R.I.P Jeff Hannemann

Jim Bruer also paid tribute on facebook, I thought that was cool. Sad day but it is nice to see how high profile people are bringing it up and paying tribute to the guy. I loved Slayer back in the early 90s, not so much a fan any more but Jeff's playing had an influence on me back in those days, so unfortunate his life was cut short like this, and by something so seemingly trivial as a spider bite. RIP
Does anybody know if the liver failure was tied in to the spider bite or was it just from years of alcohol abuse?

It's odd. My band and I were just talking about spiders and spider bites yesterday before practice and none of us had any clue about Jeff's passing.
Does anybody know if the liver failure was tied in to the spider bite or was it just from years of alcohol abuse?

It's odd. My band and I were just talking about spiders and spider bites yesterday before practice and none of us had any clue about Jeff's passing.

From what I've read it's more of a case of Necrotising Fasciitis being more prevalent/dangerous in people already having cirrhosis of the liver not the other way around.


When I read this sad news on blabbermouth, which included older interviews of Jeff and Kerry, I already had the feeling that Kerry hasn't cared too much about Jeff. His reactions now kinda reinforce that feeling.

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The thing about necrosis is that it's pretty much a constant bloodpoisoning, so his liver must have taken an incredible beating during that time. Though I can't imagine 30 years of being in the biggest thrash band on earth exactly helped.
I dont know why the big suprise about kerry king. I see these big bands as some kind of organizations/institutions to profit. There are exceptions where exits the empathy, partnership, loyalty but there arent many as you may think. It´s all about the money and the show biz. Sad but true. Even more when these bands are together for a long time.

Anyway R.I.P Jeff.
^ sry man, but I'm not buying this. I think it's inhuman to spend 20+ years with somebody on a regular basis and not giving a fuck if he dies (speaking in a hypothetical manner here, not suggesting that KK actually feels that way).
[not huge fan mode: on]
well it's sad to read that Jeff died, and it's hard think that some on could pass away in such "stupid"* way. Last time when i check he was getting better from those disease and every one was looking forward to see him back on stage. To me Jeff was most unnoticeable part of Slayer he was just there and do his part but still its sad. R.I.P

* stupid because medicine is advanced now days and ppl die from things like that, i bet that it has something to do with those spider bite(i don't get it, ppl like ermz must be immune to those fuckers, or how else they can live there), meds probably devastated his liver
[not huge fan mode: on]
meds probably devastated his liver


I've seen people with collapsed kidneys and liver because of huge corticoid treatment. Not everyone that dies is guilty.

I wont say "my father died because of blah blah blah" because that would be a little tiring, but I just think human body is such a complex and unpredictable organism to point one reason.


I've seen people with collapsed kidneys and liver because of huge corticoid treatment. Not everyone that dies is guilty.

I wont say "my father died because of blah blah blah" because that would be a little tiring, but I just think human body is such a complex and unpredictable organism to point one reason.


I'll preface what I'm about to say with the standard - I love early Slayer. The first 5 where Jeff could easily be seen as the primary songwriter are what Slayer is all about for me. I really lost faith in Slayer (other than as a live act) after that - sort of like early Queensryche to me, both bands just lost it as far a songwriting eventually.

With that said it would not surprise me in the least if long term alcohol use played a bigger role in the liver issue rather than the spider bite and treatment. As I posted earlier - necrotizing fasciitis is more prevalent and dangerous in people already having cirrhosis of the liver, not the other way around. I'm also one of those that really questioned the whole spider bite story in the first place given the fact that the necrotizing fasciitis can be the result of liver issues, but regardless, I just would not be surprised either way.

Still - RIP Jeff. You were my favorite member of Slayer on those early records and always will be.

[...]. Not everyone that dies is guilty.

Since I'm not a native speaker could you explain me this sentence of your statement, because I don't blame anyone just I think that the treatment has exerted his 0.5 cents in the man condition and I do not claim that before he was completely healthy. Beside as user above me wrote if there was any spider bite (still not huge fan mode: on)
Since I'm not a native speaker could you explain me this sentence of your statement, because I don't blame anyone just I think that the treatment has exerted his 0.5 cents in the man condition and I do not claim that before he was completely healthy. Beside as user above me wrote if there was any spider bite (still not huge fan mode: on)

I'm not a native speaker too so I was explaining myself badly.

What I meant was that not all lung cancer cases happen because of smoking, as well as any other disease. It just happens. Maybe more possible in some conditions but still, we don't know what happened and it's just speculation.

All treatments are really powerful, and it's really common to cause serious side effects, even worse if they're being taken for a long time.

@Jind: I know what you said, we all know he was a heavy drinker ( he also said so I think), but still. Jeff's or any other, we can't really find a cause, deaths like this are just a sum of several failures together.

Maybe his liver was weak, got a little infection ( like the spider bite), and the rest of his body started to fall apart. Seen deaths like that in friends, family, etc. Maybe all they got was just a cold and ended up in death.

All I wanted to say before and now is that finding the cause now and blaming the guy ( not you jind) is a little bit over the top.

He's death and that's all. May he rest in peace.