Best Books

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Alchemy of the Sorcerer
Feb 9, 2006
San Francisco
And yet another top list. This time list the best book youve read. Once that in your mind are just life changing.

Mine would be:
"Shantaram" by Gregory Robert Davis
This book was just ana amazing read, well written, great characters, foreign coutry, action, mafia, and love.

Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien.
Im sure I dont need to say much sinse Im guessing a lot of people have read this here.

"Sahadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruis Zafron
Detective story, mystery, haunting hunt for a lost author set in 1950s Barcelona. Just amazingly written, instant classic.

A collection of stories by H.P. Lovecraft.
I love Lovecraft!

"The Achemist" by Paulo Coelho
Life changing, easy to read, beautiful.

(But I started this tread to find a book to read after Shantaram because I find it hard to believe there many book out there who can top that. Anyone read that, and if so, have you read anything better?)
Gene Wolfe - Book of the New Sun. (regarded by many as better than Tolkien)
George RR Martin - A Song of Ice And Fire (uncensored, epic, symbolic, and realistic characters)
Kim Stanley Robinson - Mars Trilogy (fiction, but very, very plausible near-future predictions. so far successful since its publishing)

those 3 are clear choices for me.
Flowers for Algernon

Tietam Brown

Lord of the Rings

The Hobbit

The Silmarillion
yes, I'm a nerd
I'm currently enjoying A night at the Starlite Motel.
The only books I read more than once are William Faulkner novels simply because they don't make any sense the first time.
I've never been a huge reader, but House of Leaves is definitely the most interesting book I've read. Really made me want to start reading more as well.

Probably the most original book I've seen - not story wise, but in the way the actual book looks like. I mean, I've never had to flip a book upside down so much, nor flip backwards and forwards so much just to reach the end of the book. There is no book out there like it.
I've never been a huge reader, but House of Leaves is definitely the most interesting book I've read. Really made me want to start reading more as well.

Abso-fucking-lutely! One of my all time faves (good use of blue, btw! You can always tell a fan...) Have you read Only Revolutions or The Fifty Year Sword?

Some faves that come to mind:

A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving
The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
The Serpent and the Rainbow by Wade Davis
The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King
Boy's Life by Robert McCammon
The Left Hand of Darkness[/] b y Ursula K. LeGuin

Geez... I could go on and on. I love books!
Probably the most original book I've seen - not story wise, but in the way the actual book looks like. I mean, I've never had to flip a book upside down so much, nor flip backwards and forwards so much just to reach the end of the book. There is no book out there like it.

Yeah Ive flipped through this book many times in the store but never got it. I felt that the genius is in the layout and style of design, but does the story hold up to the design?
Three Day Road - Joseph Boyden
A perfect World War I story with a great twist of flashbacks and, might I say, great sex scenes.

Eragon & Eldest - Christopher Paolini
An awesome fantasy tale. The movie just sucked out loud, so don't use it as a guide. I can't wait for the third and final one!

Be More Chill - Ned Vizzini
Perfect teen angst-esc book. Kid gets a pill that goes to his brain, the pill then tells him how to be cool.

It's Kind of a Funny Story - Ned Vizzini
Yet another teen angst-esc book. A great read, that I think is one of the greatest books I've read.

Artemis Fowl series - Eion Colfer
Magical scientific mixture. Great story, humerous plots, and a 10 year old boy genius that meets fairies.

I have many others, but these are some of the best in my eyes.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - "One Hundred Years Of Solitude"

I felt almost like I would never need any other book again after this one. By a considerable distance the best book I've read. No wonder this guy got a nobel prize for literature. It's so... ambitious, and his gift of language is incredible. Absolutely mind-blowing, IMHO.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - "One Hundred Years Of Solitude"

I felt almost like I would never need any other book again after this one. By a considerable distance the best book I've read. No wonder this guy got a nobel prize for literature. It's so... ambitious, and his gift of language is incredible. Absolutely mind-blowing, IMHO.

I just finished that last night. I can't say I was as overwhelmed as you or other people I know were. I mean, it wasn't bad, but a lot of the parts seemed pointless. Also, I kept getting mixed up with the characters, since they all have the same name!
But the end of the book was really good, and when I finished it I found myself more moved than while I was reading it. It definately snuck up on me how I felt I "know" the Buendia family.

All in all, good book, but I can't understand the hype. But I also promised myself to re-read it, hopefully next time round it'll leave a better impression on me.
I just finished that last night. I can't say I was as overwhelmed as you or other people I know were. I mean, it wasn't bad, but a lot of the parts seemed pointless. Also, I kept getting mixed up with the characters, since they all have the same name!
But the end of the book was really good, and when I finished it I found myself more moved than while I was reading it. It definately snuck up on me how I felt I "know" the Buendia family.

All in all, good book, but I can't understand the hype. But I also promised myself to re-read it, hopefully next time round it'll leave a better impression on me.

I'll hand it to you, the edition I read had a "family tree" on the inner cover - I would have been entirely lost without it!!!!
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - "One Hundred Years Of Solitude"

I felt almost like I would never need any other book again after this one. By a considerable distance the best book I've read. No wonder this guy got a nobel prize for literature. It's so... ambitious, and his gift of language is incredible. Absolutely mind-blowing, IMHO.

Dear God! How could I have forgotten That! recommended for all humanity.
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