Old School Metalheads like me....

Officer Nice

Oct 7, 2002
Lately there's been a lot of brawling and ball breaking on this board.
I've been very involved with that. I know fighting is wrong.
And there's been lots of talk about 'old school' this and 'old school' that.
Someone on this board said that I am very passionate about my metal
and I am. It's because of how Old School Metalheads like me are wired.
Stun said that I am a product of my enviornment and it's not likely that
change will come easy to me. And he's right.

When I was 14, Life was a bitter confusing mess of shit. My parents
were full of shit and didn't understand, the school was full of shit,
the Catholic Church was full of shit, the Government was full of shit,
teenagers like me didn't know who to turn to, we didn't understand
much and I was lost and I confused and I was alienated and I was
deeply introverted. I had no voice. I had no identity. It was very lonely.

And then I found metal. Finally I found something to believe in,
something that spoke to me, something to live for.
I was rescued. I was saved. I was free. I had hope. There was
happiness, and there was love. Metal was my
religion-my altar-my temple-my church-my brotherhood. The songs
were more than sounds,echoes and reverbations in the air, the songs
were lifeblood. Metal was my heart, my soul, my bones, my air.
We lived and breathed Metal from the posters on my wall, to the
CD Collection I very proudly had, to the shirts on my back. I lived
for shows. It was very hardcore. It was all I had going and all I had
to look forward to. I loved Metal like I would love my kids or my
puppy dogs. Old School Metalheads like me are very protective of
our metal. I don't care who likes it or not, big fucking whoop, but
trash talking it is like spitting on my shoes. Like shit talking my family.
Our Bay Area Metal is the best metal, everyone else's metal sucks.
And if we don't like your metal, we'll tell you so. I remember the most
vivid example of this was seeing Kreator/Morgoth/Blitspheer at the Stone
in 1991. Kreator was on the Coma Of Souls Tour and Morgoth was
gettin good buzz cause they were one of the best most baddest ass
Death Metal bands out there. Blitspheer was unknown. They opened.
They were this NY kind of thing, greasy white trash style with skulls
and chrome exhaust pipes and black&white checker racing flags on
their logo. The music wasn't that good.
2 songs into their set the crowd started booing. They did suck ass.
And the crowd was yelling "you suck" "fuck you" "get off the stage"
and giving middle fingers, and eventually throwing empty plastic cups
at the stage. At the end of their set the drummer threw a stick out
and someone actually threw it back. The bay area metalheads didnt
like it and made that known. We take our metal very seriously.
That's how we were. The Bay Area Metal bands were/are more
than just bands. Those are our friends, our metal brothers, our
gang, our hometown heroes. It's special. It's sacred. It's Holy.
This is our lives, this is our world, this is our existance and that will
be respected. period.

You may not like it, you may think it's silly,
but we're not you and you are not us and you may not have been
there. We will not apologize for how we behave or how we talk.
That's our metal and we love it with Pride and Passion and it's a
part of who we are and we wouldn't be who we are without our
metal. Some of us owe our lives to our metal. Some of us didn't make
it through the night sometimes without our metal. Life sucks. Metal
Rules. We belong to it.
Truth be told. Maybe this helps you understand us.
I'm not the only one. There are many like me.

\m/ \m/ \m/ \m/

OfficerNice said:
Truth be told. Maybe this helps you understand us.
I'm not the only one. There are many like me.

\m/ \m/ \m/ \m/


I'm a bit younger than you but I can related to everything you said.... I was hooked on Metal music when I bought myself a copy of Powerslave when I was five just because I thought the cover was cool cuz it looked like a documentary I just saw....
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Larf03 said:
I'm a bit younger than you but I can related to everything you said.... I was hooked on Metal music when I bought myself a copy of Powerslave when I was five just because I thought the cover was cool cuz it looked like a documentary I just saw....

Right On Dude. Metal Forever \m/.


