Dark Tranquillity Song Survivor - Final Round!

Which one of these is THE BETTER SONG?

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Doctor BenQuillity
May 7, 2001
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To finish this ancient game of ours, here's the final poll. Two songs remain and only one of them is going to be named the Ultimate Dark Tranquillity Song Survivor! :Smokin:

As this is the final round, I'll change the voting-system: you need no longer vote for the song you want dropped out of the Survivor - you can just choose which one of these two you like the most and vote for it.

Got it? Now go voting. And no cheating.

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Reactions: Child of Time
Both are masterpieces but Lethe is slighty better.. Mikael's voice is simply amazing.. Punish My Heaven is a great adrenaline rush :)
i voted for punsih my heaven eventhough it's not one of my favorite DT songs evah. the point is that lethe is too baroque for my taste. it's great, make no mistake, but it's too cliché (very refinedly so, of course, but still cliché) in its representation of sturm und drang passion. on the other hand, punish my heaven is more reassuringly cliché (same as above) in a nihilistic way... which suits my taste better at the moment.

and of course the ultimate DT song is shadow duet.
Lucky me to return here just in time for this historical event of utmost magnitude. :Spin: It's intriguing to see which songs that are left.

i voted for punsih my heaven eventhough it's not one of my favorite DT songs evah. the point is that lethe is too baroque for my taste. it's great, make no mistake, but it's too cliché (very refinedly so, of course, but still cliché) in its representation of sturm und drang passion.

You've got a good point there and I agree with you, but as exactly that fits my taste rather good these days, I vote for Lethe.

Thank you Villain, for coping with this project for several years! :worship:
I chose Punish My Heaven. Which is easily one of my top-5 DT songs, while Lethe makes it barely into the top-10.

I want ''My is the grandeur... of melancholy burning''. Damn bastards. :cry: So then, be it Punish my heaven.

MitG...OMB got voted out on the semifinal round, but surviving that far was quite an achievement in itself. The aforementioned Shadow Duet, on the other hand, got voted out way too early in my opinion. Both are certainly great songs.

And to Child of Time: Would you believe if I said I was just wating for you to return so that I could have enough old-timers to vote in this poll? :loco:

Though Lethe has a much stronger emotional baggage, mostly carried by Mikael's amazing performance, Punish My Heaven is and will always be the song that I will never get tired of listening to.

So Punish My Heaven it is.
lethe because its more emotional and this dark feeling is what I like in DT
but interesting that the last survivors are from the gallery

I agree on everything he said and voted for Lethe.
I'm not sue for which to vote, those two are some of my favourite DT songs hehe :p .

And yeah, I noticed that too, funny thing that both of the songs are from The Gallery.

But will The Gallery win for best album?

That, is the question one now ponders.

When did this survivor start? Anyone remembers? I'm glad we're finally having the last round. :hotjump: