Doubt Andre Matos?

Sorry Paul I disagree with your comment. I did say his solo CD was mediocre and I was referring to the fact of Andre Matos solo work (ie his 1 solo CD) as criteria for a headliner spot NOT his body of work with other bands. His solo CD should not merit a headline spot. Thats what I meant. I still hold to that comment. Not one time did I say he did not deserve it Just that his solo CD was shit IMO, that solo CD a headliner does not make and I am not a fan. Desrve wise is a whole other story.

Actually, you went on to say he is not that great a singer except for small doses and not a headliner shot despite his Angra & Shaman days. That seems to me like you're saying his entire career doesn't make him a headliner. But I guess that's all okay because you tossed "just my opinion" at the end. For a guy who overreacts all the time and is sure to toss in his opinion on how puke worthy a band is, you really need to grow some thicker skin so you don't need to backpedal so much. And yes, your Nightwish thread was one of the worst titled threads I've ever read and instead of just admitting it right away you had to get all defensive. Just my opinion.

Anyway, I'm not a fan of Matos Angra or post Matos Angra albums but I loved the first Shaman album and will be extremely glad to have a chance to hear any of that material.
Actually, you went on to say he is not that great a singer except for small doses and not a headliner shot despite his Angra & Shaman days. That seems to me like you're saying his entire career doesn't make him a headliner.

For a guy who overreacts all the time and is sure to toss in his opinion on how puke worthy a band is, you really need to grow some thicker skin so you don't need to backpedal so much. And yes, your Nightwish thread was one of the worst titled threads I've ever read and instead of just admitting it right away you had to get all defensive. Just my opinion..

Totally agree with you on both accounts.
I'm sorry Diabolik but you are an idiot and obviously did not read my post thoroughly.

I just love how the first thing you did in this paragraph-long post of yours was to call the other guy an idiot. And then when people say anything about you, you get all pissy. You keep on with this whole "I'm more opinionated than anybody else and am not afraid to speak the truth," but in reality you're just whiny and get offended easily.

I have nothing against the fact you don't like Matos, but to say he's not headliner caliber is ridiculous. And yes, I'm the first to admit that I'm Andre's fanboy, but let's use some logic and common sense here. If you don't wanna see Matos' set next year, that's fine, I have no problems with that. It's more room at Center Stage for those of us who want to see him.
Actually, you went on to say he is not that great a singer except for small doses and not a headliner shot despite his Angra & Shaman days. That seems to me like you're saying his entire career doesn't make him a headliner. But I guess that's all okay because you tossed "just my opinion" at the end. For a guy who overreacts all the time and is sure to toss in his opinion on how puke worthy a band is, you really need to grow some thicker skin so you don't need to backpedal so much. And yes, your Nightwish thread was one of the worst titled threads I've ever read and instead of just admitting it right away you had to get all defensive. Just my opinion.

Anyway, I'm not a fan of Matos Angra or post Matos Angra albums but I loved the first Shaman album and will be extremely glad to have a chance to hear any of that material.

I said his voice IN MY OPINION did not merit a headline shot. I never said his body of work was undeserving of anything. Did I ever say Viper, Angra, Shaman or Virgo sucked and was worthless? No I did not! All I said was that I do not like his voice and his solo CD was mediocre thus I didn't feel that was headliner material even though he was in the other bands. Andre Matos (not Angra, Shaman, Viper) has made 1 Solo album called "Time To Break Free". In my eyes one mediocre solo CD is just not a headliner thing IMO.. Now if you throw in Angra, Shaman, and Viper material, thats a little different. Go reread my post and tell me that I said different. If you still say I do you need glasses.

And I do not "overreact" all the time its just people like you love to just start bashing every goddamn opinion I have. I don't backpedal to anyone. I merely tried to clarify my opinion. Backpedaling would be apologizing for a comment like I never said it. I stand by and will stand by what I said and I take that backpedaling comment as a personal insult
I just love how the first thing you did in this paragraph-long post of yours was to call the other guy an idiot. And then when people say anything about you, you get all pissy. You keep on with this whole "I'm more opinionated than anybody else and am not afraid to speak the truth," but in reality you're just whiny and get offended easily.

I have nothing against the fact you don't like Matos, but to say he's not headliner caliber is ridiculous. And yes, I'm the first to admit that I'm Andre's fanboy, but let's use some logic and common sense here. If you don't wanna see Matos' set next year, that's fine, I have no problems with that. It's more room at Center Stage for those of us who want to see him.

Well thats how I felt and still feel, that he was an idiot. When people say things about me I don't get pissy at all. Quite the contrary. If you saw me in person when I saw the comments I was laughing. But its one thing to just sit here and laugh at people bashing you and another to stand up for what you believe in. Hey I'm not the best at writing rebuttals but I get my point across pretty well.

Not to say Matos is headliner caliber is ridiculous. No, actually thats your opinion just like the fact that you should afford me the same right to disagree. And for the record I am far from whiny and do not get offended easily
Bias or not, I think I use more common sense than you ever will.

I'm done with this argument, by the way. You're not worth it.

Dude you don't even know me. You make that assumption by a forum board??????!!!!!Thats pretty sad. Actually I have a lot of common sense. Since when does stating your opinion have anything to do with my common sense, which is completely something that you cannot see. :lol::lol::lol:
Well thats how I felt and still feel, that he was an idiot. When people say things about me I don't get pissy at all. Quite the contrary. If you saw me in person when I saw the comments I was laughing. But its one thing to just sit here and laugh at people bashing you and another to stand up for what you believe in. Hey I'm not the best at writing rebuttals but I get my point across pretty well.

Not to say Matos is headliner caliber is ridiculous. No, actually thats your opinion just like the fact that you should afford me the same right to disagree. And for the record I am far from whiny and do not get offended easily

Actually, you went on to say he is not that great a singer except for small doses and not a headliner shot despite his Angra & Shaman days. That seems to me like you're saying his entire career doesn't make him a headliner. But I guess that's all okay because you tossed "just my opinion" at the end. For a guy who overreacts all the time and is sure to toss in his opinion on how puke worthy a band is, you really need to grow some thicker skin so you don't need to backpedal so much. And yes, your Nightwish thread was one of the worst titled threads I've ever read and instead of just admitting it right away you had to get all defensive. Just my opinion.

Anyway, I'm not a fan of Matos Angra or post Matos Angra albums but I loved the first Shaman album and will be extremely glad to have a chance to hear any of that material.

I know that he plays Fairytale from the Ritual at least he will do one.
Bias or not, I think I use more common sense than you ever will.

I'm done with this argument, by the way. You're not worth it.

hahhahaha, nice. I will give the Q least he didnt mention Impulse in this thread.

One last thing.....for any that video that was posted. Then think about it. he is definetly headliner material.
Woooh, Patrick, you just turned into Cd Inzane!!!!

I think I missed that reference. :confused: :lol:

One last thing.....for any that video that was posted. Then think about it. he is definetly headliner material.

yeah thanks for reminding people of that. I think the majority of everyone visiting this thread and posting are forgetting there is even a video in the first place.

people are too busy posting 4 times back to back trying to get that final "my @#$$% hurts" comment in. :lol:
I will be the first to say that ANGRA are not my cup of tea. That being said though, I certainly feel his accomplishments warrant a headline spot.

Same way that WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION a few years back warranted a headline spot.

Also, I think people spend too much time worrying about the quality of the band labeled as the "headliner" It's a festival. It should be viewed as a whole package, and not just as a "headliner and support acts"