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  1. ShredManWalking

    Vanek brothers, you may find this amusing... This is a link to the new Hammerfall video for "Hearts on Fire." They are with the fucking Swedish women's curling team!!! I actually copied this from the Symphony X forum on Ultimatemetal. \m/ ~Sugerman
  2. ShredManWalking

    Misuse of THE HORNS!

    Hey guys, I haven't posted on the forum in a LONG time... :erk: I have no excuses, really. However, I have been defending the faith of heavy metal around my college campus... I've noticed a lot of people misuse the horns. :rock: Check out my photo album of such instances that I've found on...
  3. ShredManWalking

    Carvin Guitars/Basses

    I'm saving up for a Carvin bass this summer. What are your thoughts on the brand? I'm still researching the stuff. I want to get a 6-string bass with the piezos.
  4. ShredManWalking


    Greetings! I haven't posted on the forum in a LONG time... quite awhile... anyhow, I thought of this out of boredom, so I'm going to post it. Let's see what you guys can come up with. If this offends you, then I'm very surprised. I love Symphony X as much as anyone here, and I mean no harm...
  5. ShredManWalking

    Off-topic: "National Treasure"

    Has anyone else seen this movie? I found it to be awesome, and intriguing. From what I could tell, a lot of it was historically accurate. What do you think?
  6. ShredManWalking

    I'm looking for a link...

    ... to a website that has the Dream Theater song "Overture 1928" done with nintendo sounds. I remember someone posting a link to this site on the forum about a year ago, but I can't find it! Can anyone help?
  7. ShredManWalking

    Off topic - Corny comebacks

    I was playing a game with my friend on AIM. It was called "Corny comebacks." (Yes, we were quite bored.) The object of the game - to keep "insulting" your opponent with really bad insults, that use childish words and don't really insult them. The result is quite hilarious. Here's an example...
  8. ShredManWalking

    Off Topic Fun - Onomatopoeia

    Is anyone else here as fascinated by onomatopoeia as I am? I find it absolutely fun to use. However, I like to make up my own. (For those of you who don't know, onomatopoeia is the aspect of English in which the word used sounds like the action it is describing. Ex. 'plop' or 'honk.') For...
  9. ShredManWalking

    Story time - 1 year later It was a year ago last month that I posted a thread called "story time." It was here that we created a story about a crazy clown and the heavy metal world. I was talking with TheMetalChick on the IRC chat, and she gave me a...
  10. ShredManWalking

    Kent State University

    Okay, stupid question time... Which forum member was it who currently attends Kent State University? I need to find Symphony X fans at my college next year or I'll go nuts ... :loco:
  11. ShredManWalking

    Off-topic - Reality TV

    As to not offset my "Metal Confessional booth," I have started a separate thread about Reality TV. What are your thoughts on it? I am not going to attack anyone's personal beliefs, but here is a link for an editorial I wrote about Reality TV for my school paper. The story sums up how I feel...
  12. ShredManWalking

    The Metal Confessional Booth

    Now is the time to confess to the metal world your musical 'guilty pleasures,' and explain what you like about them. Of course, we all have guilty pleasures. It's just a matter of admitting them. I won't tell anyone... :grin: Please don't make fun of other people's 'guilty pleasures.' Okay...
  13. ShredManWalking

    The coolest game

    This is easily the coolest Flash game I have ever played... and no, I am not a sick person :loco: heheeheheh. Have fun, customize some cool characters, too. I don't know too many codes, you can get them by beating the game, or...
  14. ShredManWalking

    Michael Romeo to appear in Connecticut NGW

    Hey guys. I got a pamphlet in the mail for the National Guitar Workshop (NGW,) and Michael Romeo is partaking in the Connecticut location. Check it out on , then click on the bar on the left under "guest artists." Apparently NGW is a 5 day seminar for drummers...
  15. ShredManWalking

    State of euphoria

    What songs, or parts of songs put you into a state of euphoria when you listen to them? Or ones that cause you to get the chills? I notice that when I listen to certain songs, I just float away on the melodies. Here's an example of some songs that really affect me in that way. Symphony X...
  16. ShredManWalking

    This bothers me...

    Last night I was driving home, and I put on WEBN, our local rock n' roll station. I apparently missed something, because the DJ seemed really disturbed about something. He had people calling in, asking them to give their earliest memories of Ozzy Osbourne and his music. The callers were...
  17. ShredManWalking

    Hwaaaa -- ?

    Check out this craaazy Symphony X album (it's not really)... and check out the reviews (scroll to the bottom of the page)! I found this on without even trying... it's quite strange...
  18. ShredManWalking

    The Marx Brothers

    This is quite off topic... But oh well. Anyone here like the Marx Brothers? I have been really into their style of comedy lately, especially Groucho's wisecrackin' remarks. Although totally oldschool, their humor is genius, and was way ahead of its time. That's just my thoughts.
  19. ShredManWalking

    Devin has my demo!

    During the Cincinnati show on Dec. 6, I reached up to the stage while Devin was tearing down his equipment, and handed him a demo of my band. I have no idea if he has listened to it yet, or if he'd be interested in producing us. Does anyone here have any idea?
  20. ShredManWalking

    The Music Theory Thread

    Hey guys. This one's for the music nerds, much like myself. It is here that you can discuss cool scales, modes, odd time signatures, odd chords, intervals...etc. just whatever the hell music theory stuff you're thinking about. Allow me to start: What do you think sounds eviler in metal...