Perspective on the new roster

Since Nightwish will be touring the US with their new singer, what is the point of GLenn having them at Progpower next year. I don;t think this is going to be one of the 2 bands.
Therion & Rhapsody
Though even better would be Luca Turilli since my friend said if that happened he'd most certainly go and Rhapsody would depend on the circumstances.
I am sorry to see that so many people are being stupid and saying "What the fuck? This lineup blows" or whatever...

I've been going to ProgPower every year since ProgPower III. This is by far one of the most balanced and talented lineups ever. Even though some of these bands may not be "big names" they'll still deliver probably the best performances ever. As for the two highest slot bands so far:

Riverside is my favorite band in the entire world, the greatest band to ever walk on the Earth during my lifetime. I worship these guys more than I worship Angra (so you know it's big), and I'll literally fight for a spot on the rail for their set. I'm already warning you guys. LOL This band will fucking crush anyone who says they're not metal enough or don't fit the bill. Also, to whoever made a comment on another thread saying they're too soft, softer than Enchant, not metal or whatever... you must be on crack. Go get your ears checked. Or your brain, for that matter.

JOP is another band I look forward to see. The last two times I saw them, they played mostly Savatage songs. You can't go wrong with that. Yes, I know this is not the Sava reunion show, but it'll work just as well. Whoever says Jon Oliva doesn't deserve the spot, is out of his mind.

Volbeat will be the most fun set ever seen at ProgPower, next to Freak Kitchen. These guys are being called "no names" here by some. Well, I'd love to be a no name and get my albums to platinum. Elvenking will please a lot of people, including their die-hard fans which will be there for sure. SUE and Andromeda will make all of the progressive power metal fans have orgasms with their songs. Pathosray and Serenity are nice little surprises in the roster with their crossover melodic prog/power material. Iron Savior and Astral Doors will get power metal fans headbanging during their entire set.

If you don't like the lineup, stop bitching and get over it. As what happened to Vanden Plas, it's life. This line up rules so far in my opinion, and I'll be there no matter what. In fact, if you don't wanna go cause you think the lineup sucks, good. Let someone else who deserves a show of such high quality experience it. It's better off that way. =)
I truly am surprised that I was able to make it back to California without suffering some sort of heart attack. I was going absolutely berserk during the announcements of Serenity, Andromeda, Spheric Universe Experience, and Riverside.

Holy shit if Pathosray is as good as I'm expecting them to be, this is gonna be the greatest show ever. :kickass: :kickass:
Therion & Rhapsody
Though even better would be Luca Turilli since my friend said if that happened he'd most certainly go and Rhapsody would depend on the circumstances.

Luca solo would be great, but I dont think he is headliner enough, a 3-4 spot imo.


Riverside is pretty soft, I grabbed 2 albums I don't see a heavy side to them. Not making them bad or anything but you have to relax, little spazz-tastic here.
I thought I would offer a bit of perspective on next year’s roster. I hope this helps cut down on the second guessing (aka bitching) not only here, but on other forums as well. *I really think people are looking at the roster as complete now instead of remembering that I have not announced the two headliners. These will be unquestioned headliners instead of borderline or “creating a headliner situation” next year. I always wonder how much of a difference it would be to the first impression if the biggest draw was announced first.

*At the moment, I only have a single repeat band (yes, I am counting Oliva as a repeat). Elevating new talent is essential as there have not been many bands over the past couple of years to take a step up. So it becomes a damned if you do..damned if you don’t situation.

*The bigger names on the roster are prog-oriented at the moment. That is why I’m catching so much heat from the powerheads. The roster will be balanced out with the power headliners. In the words of Ron White, “Diamonds….that ought to shut her up.” Patience.

*I have announced this not only a year in advance of the show, but 5 months in front of ticket sales. That gives you plenty of time to do your homework. I think a few of you are going to feel *much* better once you actually listen to the music of those that you don’t know.

*It’s 12 bands, not 10. So if you don’t like 2 of them, then re-evaluate the roster without those names on it in your own mind AFTER the headliners are announced. You can get back to me then.

*I don’t expect anyone to agree with me on anything. It’s up to me to make some tough decisions. I’ll find out if I did “ok” once tickets go on sale.

Sounds like a fair request on my end. I'm probably the least familiar with the majority of the bands on any given year of a ProgPower, but that's never stopped me from hitting all 3 events I have (the first 2 in '01 and '06) considering that most bands playing the events are/were sight unseen and sound unheard. I'm actually not disappointed much and hopefully when the two headlining acts are announced, I can gear up for showing up next year! So far, Riverside and Andromdea are the 2 bands I'm quite familiar with AND enjoy. Other than that, my expectations are equal year in year out, for the reason(s) I mentioned above.

