the seats. I loved the extreme joy my ass felt (and feet) plopping down during the 3rd and 4th song of PoS' set. That said I loved the feeling cos I was in front having the time of my life. I dont think if people sat that it meant they werent having a good time. I mean if they sat and still cheered and enjoyed it, hey thats cool you know? The reason I love being in front is because I thrive on band recognition, like in Edguy when I held up Tobias Exxels Taraxacum cd and he smiled and pointed, I felt so exhilirated or when during Silent Force Jurgen Steinmetz would see me singing along and smile and sing back it was just so cool, its like they recognize my love of their music and to me who lives in MIDLAND and never EVER thoght Id see Edguy live, little things like that just make me feel "special" like my years of dedication are appreciated by the band. If you just were sorta into the band then by all means, sit and take them in, check em out. If you LOVE the band and cant muster the energy to go crazy then sit its ok, but still please applaud and cheer (which alot of people did). If you honestly didnt care for a band at all then thats ok go do something else, I know I did. The only problem I had with some "fans" is some people would get up front for Silent Force and Edguy, call them "gay generic Power Metal" and stay there the whole time waiting for PoS. I mean ok do that if you want, but when I asked to trade spots cos I LOVE EDGUY!!! theyd say "no fucking way man" and stand and stare angrily at Tobias Sammet when he was three feet away singing directly at them. Other than that I really had no problems with people or their attitudes.

edit: BTW I hope I dont sound like Im whining. That weekend was the best weekend of my entire life and I wouldnt trade the experience or the memories for anythng in the world.
This thread is getting stupid and should be locked. Its a neverending circle of:

"blah blah people who sit suck"
"no we don't you suck"
"no you do shut up"
"no you shut up"
blah blah blah

Originally posted by Daybreaker
The only problem I had with some "fans" is some people would get up front for Silent Force and Edguy, call them "gay generic Power Metal" and stay there the whole time waiting for PoS. I mean ok do that if you want, but when I asked to trade spots cos I LOVE EDGUY!!! theyd say "no fucking way man" and stand and stare angrily at Tobias Sammet when he was three feet away singing directly at them.

If that happened, then that is disgusting. People like that should not have the privellege to call themselves true metal fans.

It's so sad that for any of the bands first visit to the USA, they couldn't have been welcomed more. Instead, they were greeted with elitist PoS fans in boredom standing in the front row. Fuck them to hell.

If it's any consellation Daybreaker, Edguy stole the show, and hundreds of us made the effort to tell them afterwards (and again on Saturday night).
It's so sad that for any of the bands first visit to the USA, they couldn't have been welcomed more. Instead, they were greeted with elitist PoS fans in boredom standing in the front row. Fuck them to hell.
Oh come on, it's not just PoS fans that were guilty of this. There were quite a few disinterested people standing up front during Devin Townsend's set, and I'm guessing they were mostly Gamma Ray fans.

