Whoa!!!!! What happened to the Forum!!


Apr 4, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
Wow, the forum did a switcheroo on me again like the last time!

Well, we are now officially on ProgPower XII mode for the next year :devil:

Pretty damn cool, although I kinda liked the blue background of the last iteration better, though. It was easier for me to read.
Must admit that I'm not the biggest fan of the forum's new color scheme, but maybe it just means taking some getting used to it.
Work in progress...colors will be changing as we test, change, etc. tonight and through tomorrow.

However, it will indeed take some time to get used to just like the "blue" did last time (and there were similar posts).
Work in progress...colors will be changing as we test, change, etc. tonight and through tomorrow.

However, it will indeed take some time to get used to just like the "blue" did last time (and there were similar posts).

I guess my only problem was really the white background (too bright it seemed), and the difficulty in reading the red letters on gray. It seems that it's already getting better though (or am I just getting used to it)?

BTW, do you guys remember the black, grey and lime green days? (I think that's what the forum looked like when I joined?)
Change is sometimes good and this looks good, but my old eyes are having a hard time adjusting. Hopefully over the next few days they will adjust.
Yeah, the lighter gray does make it easier to read. I agree that there is a lot of white, but than again, I am used to seeing a lot of white, being a skier. Actually, the color scheme kinda reminds me of the ski patrol :) White, gray, and red.

BTW, If you post by hitting the "post reply" or "quote" buttons, the cursor disappears in the grey reply box. It is weird if you end up needing to fix something.

The rest looks fine to me and doesn't bother my eyes. However, I can tell that it must've already changed quite a bit tonight based on how it appears now compared to the earlier descriptions.
It finally happened; Glenn sold out. Everyone knows this color scheme is the official color scheme of both NuMetal and MetalCore. This forum is no longer tr00 or kvlt. I'm now fully expecting Limp Bizkit to headline PPXIII.