A Question about Carcass


Blind Bleeding The Blind
Dec 11, 2007
Windsor, Ontario
so we all know they're reuniting to play Wacken and a couple other festivals, and there's talk of a tour. From what I heard in the interview, Mike Amott said it'll be about 18 months or so until an actual tour, because Arch Enemy is all booked. Now here's my question, something I've been wondering what other people thought but never really bothered to bring it up because everybody I know is obsessed with Arch Enemy and haven't even heard Carcass.

Why don't Bill Steer and Jeff Walker just get rid of Amott, I mean, they don't neccisarily need him to play for the tour. I don't think they should let Mike hold them back, I would kill to see Carcass live, the fact that I have to wait just to find out if they're ever going to come anywhere near here is a real buzzkill. I was never a big fan of Mike anyways.
that sure is gay, but as above I would also kill to see Carcass live!
plus from most of what ive read it seemed like he was more interested in a carcass reunion than the others
anything new will never be able to touch what they did in necroticism or any of their other great albums, im guessin anything new would still sound close to swansong (an album i like but my least favorite outa everything they did)
anything new will never be able to touch what they did in necroticism or any of their other great albums, im guessin anything new would still sound close to swansong (an album i like but my least favorite outa everything they did)

i don't think that they would be back to record another swansong. i think that they would be back to record another reek of putrefaction.
me too, but i'd like to see them composing another great album, cuz swansong was so bad that i believe they got shame of thenselves

Yeah, except that Swansong, despite all the fucking boo-hoo'ing from death metal fanbois is a really good album in its own right.

So it wasn't Heartwork part 2. SO fucking what ? I really liked it - rock influenced metal that was catchy and still had some thought provoking lyrics.

To original poster: they want to like, you know, include Amott because it's a reunion. What would be the point of having anyone else ? (Although Carlos Regardas was asked and turned them down). Besides, I think it's a bit of fun for the guys and a chance to earn Ken Owen some much needed cash (as even though he won't be drumming he will still be receiving an equal amount of the royalties).

I, for one, will be seeing them as many times as I can.
Yeah, except that Swansong, despite all the fucking boo-hoo'ing from death metal fanbois is a really good album in its own right.

So it wasn't Heartwork part 2. SO fucking what ? I really liked it - rock influenced metal that was catchy and still had some thought provoking lyrics.

To original poster: they want to like, you know, include Amott because it's a reunion. What would be the point of having anyone else ? (Although Carlos Regardas was asked and turned them down). Besides, I think it's a bit of fun for the guys and a chance to earn Ken Owen some much needed cash (as even though he won't be drumming he will still be receiving an equal amount of the royalties).

I, for one, will be seeing them as many times as I can.

hey dude, keep on rotten was the worst music from them. have you already seen the video clip? shameful and stupid at the same time. i was so glad when they decided got a break after that and i hope they look to the past and don't commit the same mistakes. to me, carcass ended at heartwork, and i'm not a straight death fan btw.
Yes, I've seen the video - I saw it on MTV when it came out. I experienced the album "back in the day", and I always thought it was ahead of the pack; the whole "rock but retro" type song arrangement was quite big a year or two later - as evidenced by albums such as Gorefest - Chapter 13, Entombed - To Ride... and Konkhra - Come Down Cold.

Not to mention Blackstar - Barbed Wire Soul, which is effectively the Carcass Mrk 2 anyway.