But as we know but sometimes forget, Glen's always in a tough spot "damned if you do, damned if you don't... can't please most of the people most of the time" (or something like that) so I know I don't take it personal - some folks do - if the lineup isn't "my cup of tea". Hey 12 bands in the power/prog metal genre is better than 50 White Stripe clones even with Ja Rule on lead vocals.

Personally, I'm interested to hear who the featured bands are and to get my progpower on in '08, all things being equal, equitable and financially feasible, on my end.

Riverside is pretty soft, I grabbed 2 albums I don't see a heavy side to them. Not making them bad or anything but you have to relax, little spazz-tastic here.

Not being a fanboy here on this specific post, but in all seriousness they have some very heavy moments dude. Not saying they're the heaviest band in the bill or anything, but it's kind of a given. Keep in mind that I'm not talking about entire heavy songs or anything, but generalizing based on their music.:kickass:
I am sorry to see that so many people are being stupid and saying "What the fuck? This lineup blows" or whatever...
Are there a lot of people saying that?

With every line up, there will be people who love it, those who hate it, and those that fall every where in between those two extremes. As always, I'll wait until the line up is complete before passing judgment.

For what it's worth, the way I tend to judge a line up is by asking myself the following question, "How many of the bands would I go see, if they were playing in the NJ/NY/Philly area?" For me, that answer is currently one (Riverside).

If the last two bands are who I expect they'll be (Iced Earth and Symphony X), than I'll be very happy with the line up. If the last two bands are Gamma Ray and Within Temptation, I'll be extremely disappointed with the line up.

Not being a fanboy here on this specific post, but in all seriousness they have some very heavy moments dude. Not saying they're the heaviest band in the bill or anything, but it's kind of a given. Keep in mind that I'm not talking about entire heavy songs or anything, but generalizing based on their music.:kickass:

Maybe, I don't think their that great, nothing has grabbed me yet by them. I got 9 bands to go to figure out whether or not I wanna go to IX :lol:
Maybe, I don't think their that great, nothing has grabbed me yet by them. I got 9 bands to go to figure out whether or not I wanna go to IX :lol:

LOL that's fair enough man, I take no offense hahaha... If you want a little suggestion here and there, let me know. I'm the official Riverside fanboy of the forum and will be happy to make everyone start liking them.

Even if I need to make threats.... :lol::lol::lol::lol:
You had me at Spheric Universe Experience and Andromeda, baby.

I've heard some people tell me that I will love a couple of those other bands so I'm thinking this year's line up is solid.

I picked up Andromeda at PPV and had always wondered if they would be a band that you would book. I'm so glad you did... An SUE! Elvinking? Damn Glenn.

I'm saving money now.

Edguy returning would get no complaint from me - they are so energetic and funny that they could keep the crowd with them for a closing set, a challenge after a major metal marathon. I am planning to go next year for Elvenking, Serenity & Jon Oliva, with more as I check out the other bands.

I wonder if I'm the only one who'd like to see Metal Church in there at some point. 3 or 4 slot would seem fitting if you cross their history (extensive) with their draw power (not so much it seems, unfortunately). Their 80s output has the same appeal for me as Savatage's 80s work.
Volbeat is interesting... managed to check out their 2005 album via eMusic (legal downloads).

Pros: Very hard, heavy, in your face, crunchy, fast and loud.

Cons: Appear pretty much one dimensional. Little variety - most of their songs start of the same way.

However, I'll be looking forward to seeing them live and headbanging until my neck hurts! (It still hurts from all the headbanging from the weekend!)

EDIT: Listening to the new album, it has a little bit more variety. Still on the odd side, but I guess this will be next year's "Freak Kitchen".
I think Volbeat is going to kick ass all over the place. Probably the most oddball band in the history of oddball bands, but if their live peformance lives up to the image I have in my mind already (Social Distortion goes metal), I am going to be throwing the horns and banging my head like a maniac.

Also, very cool about Elvenking - a band that I am not as familiar with as I will be soon.
Hell yes X 100!

Spheric Universe, Serenity, Andromeda, you need not go on, but I hope you do. Fantastic line up so far. This festival gets better and better. I've had to miss it the last 2 years in a row, but damn it even if I'm in a COMA next year I'm going!!!
