Whatever happened to games like...

Yep, I loved those side scrollinb beat'em-ups. I have SoR I and II and FF for Sega CD. Loved playing these games with buddies back in the day.

Now a days, there isnt much in the way of mindless brawlers. They did "The Bouncer" and that was a travesty some years ago. The PS1 had a game thats name escapes me at the moment but was actually pretty fun. But as of recently, theres nothing really like that aside from the RPG hack and slahers like Champions of Norrath and Baldurs Gate: DA. Unless I'm forgetting something.
It would be really cool to see a game like street of rage or Golden axe being ported to a console from the new generation.

**remember childhood time spent playing Sega Genesis**
Those types of games were my favourite when I was a young'un, and I still say River City Ransom is one of the best games ever. Nowadays I'd say games like DMC and Ninja Gaiden are about as close to that style as you'll ever see, as they are essentially the same genre just moved to 3D.
It's completely possible to come up with some kick ass brawler now. The Bouncer looked awesome on paper but ended up sucking ass. With all these remakes of classic titles (Shinobi, Ninja Gaiden etc. ) than they could definitly make a remake of Golden Axe, that would kill.