Ammended- this is worth repping.
Old school thrash kicks ass --> old school thrashers kick ass.
I do understand the part about getting upset about others not liking your music, hell, I even got pissed off when mom didn't like Reign in Blood.
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Sorath said:
Old school thrash kicks ass --> old school thrashers kick ass.
I do understand the part about getting upset about others not liking your music, hell, I even got pissed off when mom didn't like Reign in Blood.
Mom didn't like Reign in Blood?

and I do get upset when people don't like what I like, even if that's a bad reason. I just can't help it, but really they are the ones who should be pissed off for getting faulty ears/brains.
I understand, OfficerNice... don't you think that maybe I went through something similar?

I never bashed your music... I bashed the way you bashed other people's music. However, I did bash some of your beliefs, only because it is my belief some of your beliefs are horribly misguided. And just as you have bashed other's beliefs... eye for an eye, right? Just because people are from different places doesn't mean they are so different.

All of your words can apply to just about every other metalhead on the planet, they're just from a different place... different time period maybe, different experiences to draw upon, just different people, but some things stay the same. Everything you just said is basically what I've been trying to tell you. I'm not sure who's said more on the matter now, me or you. :D Although I think you're a dick most of the time, you still understand something on an unconscious level... it makes it hard to dislike you even when you're being such a dick.

The Testament board is so full of such a contradictory combination of things. I always feel like never posting again and end up posting on several topics within hours. o_O
Stun said:
Although I think you're a dick most of the time, you still understand something on an unconscious level... it makes it hard to dislike you even when you're being such a dick o_O

Beers for Stun.


I love metal music,
I live metal ever since I was 11 years old.
I love this music, for me its something so valuable and amazing
And I will probably always like metal music (among others)
I started to listen to metal since I was 11 years old.
Grew up on heavy metal and then I discovered thrash bands and thrash music.
And ever since im 12 – I was hooked.
Im 24 years old now, I love this music half of my life time,
I worked for MetalHammer, traveled the world, covered shows,
Gigs, festivals, met so many people “from the scene”
Worked in music labels, own more than 3000 cds.

Remind me NEVER to move to the Bay area.

Sorry, but if being part of the bay area means that I have to be so closed minded to other people’s opinions
Then – no thanks.

You have no idea how much I respect the Bay Area music, and to everything it has contribute to the world of metal.
its very significant, and ill say it again so you all be sure – I RESPECT the bay area, and all the bands there
hell- some of the bands from there are my fav bands.
I also respect the people and the scen- so that’s why im writing this to you.

No matter how tough it was back then,
And no matter how protective you guys are towards your music and legacy,
And no matter how old are you, and if you are from the “old school”,
That doesn’t give YOU or anyone the right to bash people for having different opinions.
If someone wants to say Exsodus sucks, then fuck it. Let him say that, who cares ????
Its MUSIC - opinions will be all over the place.
Wil lyou start bashing Britney Spears fans for not liking metal now ?
Whats wrong with you people ?

So it was a very nice speech, indeed.
But you’re not the first person that came from the bay area.
I have so many friends there, and ive been there soooo many times.
Some of those people are “old school” just like you.
But no one has the same “Attitude”
No one thinks that if someone talks shit- then they have to “protect” their land like it’s the last thing on earth.

By saying “you” I don’t mean Officer Nice specifically, by the way, but this is for the whole attitude
The bands are not touchy like you guys.
I know, believe me, some of my best friends are people from bands that you admire so much .
Take my word for it.

I respect you all, but I don’t think a “bay area” metal head is more “metalhead” than me. Or any other.
In fact, who cares who is more and who is less ?

Lets all enjoy the music, and if people say they didn’t like the amazing Exsodus album -
Then its fucking their loss !

Hails for the Bay Area !

~ Karen
Dead_Lioness said:
Remind me NEVER to move to the Bay area.
Shame Really. Beautiful Place.

