smokers? your brand?

Since they didn't sell Marlboro Reds when I was at Bloodstock in 2008 I can look forward to four days of smoking Lucky Strikes - no complaints, so long as they have the magic packaging they had before!

I was on Radio Sheffield the other day about smoking, laying down some brutal Bill Hicks quotes on them and laughing at all the non-smokers complaining about smokers, followed up with 'proves that Bill Hicks was right, non-smokers really are some of the worst, most intolerant people in the world'

All pussy non-smokers who complain, suck a dick, I hate you, I hope you all contract HIV from a gone-off ham sandwich you fucking whining bastards. Eat a bag of dicks.

EDIT: That is of course, SOME non-smokers. Some are cool, the rest are fucking dickends.
Anyone here tried electronic cigarettes?

I met a couple of guys smoking these and they swear by them.

Apparently vapour instead of smoke is inhaled, they still give you a nicotine fix with far less chemicals than a cigarette.

Both of them told me they feel healthier and spend much less now. Brand name flavours are available as well as fruit flavours.

ooo, i was totally out of money so i figured out that it would be better to stop smoking :lol:
... next day i was smoking again ( because apparently i had money :lol:)