Don't get me wrong, it's wrong no matter who does it; if you're not interested in a particular band you should get out of the way and make room for the people who are. But don't try to tell me it was just "elitist PoS fans". If anything, based on the feedback I've seen on threads in this forum over the last few days, it's seems pretty clear to me that the power metal fans are more likely to be dismissive of the prog metal acts rather than the other way around.
jesus h unlord, wouldn't it be nice to be respectful to all bands at this rare festival of wonderful music?? if you can't be mature about being a fan, you should stay at home. respect goes a long way. some of the bands that were there will never ever come back for the people who think they can make a difference with their apathy. now I REALLY won't see them, so thank you for representing my country like that. what a bunch of crap...i couldn't go this year and there actually were people there who didn't enjoy every second of the show??? what a fukked up world. oh well, i wasn't there though, so.... but troll or not, this thread is my only way of saying to you fellow americans: you OWE it to me and all the others who couldn't make it (like it or not!) to have a good time and make sure the bands play for the best damn crowds they've ever seen!! tolerance!
on another note, I wonder what it would be like if everyone sat at hard rock shows and didn't say or do anything? what is it supposed to be, storytime? the song ends to absolute silence: "okay, moving on to yet another unappreciated bunch of musical notes i spent 2 months pouring my heart and soul and wallet into, here ya go!" hard rockers want to hear you as well as see you. what are they supposed to think if you just stand there looking at them stupidly? i at least clap at shows for bands I don't enjoy. i don't cry out for them very much and i don't buy their material, that's the way to go for me because i am not sacrificing my integrity or hard-earned cash for a band i don't believe in. not that i'm fukking perfect by ANY means.
if someone stands up in front of you, accept the fact that you have to stand up with them! what are you going to do, ask like 600 people to scoot over or sit down? pretty sad that all us fans bicker at each other after the show. i know these bands are all pretty godamm talented, so that's reason enough right there for me to respect them. that's what it all boils down to: courtesy for the bands you don't enjoy so much and making noise for the ones ya do! let's do it better next year, huh? i know we americans have a heart somewhere in our puffed up chest cavities....
Wow, what a waste of time it was to pore through all of this thread, haha! Oh well, since ive spent the time, I might as well respond. I really don't care what anyone else does other than me, so long as they don't detract from what I take from the band. That being said, I did however wish some people would appear a bit more lively or appreciative of the bands, as one of the AMERICAN longtime fans of this music who had absolutely the TIME of his life seeing The Bards and Gamma Ray, and wanting more fo the same. I just don't want these bands to feel that America isn't worth visiting, when its so much harder to get around here, metal fans are more spread out, and its more expensive to tour, if it seems like people are apathetic, I don't imagine that it bolsters them to say "Lets take a chance financially and otherwise to play for our US fans"...that is my only concern. But really, who cares what you do?

I didnt mean PoS fans as a whole, the only reason I said that was cos well, thats the band the guy said he was there to see. I didnt mean ALL PoS fans were that way, far from it. Alot of people like Shaye, and others were cool as hell and hardcore PoS fans and hey theyre a pretty good band. I admit I was guilty of being ass-bored in the front during Townsend. I wasnt familiar with his work and was HOPING itd be good but the sound was so horrible I just stood there and had a re-play in my mind of Edguy the night before. Dont get me wrong I fucking loved the whole sense of comadery between about 99% of the people there. I just think were kinda nitpickin at minor details here, did the show kick ass? Yes it did.

Originally posted by jkohn
If anything, based on the feedback I've seen on threads in this forum over the last few days, it's seems pretty clear to me that the power metal fans are more likely to be dismissive of the prog metal acts rather than the other way around.

I disagree. It's been about 50-50 (or perhaps an even better ratio) in my experience between power fans who will admit the techical proficiency of prog bands and agree that they are excellent, though not getting into them as much (i fall into this camp) and those who just call them gay and boring. The first group actually seems to be a little bigger. With prog metal fans in my experience, though, it seems to be slightly more difficult to find those (though there are some) who will admit the merits of bands in the power genre.

Originally posted by Wandrail
I did however wish some people would appear a bit more lively or appreciative of the bands, as one of the AMERICAN longtime fans of this music who had absolutely the TIME of his life seeing The Bards and Gamma Ray, and wanting more fo the same. I just don't want these bands to feel that America isn't worth visiting

Well, there's a reason why bands like Iced Earth, Kamelot, Symphony X etc prefer playing in Europe or South America...
Ryan, you're 100% correct. I said this to my friend the other day. It seems to be rare to find the prog fan who will even LISTEN to a power metal band without dismissing them before the first chord is struck. Conversely, most fans of power metal will at least listen to other genres of metal before kicking it to the curb. Either that, or I'm in the minority here. I own a great many prog albums; some I grew to love, some just were not for me. But I wouldn't know one way or another if I hadn't given them a chance. I don't think the majority of prog fans are willing to give that chance.

Sheesh, next year Glenn should change the name to ProgVSPower! :D
Well I must be in the minority, because I love both power metal and progressive metal, though I tend to gravitate more towards power-metal bands that have slight prog tendencies, such as Blind Guardian or Edguy.

There probably is intolerance on both sides of prog/power metal, but the power metal fans do seem to be more vocal to me. Look at all the people trashing Devin Townsend. Yes, his music is different from the other bands that were at ProgPower, but that's a good thing IMHO; hell, I would never have heard of him if it he hadn't been on the ProgPower lineup, and now I'm a big fan. I'll admit the sound was pretty aweful during his set, but I didn't think the sound was particularly good during anybody's set. I really think the sound system at Earthlink Live kinda sucks compared to other venues I've been to.
I think there are some people on this thread that are definately missing the point. Me and my mates had seats throughout the concert, and I was shocked to see rows of people not even acknowledging the bands !! I mean even when Edguy came on, the rows in front of us just decided to sit in silence with their arms crossed !!!

