Perspective on the new roster

*At the moment, I only have a single repeat band

This is risky but cool. I love "risky but cool". :)

*It’s 12 bands, not 10. So if you don’t like 2 of them, then re-evaluate the roster without those names on it in your own mind AFTER the headliners are announced. You can get back to me then.

or... If you don't like 2 of the bands, then give yourself a moment to go relax, eat, or socialize. It's not just a concert... it's a festival.
I have to say that for me, this is the best lineup I have EVER seen other than PPScandinavia this year. And that's with two more bands to be announced.

That said: As it stands, I am not sure that this is a sell-out fest; however, if the headliners truly deliver as I expect they will, I'm going to say it's a 2-day sell-out.
Elvenking: Small, but DEVOTED fanbase that will be the ultimate street team for a band on this roster. Older fans will enjoy the folk aspect while new fans will enjoy their new Nocturnal Rites style. The new album just came out so it needs time for word of mouth to spread.

Count me as a member of that fanbase! I'm a proud owner of every CD and have been praying you'd put them on the bill after this new album. Thank you, and if anyone complains about this particular band send them to me ;)
Hell yeah to Elvenking and Iron Savior, as for the others I'll keep my mind open. Big power fan here but as long as prog band puts good songwriting as a priority, it's all good. Damn it's going to be a long year.
My comments are in green, fittingly for me

Pathosray- The album just came off the presses last week. Nobody knows them. Same thing happened with Circus Maximus a few years ago and that turned out just fine.

I agree with the CM comment because from what I heard in the sample they sound a lot like them

Serenity: Released one of the best debuts in recent memory. They will appeal to both sides of the coin. Trust me.

This is the only band I have heard nothing from, but I liked the sample

2nd Slot:

Spheric Universe Experience: Well known in the prog circles. Power fans will not care and say they are a nobody. This is just about the exact same situation as Dreamscape a few years ago. That turned out just fine.

I thoroughly enjoy they will fit in nicely

Elvenking: Small, but DEVOTED fanbase that will be the ultimate street team for a band on this roster. Older fans will enjoy the folk aspect while new fans will enjoy their new Nocturnal Rites style. The new album just came out so it needs time for word of mouth to spread.

I went fucking nuts when this was announced I almost knocked over shaq. I wish they were higher up so they would get more time though.

3rd slot:

Astral Doors- Album of the month in most major European magazines for two consecutive releases, opened for Blind Guardian all across Europe, sales of each album are trending upwards, headline tour of Europe this year. Melodic power that balances things nicely.

I love Dio, so hence I love this band

Andromeda: You knew it was going to happen. I was just waiting for one more release. Will go over huge with the Redemption/Threshold fans. Once again, power fans will *yawn.* However, those were the same ones that screamed at me when I put Virgin Steele in a 2nd slot this year. They had the emptiest floor of the entire year while there wasn’t room to breath during Redemption. ]

I only have Chimera, but thoroughly enjoy it. Definitely looking forward to this.
4th slot:

Volbeat- Muahhahah. I am the evil scientist with balls the size of grapefruit.

I am very excited to see them playing, but a 4 slot I thought that was a little high, with only 2 albums. How much time is this slot? Though Glenn in case you didnt know I was the one jumping up and down like a mad man to the right of the stage. I love this guys voice, he to me sounds such a ridiculous amount like Keith Caputo from Life Of Agony, but with a little something extra. There music sounds only slightly like LoA. They will surprise a lot of people.

Iron Savior- We can’t have a festival without some quality European style speed metal. They have been around a while and *earned* their status.

I need to hear Battering Ram otherwise I will be pissed.

5th slot:

Riverside- Whether you like them or not, you cannot deny their massive crossover appeal. They actually sell more records in the States in the past few years than all of the ones I have just listed *combined.*

I like them, but I dont know how their live show will be for me since I am not a huge fan, but only a moderate fan.

Jon Oliva’s Pain- Legend. Period.

If you were there on wednesday, know how I feel about Jon.


1- Power metal- Will cement the progpower name.

