Would greatly appreciate feedback on this mix. Low Tuned Progressive-y Metal?


New Metal Member
Jun 8, 2011
Hey there!

Long story short: After a long pause caused by frustration and general incompetence in music production I'm back trying to create a "metal sound".

I've finally come up with something that almost pleases me in very general terms and would love some outside feedback on it, as, after tons of hours, I'm fairly oblivious to how it Actually sounds.


Note that I'm going for a "huge", bottom-end-generous sound. With that in mind, I'd like to know if I went overboard with the bass.

Heart of a Coward's Severance served as a very loose, general inspiration for the sound I'm going for. Again, in a very general way, but I just love the size and space of that album's production and I tried to go for that spaciousness.

Drums are Superior Drummer, Bass is Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass and guitars go through TSE x50 and not much else.

Excuse the downright obtuse drum fills. A metal drummer I am Not.

I just compared it against your reference track.

Your guitar tone is somewhat close but main differences I hear
are that theirs is a darker (but balanced mix) but clearer
with a lot less distortion (track distortion, not guitar distortion) and
more open/spacious sounding.

I feel like a dick saying all this, especially after having read your post
about the countless hours you've spent on it.

Maybe you could upload DIs and forum members can help ?
Hey, thanks for the feedback!
Definitely no need to feel like a dick, haha. I know that I'm very very far away from the level required to actually successfully replicate something like Severance. Very far away.

Mind if I ask what do you mean by track distortion? Is it clipping or something of the sort? I tried keeping the levels very tame (I'm actually concerned about the volume of the track because of it). Or do you mean like, a very cluttered mix?

Also, what's the general consensus on posting stems for MIDI stuff like Superior Drummer? Take off the effects and render an actual stem, or post the MIDI file? Or both?

Thanks again!
Loving this rhythm sound dude, how are you getting it using the x50? i.e impulse responses, bus settings and all that good stuff?