Now I can understand those that had disabilities and were not in a position to get up and run around, but we are not talking about those we are talking about many people that insisted on playing computer games, cellular phones, sleeping and those that were just fucking bored. Why bother coming if you are just gonna be a sad git !

Now, I don't wanna hear crap from those saying they were tired and had to get up and drive blah fucking blah. I flew in from Bangkok, Thailand just to see this amazing concert (kudos to Glenn) and to see rows of people in front of me just sitting there as if they are watching a re-run of Magnum PI was just a fucking insult to the bands.

This weekend was simply amazing for me, as I met so many metal fans who were saying that we are a dying breed and concerts like PPG were needed to keep the music alive. I will continue to come to PPG no matter where the fuck I am in the world because concerts like these are worth their weight in gold, and I will clap and cheer those bands that come and make an effort to show their music to fans and those that are 'virgins' to their music.

Finally, those wankers that decided to reserve standing places for upcoming bands should be shot and clubbed. That is a disgrace and just totally unfair for those who want a chance to be near their fav bands.

I suggest for those that want to sleep, play games or whatever, to simply not bother coming next year, as there are a hell of a lot of people that wanted your tickets.

I came all the way from Thailand and to hang out with Tom Englund and talk about Soccer was awesome and hanging out with John Shaffer in his room while Eggy (Bassist for Edguy) is trying to balance a glass of water on his head (after 24 beers) was just a blast.

Oh and those that decided to sit and play games etc, you are a bunch of dull cu*ts !!


And why is nobody bitching about people sitting out in the lobby drinking beer like fish while Edguy and Blind Guardian play? How in the hell does that happen? A $2 beer is better than seeing the first North American performance of some worshipped metal bands? What about THOSE people. Forget anyone sitting around watching the show. What if you went to get drunk? Is that better?
Originally posted by woosta
And why is nobody bitching about people sitting out in the lobby drinking beer like fish while Edguy and Blind Guardian play? How in the hell does that happen?

Perhaps the people who don't care for a particular band enough to applaud or stand SHOULD go out into the lobby. Open the seats for the people who WANT to see that band but would also like/need to sit... true? Then again, that brings up the question in my last post on this thread - just because I don't like the band that's on right now (or if I DO and go to the floor) should I reliquish my seat though I'd want it later??? *shrugs*

Who cares, I'm just happy there were decent seats INSIDE the arena for when I simply couldn't take it anymore but _had_ to see Angra & PoS! :)

Originally posted by Daybreaker
Alot of people like Shaye, and others were cool as hell and hardcore PoS fans and hey theyre a pretty good band.
[. . .]
Dont get me wrong I fucking loved the whole sense of comadery between about 99% of the people there. I just think were kinda nitpickin at minor details here, did the show kick ass? Yes it did.

Why, thank you, Ben! No, we're not all elitist PoS fans. ;) But I have found a few people who seemed to be elitist BG fans, or elitist GR fans, or whatever, and I hate that attitude whether I like the band or not. :/

You are so right about the camaraderie (however the hell you spell that!!)... it almost breaks my heart to see a thread like this, but I am one of those loud-mouthed, opinionated bitches who has to respond sometimes. :D I just remind myself that most of the people there (and even most of the people involved in this thread) were pretty gosh-darned cool and absolutely ecstatic over PP 3. I can chalk the rest of it up to all of us being depressed now that it's over.

As far as the "who's more elitist" thing, I've heard my fair share from both sides... I would tend to say it's the power metal fans who are the worst in my experience, but the prog ones can be pretty bad, too. I tend to ignore all of it because I'm so stupid I have a hard time saying where one genre ends and the other begins. Ah, ignorance _is_ bliss! ;)

To sum up, some people just suck sometimes. We should all be thankful (to your god or mine, Glenn, whomever ;)) that most of the people here, and most of the people at ProgPower so totally rule. :headbang:

In the end this thread only means that we all hope that the bands relized how much we loved what they did and hope we see them in the states again.