Helloween or Iced Earth. If its Iced Earth I predict it will be some kind of special set incorporating the new album. If its Helloween I dont think it will be anything special other since they wont be touring the US unless that tour with GR gets over it soon.

2. Power/prog- I am exploring a few options here. There will be no controversy though.

Nightwish, filming a dvd called "Beginning of An Era" with two hawks, orchestra. Mark my words. Although there might controversery involving Nightwish. Symphony X doing a special set of somekind perhaps. I dont this one is a little hard for me.

Though I am disappointed no Nocturnal Rites and no Anubis Gate. Its interesting Glenn thinks Elvenking sounds like NR, but I guess I can kind of see that, I will look more into it.
Elvenking: Small, but DEVOTED fanbase that will be the ultimate street team for a band on this roster. Older fans will enjoy the folk aspect while new fans will enjoy their new Nocturnal Rites style. The new album just came out so it needs time for word of mouth to spread.

I went fucking nuts when this was announced I almost knocked over shaq. I wish they were higher up so they would get more time though.

gotta start somewhere, and this will definitely be a good place to start!
I could care less who plays - after the years this fest has been going - > and I was at Prog Power I in Chicago - Glenn NEVER fails to satisfy. This fest is how I found Pagan's Mind (THANK YOU!!!), Evergrey, Jag Panzer, Angra & so many more. Great music - every time.

I will be buying some music to check out the bands I don't know & love yet - to get ready for next year.

Thanks again Glenn!!!!!
As it stands, this line-up is Riverside and nine bands that don't blow my skirt up. That said, from a glass half full perspective (because, in Glenn I trust)...

Pathosray - very curious to hear this
Serenity - very curious to hear this

2nd Slot:
Spheric Universe Experience - I own the debut. There are a couple really cool tracks. But they usually lose me after a few tracks. Should hold a lot of appeal to those who enjoy Vanden Plas. Now that they're at ProgPower, I'll spend some more time with them.
Elvenking - the little that I've heard, I didn't like. I'll give them another chance.

3rd slot:
Astral Doors - They bore me on disc... but could be fun live.
Andromeda - solid. These guys can really play, so their live show may make be a bigger fan than their discs have.

4th slot:
Volbeat - missed their set at Wacken, though I did get to have a few drinks with them. Very cool guys. I suspect they'll be a ton of fun live.
Iron Savior - yuck

5th slot:
Riverside - if this festival was Riverside and Pain of Salvation in the other 11 slots, I'd still be going. Out of every band on the planet, Riverside is the band I want to see most
Jon Oliva’s Pain - I love you Glenn, but enough Savatage and Savatage related products. I know, I know... you love them and they sell. Enough said.

1 - Power metal - Iced Earth is a superb choice. Hats off for finally landing your white whale.
2 - Power/prog - Good to see you finally broke down and decided to give Nevermore a 3rd chance.

My opinion on the bands:

Pathosray: I've only heard a few tracks, but they sound like a fantastic energetic prog band, right up my alley.

Serenity: Power metal done right. Really enjoyed the debut and definitely one of the more exciting bands of the lineup for me.

Spheric Universe Experience: I went absolutely crazy when this one was announced. Anima is easily one of my top disks of this year and Mental Torments was excellent as well.

Elvenking: I was a big fan of these guys in the past but I lost track of them around 2004. I understand they are less 'folky' now, but I will give their new material a listen. This is a band that should appeal to a lot of people.

Astral Doors: Don't know these guys at all, but I understand that they're a little more on the hard rock side of things, which isn't really my thing. Like all the bands playing though, I will give them a chance.

Andromeda: One of the absolute best progressive metal bands to emerge in recent memory, amazing stuff.

Volbeat: Seen these guys live but I don't know anything about their studio albums, may be too quirky for me, but I've heard good things.

Iron Savior: One of the longest-lived and underrated bands of the German power metal scene, these guys are well-deserving of a slot at the festival.

Riverside: When 'Loose Heart' started playing over the speakers on Saturday night, I was in complete and total disbelief. In my opinion, there are very few, if any, bands in the world on the level of Riverside in existence at this moment. Three near-perfect studio releases, a reputation as amazing live performers (which I can guarantee everyone, is well-deserved), and huge crossover appeal. If this is a one-off show, I expect they will easily shift a few hundred tickets on their own.

