How many of you consider Opeth a doom metal band?

NineFeetUnderground said:
good to see some morgion fans. i may actually be starting a band with the drummer from will be doom mixed with psychadelia. he asked me to join him. if my schedule permits, i will do it.

Holy shit that's some AWESOME news. That's so weird, I was listening to Cloaked By Ages today and was wondering if the guys had some projects in mind.
Maggot9 said:
Opeth is death metal with doom influences

Righteous man you are Sir......!!!.......I totally agree.....Mikael himslef has sadi so...!!!......PEAC EOUT
Rensei said:
I'm a very huge doom fans. I'm very much into bands like Morgion, Esoteric, My Dying Bride, Void of Silence, Thergothon, Mar de Grises among others and I can assure you my friend, this statement of yours is just...wrong. "Couldn't get any further from Doom"? WTF? Any power metal, for exemple, is much further from Doom than Opeth. To me, Opeth is NOT a doom metal band, but they certainly drifting into that realm from time to time.

I'm saying that Opeth ISNT a doom band, ready my post again matey and restructure what you have said here (because I don't disagree with you, I only disagree with how you have put it across).

The closest that Opeth have come to doom in my opinion is that Mike did vocals in BMD, which was a doom record (people will argue on this one too).

If you're into doom as much as you say you are, then you should know that many people are quick to label something doom just because they hear sadness or see lyrics about melancholy! This DOESNT catergorise what doom is. Then also take into consideration that "doom" (eg Cathedral) and "doom metal" (eg My Dying Bride) are also two different things as well (although now I head into the sub-genres debarcle which has already been discussed).

From the thread on ""Opeth mix Rock from the 70s with Death Metal. Their music is way to fast and contains to much triggering to be doom. Also, their lyrics doesn't concentrate on sadness, apocalypse or whatever."

Doom is a completely different genre of music as to what Opeth are doing. While both genres take influences from the 70's, the influences are massively different ones. Opeth take progressive rock, while doom takes Black Sabbath (you should know this already!). There are no similarities between the two, they are obviously different. Not only that, but the lyrical and emotional focus of doom goes much further than Opeth does, it's a far darker and fatalistic form of melancholy. Doom is an extremely dark romantic form of metal.

For those new to metal (I have been into metal since 1986), I suggest you read the following for more info overall. These are good articles. Reading band interviews is also a good thing too, as the band will say themselves what they believe. There's much more available to ready, but these quick two are ones I could think of:

What is Doom Metal?
Quick notes on Metal Genres:
Whenever I introduce people to Opeth, I call it 'progressive melodic death metal'. It's a bit of a stretch, but I reckon it's the best description. Namely because if I said 'progressive metal', they could easily think 'Dream Theater'. If I said 'death metal', they could easily think Napalm Death. If I said 'melodic death metal' they could easily think Children of Bodom. So i reckon a band that progresses their sound a lot during each song with dominant growling and easily audible melodies would fit under progressive melodic death metal.

I like potatoes.
NineFeetUnderground said:
good to see some morgion fans. i may actually be starting a band with the drummer from will be doom mixed with psychadelia. he asked me to join him. if my schedule permits, i will do it.
Morgion rules! every single song! fucking shame they split really curious about Keen On The Crow, how they will sound compared to Morgion.
I'm knowledgeable in metal enough to label anything, but I'm just sick of all the arguing with labelling. It's just as nerdy as people arguing over Dragonball Z or Pokemon. Opeth to me is just one of those bands you can't label. Kinda like Dissection and Nevermore. Some think Nevermore's thrash, some think they're power (??wtf??), some think Dissection is melodic death, others think they're black metal...but both really have different styles of metal in their music to where you can't really label them. Opeth.
progressive death metal

no 'doom' influence, just prog rock.

You hear the distorted guitar and the death metal atmosphere and think its doom. It's not. It's progressive. Doom should be nearly painful to listen to. Like 'death whispered a lullaby' on lamentations that has bad intonation on peter's gibson les paul.
doomier bands never got accepted in to the genre... the likes of cult of luna and isis... so why would a death metal band be considered doom ??? just cause of the atmospheric part and what not... MEH... nope..
3 post in like 1 minute anyways... if opeth was a doom metal band they would sound like Dark Suns
Forest of Åsatrú said:
fuck you guys and your sub-genres. Opeth is Opeth. no band sounds like them. So I calll them Opeth metal. Eat shit spongebob.

Fuck you and your derogatory language. :loco:

Well really, I think genre-labelling is a necessary evil. We mostly need it to try give an idea of what a certain type of band sounds like, or to describe what sort of music we listen to, among other things.
Melinda's Lover said:
Extreme Progressive Metal.

I used to say that.. but now i just call them Progressive Metal.. i don't exactly think they're all that extreme, but they are definitely progressive.. you could call it either Symphonic or progressive but i prefer the term progressive as they don't contrast enough to be truly symphonic imo.. But i would definitely not call them extreme.

It seems many people just come up with their own interpretations so nobody really agrees.. call em whatever you like, what you think suits em best.