Sorry, but if being part of the bay area means that I have to be so closed minded to other people’s opinions
Then – no thanks.
I'm not closed minded. I said protective. There's a difference.
I dont hate on other bands genres or music.

So it was a very nice speech, indeed.
But you’re not the first person that came from the bay area.
I have so many friends there, and ive been there soooo many times.
Some of those people are “old school” just like you.
But no one has the same “Attitude”
No one thinks that if someone talks shit- then they have to “protect” their land like it’s the last thing on earth.
I didnt say everyone there is like me, There are other kinds.
I'm speaking for my breed.
Sorry that I am so awful closed minded and disgustingly neanderthalitic.

By saying “you” I don’t mean Officer Nice specifically, by the way, but this is for the whole attitude
The bands are not touchy like you guys.
I know, believe me, some of my best friends are people from bands that you admire so much .
Take my word for it.
And take mine that I know some of those very same people.I
just never discuss names. And they do like the fierce loyalty in their
friends and fans.

I respect you all, but I don’t think a “bay area” metal head is more “metalhead” than me. Or any other.
In fact, who cares who is more and who is less ?
I didnt say more. I didnt say less. I said just me.

If they dont enjoy the album, their loss? hmm. I said that in my post.

<Grousing>Last time I try that compassion thing.
to make a long story short:

i dont think because you're from the "bay area"
*opens a beer and hands it to you*
it gives you the right to be over protective, or sensitive about people's opinions
*opens a bottle for herself as well*
what i mean is...

where's my peanuts ?
Dead_Lioness said:
to make a long story short:

i dont think because you're from the "bay area"
*opens a beer and hands it to you*
it gives you the right to be over protective, or sensitive about people's opinions
*opens a bottle for herself as well*
what i mean is...

where's my peanuts ?

opinion noted. I was being compassionate enough to explain my
position. no more no less. If you don't agree...ok by me.

Wheres your peanuts? In my kitchen. Wanna come over? Or should
I deliver them?

Thanks a shitload, Dead_Lioness, for saying all that stuff... now I don't have to feel bad for not saying it. :) But I think OfficerNice understands this, in his own way... where he's grown up, the whole music scene, is an inseparable part of his life, for better and worse. I don't have any sort of music scene that I grew up in like the Bay Area, so I can't fully relate... I have different values and connections because of that... but I know exactly what he means! All I can do is show a little respect, or be a dick too. I think I really finally understand something about America and it's denizens... I don't take back anything I've ever said to ya, Officer, and I know you wouldn't either... but now I believe this has some sort of closure.

So the bitter old man and the bitter young upstart and all (well at least most) the other colorful characters of the Bay Area and beyond lived happily ever after. :lol:
Officer, I have a slightly similar protective thing going on. I think when you are from a certain area of the world, you are proud of what your home town (state?) musicians accomplish...I understand that. I understand the protective thing too.

But, for an example...I'm from Washington State. We had some good bands, I think. We had/have some outrageously talented bands as well. But, grunge came along, and that was it. A few of our precious bands died off, changed, etc. And when grunge was over, all I ever heard was how fucked up Washington bands were. How "they ruined METAL!" I didn't take it personal. Why? I'm confident and secure in what I liked, where I was coming from, what I supported. And as protective as I feel about some of our bands, I understood alot of the anger that came out.

Still, it didn't change me, or my tastes terribly. And if some friend (strangers too) didn't like my music, that's cool....I'm secure in what I like.

IT's great to be proud of your origins. And the music you grew up on. I totally understand where you're coming from. I'd be proud too!

But, for everyone else, don't take it personal. He has that much pride in that area to defend it with a vengeace....
My perspective (because obviously no topic means anything until I've input what I think):

I'm San Francisco born and raised, but I missed the metal scene by two decades or so. So as I got more and more into metal (Metallica started me) I pretty much went back and retraced the steps of my parents' much cooler contemporaries. With the guidance of whoever I could find on the internet or at shows with a recommendation for a musically confused teenager, I constructed my own little history of Bay Area Thrash, dropping into Amoeba Records every day looking for used Forbidden and Vio-lence CDs.

