Borknagar to play Screamfest 08

And I hate you Cait :p Unfortunately I cannot afford to fly 4000 miles to Norway :lol:

Lies, I'm currently in debt but I'm still going to see them, Borknagar is worth it all. On that note though, any idea of a price yet or will I just have to wait till tickets go up for sale?

Also as amazing as Borknagar are, seeing KoK and Immortal would be a sexellent treat too!
Lies, I'm currently in debt but I'm still going to see them, Borknagar is worth it all. On that note though, any idea of a price yet or will I just have to wait till tickets go up for sale?

Also as amazing as Borknagar are, seeing KoK and Immortal would be a sexellent treat too!

I'm a big fan too, but I think it's kind of silly to put yourself in further debt to travel and see them. That's is FANATIC. :lol: But I hope you do go see them, at least some of us will. I COULD raise the funds from now until November but that would be all my money and it's just, I'd rather not if there's a chance that they will come here someday in the future.
Well I just got an approximate... $1063.12 would be the ticket cost, roughly for roundtrip around the time of the event. I'd still need to factor in food costs, travel within the city, a place to stay, etc. I'd say all in all I'd need about $3000 dollars, which is a lot of money to me. I would rather not spend it if they are going to come here in 2009 after their new CD comes out you know. But then again I don't want to NOT go and then they don't play for another 3 years.

Asgeir, please tell me :lol: Is it possible that the mighty Borknadales will come to Canada in the future or is this going to be my only chance to see you?
I'm a big fan too, but I think it's kind of silly to put yourself in further debt to travel and see them. That's is FANATIC. :lol: But I hope you do go see them, at least some of us will. I COULD raise the funds from now until November but that would be all my money and it's just, I'd rather not if there's a chance that they will come here someday in the future.

If this helps at all, this concert would be in combination with a few other things as well. I've always wanted to go to Scandinavia and Ireland, and I have a chunk of money saved up for just this purpose. I wouldn't be going over *just* to see this festival.

In fact, I was going to go this spring; I even had an itinerary all planned out, and I was going to try to pull off InfernoFest with a couple of friends. But I developed some leg muscle problems instead, which is hampering my ability to get around. So I'm putting it off until I'm either a. all healed up, or b. get more mobile. I think I can accomplish one or the other in 8 months, and also let the travel fund collect more interest in the bank :)

So, this is actually perfect timing! :headbang:

Oh, I'm not going into debt or quitting my job or school for this. Nothing rash or anything.
If this helps at all, this concert would be in combination with a few other things as well. I've always wanted to go to Scandinavia and Ireland, and I have a chunk of money saved up for just this purpose. I wouldn't be going over *just* to see this festival.

In fact, I was going to go this spring; I even had an itinerary all planned out, and I was going to try to pull off InfernoFest with a couple of friends. But I developed some leg muscle problems instead, which is hampering my ability to get around. So I'm putting it off until I'm either a. all healed up, or b. get more mobile. I think I can accomplish one or the other in 8 months, and also let the travel fund collect more interest in the bank :)

So, this is actually perfect timing! :headbang:

Oh, I'm not going into debt or quitting my job or school for this. Nothing rash or anything.

:lol: Well lucky you, how about spreading some of the wealth to us less fortunate :p? And yeah I wouldn't be going into debt if I went, but I would be hard pressed to get the cash and if even if I did that would be ALL my money XD I would be broke, for a year, but not in debt :lol: Also I couldn't really afford to do anything else so XD I in fact would only be going for the festival. Places to stay costs a lot of money!
It's possible, but who knows. I'll be the optimist and say that after the new CD they may play a few gigs around Europe and if they want to be REALLY nice to their fans here, they could come play a few shows in Canada or the US, who knows.
"Screamfest is the only Norwegian live show for Borknagar in 2008!" Does that mean you guys might be playing somewhere else this year?
I had some hard time looking for flights :lol:

In the end I had to go searching the Norway Irish website and found scandinavian airlines. I first tried to fly Cork - Oslo, but they were charging 320 euro and were going to fly me: Cork-Dublin-Copenhagen-Olso. So I changed it to Dublin - Oslo and I got my tickets for 139 Euro and it was a direct flight! Talk about insane! :lol:
I don't mind being poor, but when shows like these pop up...I wish I had the funds.

Theirs got to be some type of fundraiser or scam I can pull...
:lol: Well lucky you, how about spreading some of the wealth to us less fortunate :p? And yeah I wouldn't be going into debt if I went, but I would be hard pressed to get the cash and if even if I did that would be ALL my money XD I would be broke, for a year, but not in debt :lol: Also I couldn't really afford to do anything else so XD I in fact would only be going for the festival. Places to stay costs a lot of money!

Hahahah. No, I've been planning this excursion overseas for about a year now. It's just that the timing got thrown off. If it's any consolation, I also have medical bills, so some income goes towards those as well.

No, the Borkendales Live! In Concert! is the impetus, but not the entire focus of the trip. I'll still have to see how everything pans out before I book any tickets.