Jon Oliva's Pain: Another great choice, a living legend. This one will make the trip a no-brainer for the many Savatage fans who are attendees.


While this is probably my favorite Progpower lineup in the history of the festival in terms of the strength of the lower slots, a lot of these bands don't have very good name-recognition, so I expect Glenn will want to get at least one huge power metal band on the bill to appease that portion of the audience. My personal choice for the 'power metal' headliner would be Rhapsody. They're a band few people have had the opportunity to see here in the US, and one of the biggest names in the genre.

As for the 'power/prog' headliner, I have a harder time thinking of appropriate bands. Symphony X would fit the description, but given their recent and rather extensive US tour they may not be much of a draw, despite their popularity. My personal preference would be to lean towards the prog side of the power/prog spectrum and book Conception again. The band is a legend of the genre, and have only played one show since PPVI. Some bands will get people to fly all over the country, but 'reunions' like that one will get people to fly from all over the world.

And before people start bitching that they haven't heard of any of these bands, try listening to them. Most of these bands will be unfamiliar (especially to power metal fans) but that doesn't mean that they don't kick serious ass. Bands like SUE and Andromeda especially I think will have some crossover appeal to the power metal crowd.
Riverside - if this festival was Riverside and Pain of Salvation in the other 11 slots, I'd still be going.
:lol: I know that says a lot!

Personally, I wouldn't mind at all if Pain of Salvation were at least one of the other slots... ;)

Jon Oliva’s Pain - I love you Glenn, but enough Savatage and Savatage related products. I know, I know... you love them and they sell. Enough said.
I second that emotion. And I LIKE Savatage!

Out of the 10 announced, I only know anything about Riverside. I'm so excited about next year anyway.

- Chris

As musically savvy as I thought I was, your line-up for next year totally surprised me. I was only familiar with 2-3 of the bands from hearing their CDs, and only familiar with the rest through vague awareness of their names and/or reputations.

That said, I've learned that ProgPower USA is the place to discover new music. I may not know the bands, and I may think I don't even like some of them, but by the time I've listened to their music, interviewed them, and spent months getting acquainted with them, I'm a fanboy.

I'm not sure why there would be any "bitching" about your choices. You've proven yourself for nearly a decade doing this ProgPower gig. Your festival is known throughout the world. And you have rabid fans here in the States, myself included.

I think your line-up for next year is a challenging one. It'll cause many of us to stretch, perhaps even open our minds. At the very least, it'll allow us to discover music that we may not be familiar with now, but we're sure to fall in love with later.

Your PPUSA IX line-up is a fascinating, intriguing one. I don't think you needed to explain your rationale to us, but it's nice of you to take the time to do so. Thank you.

I look forward to hearing what your headliner choices are. I'm sure they'll be outstanding.

I say, bring on PPUSA IX!

As the line-up stands right now 'J-MAN IS A HAPPY CAMPER" you ask why?????? PATHOSRAY, SERENITY, SUE, and VOLBEATTTTTTTTTTT. It could be only these 4 and i would be there. The rest of the line-up is like the chocolate center in a tootsie roll, the candy is great and the chocolate center makes it divine. I actually bow down to this line up, it is going to be awesome from start to finish. Thank you Glenn you have made me for one very very very happy and content. Oh Yeah damn there are two bands left to confirm, shit can we say ................ Oh who cares it will be awesome.
A lot of people really think Iced Earth is going to be one of the headliners. Which means, in Glenneese, they wont' be. I bet.

I would absolutely love to see Iced Earth perform their new material.

However, I'm willing to bet they're not one of the headliners.

My predictions:

1. Edguy - because they're just so damn good in concert
2. Nightwish - because they have something new to show the world

1 - Power metal - Iced Earth is a superb choice. Hats off for finally landing your white whale.
2 - Power/prog - Good to see you finally broke down and decided to give Nevermore a 3rd chance.


I hope not for IE but I love the Nevermore comment, I think its sig worthy and yes, very true!