The San Francisco Bay Area, a socially and politically liberal environment as well as one full of many strange and interesting sights and people, has shaped me from day one. Thus, I've always been very loyal to my city on all issues, no matter how misguided that loyalty may be (FUCKING GIANTS, WIN ALREADY!) So when you combine that with something else I feel strongly about - music - you've got one rabid Bay Area defender.

Of course, as I've been reminded, "I wasn't there." And it's true; when DE was doing coke on the balconies with Kirk Hammet and OfficerNice was drunkenly setting himself up for neck surgery, I was non-existent, a fetus, or at best, a wrinkly pink turd-dropping potato with a certain resemblance to Winston Churchill. Yet I feel and promote a strong loyalty to the "scene." Some people may call me a poseur for this.

But you know what? I don't give a shit. Let's see them, at a whopping 5'3 and 120 lbs, throw themselves into a Death Angel mosh pit. The thing is that no matter the history, the spirit of the scene is still alive. The soul of the music and the crowd, that makes me hurl myself into harm's way, that makes random strangers pull my carcass up off the ground after I've been catapulted ten feet through the air by a 300 lb. drunken gorilla (true story), that makes the same crowds pay to see the same bands again and again. And I may not have been there to witness the creation of that spirit, but I'll be damned to an eternity of Opeth and Rhapsody if I'm going to sit here and age without doing something to help keep it alive.

As for the whole "rivalry" thing and dissing other music, no offense Karen, but you seem to me mixing up cause and effect. You're implying that people don't like other stuff because they're BATs, whereas it's more likely that people gravitate towards the scene because they prefer it to other stuff. I don't think that being part of any exclusive club lends your subjective opinions more weight. A knowledge of music history or a wider base of comparision may, but simply being HARDKORE TR00 OLD-SCHOOL means nothing. The "I know better, I was there" phenomenon, however, does carry some weight; call it elitism, but "being there" does give one some additional perspective on the music - a more informed opinion. :bah: Yes, I admit it, Pest may have a more experience musical opinion than me. Don't rub it in.

Officer - dig the story about how you were metallized. For me, it was the natural progression of my musical tastes - things got slowly more and more aggresive, until I one day went out to the backyard with my Limp Bizkit CDs, a baseball bat, and a lighter. Then I came back and put on Kill 'Em All. It was decided.

I don't know if it was a reaction to anything in my life - feelings of isolation, maybe; I was pretty frustrated at the time (13-14). But looking back, apart from the schools which spanned that period (which I loathed with a passion) my life was pretty good. I guess there was just something in the music that called to me, beyond the fact that it sounded good. Something in the frenzy of riffage called to my blood (must be that Welshman blood, eh DE?), and it gave me an identity and something to go back to every time shit went down.

Maybe that's it...there's a feeling of permanence to this place and the people here. They were drawn together by their common experiences - bonded by blood - and it shaped their lives. They're not going to forget it, and they're not going to let anybody else forget. So as long as veterans like the ones on this board are still living metal and still adding new disciples like me and Stun to their ranks, the Stone, the Hit the Lights demo, and Paul motherfucking Baloff will live on. It's comforting to know that.

There's my substantially-more-than-two cents.
Deadly Embrace said:
I'm Old School........I was in the scene from day one.......apart of the scene then, & to this day.........Music is my life........I say what I feel........I talk truth.........Always Have...........Always will.........:headbang:

That's why you're the TL preacher... :)

I agree. Metal, or at least Bay Area metalheads, need not be explained in words sometimes. The time for words is over... now, it's time for metal again.
Murder In The Front Row
Crowd Begins To Bang
And There's Blood Upon The Stage
Bang You Head Against The Stage
And Metal Takes Its Price
Bonded By Blood


