Which Watershed song would you like to be played on tour

Why do people always think that bands have to play stuff live exactly the way it is on records? Do they think that they have to do fade-outs live as well? If they do Burden live they'll probably just end it, or they could use like a pitch-shifter or something, or come up with some other weird way of ending the song.
I would like to see them play "The Lotus Eater", Heir Apparent", "Porcelain Heart" and "Burden" but really anything off the new album would be great.
Ümlaut;7338633 said:
What my post clearly spells the Lotus Eater as you will see:heh:.Only messing,for some reason I keep thinking the track is called The Locust Eater,explaining why I am constantly putting in the C instead of the T!
Hex Omega and Hussian Peel. Hex would be a great finale before the encore...or even the encore itself. I love that track. The jazzy part near the end of Peel is fucking awesome. Axe really smokes his cymbals. I always preferred Lopez, but am I the only one who thinks Axe kicked ass on this album?
I really like Burden, actually. Out of character as it is. But I can just imagine the little boy in Mike, who worshipped David Coverdale, relishing every bit of that in a live show. If only he could have his hands free to do the mic stand twirl... And he should punctuate Per's solo with some heartfelt "Yeah's" and "Mama's". If only Tawny Kitaen were available for the video...

LOL, i still love coverdale. I must try and see them before he gives up.
to answer the q, heir apparent, lotus eater, hex omega ftw.
chances of them playing 3 are pretty slilm though, on the GR tour they only ever played a max of 2 when i saw them