Legendary Norwegian bands

Which of these deserves your deepest respect?

  • Mayhem

    Votes: 8 14.5%
  • Darkthrone

    Votes: 11 20.0%
  • Satyricon

    Votes: 7 12.7%
  • Immortal

    Votes: 14 25.5%
  • Ulver

    Votes: 15 27.3%

  • Total voters


Apr 19, 2002
I have selected 5 legendary Norwegian bands in the genre of
black! (Yes, I know some have changed style)..

So: Who makes/made the best music of these, and most
importantly WHY?
Well, it was very very hard for me too. I worship all those
bands about just as much, I guess... But a decision had to be made.
I chose Mayhem because of the old stuff, which is truly black
metal art supreme. The atmosphere on De Mysteriis..
is unsurpassed. Attila Csihar's vox are unique and brilliant!
oh,this is so fucking hard.... hmmmm
i think i won't vote,even though my mouse is automatically placed to the dot next to ULVER :roplleyes:
I adore Ulver,i love their constant change...i know that some people hate it but for me somehow it is the essence of ulver :)
Besides i really appreciate the fact they never stuck into sth.On the contrary they didn't hesitate changing rapidly from one style to another.....damn,i can be so biased when it comes to Ulver :rolleyes:
I also respect the other bands as well...apart from Immortal.Okey they are cool,but they have never been my cup of tea....
The same for the early mayhem (apart from Chainsaw ;) ),but i do respect their contribution in BM not only because they were among the first but also because i love Grand Declaration of War (great evolution) and because i saw them twice live last year and it was awesome!!!
Darkthrone is AWESOME!!!!!!! (even though i don't listen to them much lately,cause my mood "forces" me to listen to other stuff).I really like many of their works...and their rotten sound....
Satyricon i also like a lot.....Generally MORE than mayhem...all their works are very cool but i particularly enjoy "the shadowthrone" and "dark medieval times"
Ulver... whatever genre they move into (well, the descirbable albums), they are amazing, and their constant change only makes me respect them more - I feel it's a sign of integrity... and they just rock :D

And PC has to be one of the best albums ever recorded :p
It's impossible to pick just one. Darkthrone & Ulver are godly. Mayhem... well, Mayhem is Mayhem, though to me, A Grand Declaration of War is not anymore and I hate Maniac's monotonous voice. Satyricon is great but I don't like Rebel Extravaganza very much (or at all). There.
I like 4 of those bands a lot (i don't really like Immortal). But my choice on which is best was made in about one nanoseconed. I love Grand Declaration Of War, I think Rebel Extravaganza is one of the best black metal albums of the last decade, Darkthrone is in one league by their one but Ulver are in my opinion the best band on the planet right now (ok, I may be exaggerating a little bit but what can I do?). They have released only great albums, among which is my all-time favorite "Themes...". So, I guess Norway should be proud for being the home of this band.
My vote goes to Ulver as well cause every album is different from the other and also cause Ulver DARES to compose and release whatever they feel like! They were always (and still are) followed by other bands... Ulver rules!
Satyricon releases are all very close to perfect! I can't wait for Volcano to be out....
MayheM is a legend but cause of all the well-known thing that happened they couldn't have a normal evolution to reach the sound of "grand..." and so this album seems like another band's work....
Darkthrone is so cool but..... no evolution?
I don't concider Immortal as one of the 5 legendary Norsk bands....
I would post Burzum in their place.....
Originally posted by Dionysos

I don't concider Immortal as one of the 5 legendary Norsk bands....
I would post Burzum in their place.....

Yes, it's true. Always like that at these polls. Some are forgotten.
Of course Burzum should've been an option. well well. :)

Yet, I do consider Immortal as one of the legends, no doubt about that. :p
But is Burzum more legendary? Perhaps.. might be..?!?
Originally posted by Lordenlil
Yet, I do consider Immortal as one of the legends, no doubt about that. :p
But is Burzum more legendary? Perhaps.. might be..?!?

In my opinion Burzum are much more interesting musically than Immortal, but as I said that is just my opinion. And there will always be the problem with these polls that can't include everything. For example, Thorns are another legendary name in the norwegian scene, even if they have released only one album, last year. Or Emperor... But there will always be someone to add a few names to the list.
Originally posted by Lordenlil
Yet, I do consider Immortal as one of the legends, no doubt about that.
Hmmm I souldn't have said that about Immortal as this shows only subjectivity....
and as Kveldssanger state: "... But there will always be someone to add a few names to the list."
Let's just stay to the fact that Ulver leads in this poll :hotjump:

*my english sucks*
Yes, what you say about Thorns is true. It's so strange that some
legends never really released much at all.. he he.

Yeah - Ulver is in the lead... and they deserve it as much as any
of the others. Personally I'm happy to so the general positive
respons to Perdition City (And Themes... for that matter). Great!
I love their music a lot. It is unique!
Originally posted by Lordenlil
Personally I'm happy to so the general positive
respons to Perdition City (And Themes... for that matter). Great!
I love their music a lot. It is unique!

Same here... Many of the fans who initially didn't like their change n direction now seem to have accepted it, whcih has to be a good thing ;)

Especially with the metamorphasis EP's disclaimer :)
Originally posted by Lordenlil
Yes, what you say about Thorns is true. It's so strange that some
legends never really released much at all.. he he.

Not so strange if you consider the time many of the leaders of the scene spent on enjoying their...vacations... in Norway's jails.

As for Ulver, everytime I read that statement in "Metamorphosis" I can't help but smile. Garm managed to surprise everyone once again.
huhe... my first post on this forum and my vote go tooooooooo....... (one minute silence).... DARKTHRONE!!!
btw: where is THORNS, EMPEROR, BURZUM?
Originally posted by Eldzik
huhe... my first post on this forum and my vote go tooooooooo....... (one minute silence).... DARKTHRONE!!!
btw: where is THORNS, EMPEROR, BURZUM?

*having breakfast*

Well, as I said, I _selected_ 5 bands. I thought of Emperor,
Artcturus etc.. too, I just didn't want them in this time (I'm
curious of the combination that is now. I only regret forgetting
Burzum, like I said earlier)

But this question ALWAYS turns up in every poll. :)
And even if I had used all 20 options there would have been
some missing... well well :D
Well have a more extended poll later, I think.

Bye - leaving now, I cannot reply to this in a while (if u comment on it) :wave: