Paul Di'Anno got his US Visa.....

The main reason they got booed is that the singer kept talking crap to the audience during their whole set. It's ok to be upset that they are not digging your band but talking crap before, during and after every song in your set is not gonna win the crowd over.

Also, the majority of the people there were older folk who most likely haven't been to a show in a while. If you combine that with a sold out crowd you get some uneasy people in attendance. One guy got into an argument with my friend cause he said that he kept backing into him, it's like dude you're at a sold out METAL SHOW, of course people are gonna bump into you. Then it took 50 minutes after IW for Dianno to come out so he didn't get on stage 'till almost midnight. Having to sit through 3 bands that I didn't like, being packed like cattle and putting up with sensitive a-holes that don't want you to bump into them it made for a very unpleasant show experience.

Whatever the case, I'm glad I got to see the first singer for my favorite band who was fired from it 17 days after I was born.

I think he was just joking around. It didn't really offend me at all, but like I said earlier he should've backed down a bit.

I saw quite a lot of instances of people getting annoyed at people running into them, which is sort of understandable considering the older audience that was there, but at the same time some people need to realize that as you said, YOU'RE AT A METAL SHOW!!!! A packed one to boot. It happens all the time at shows though. My feeling is if you're in the pit, you need to expect the worse and if you don't want to deal with that, you should probably stand or sit on the sidelines. Though there was one wanker in the crowd that was overly crazy (and probably drunk) haha.
I think more so that it was an odd mix of had the much older crowd who never go to many shows and if they do they are larger arena shows. Then you had the new wave of hipsters there because Bible of the Devil were playing....for those not familiar with new breed of idiot...they usually live in Wicker park...listen to what ever the Pitchfork website says is cool and most all wear dark rim glasses, tight jeans, have obnoxious facial hair and all wear hipster hats. They are there more to be seen and hang out than actually listening to the music. They have slowly been crossing over into the metal shows as of late in Chicago. Then you had your regular Maiden fans. Plus it being late on a week night people were kind of moody and wanted the show to get moving.

I had fun. I like Icarus Witch. It was fun to watch DiAnno and hear some old Maiden. Nothing ever offends me in life so the singer from Icarus Witch didnt bother me. After spending years in the punk grow thick skin with comments being tosses around on stage.
I just got home from Di'Anno/Icarus Witch. I thought Di'Anno did a nice job overall .. I was pleased with his performance. That dude has seen his better days, but he delivered pretty well on the 30 year old songs he was singing. I thought he gave it a good go, and I came away enjoying the evening.

Icarus Witch was a disappointment ... About a 20 minute set .. Marred by a hobbled, and puking lead singer. Apparently he did it up a bit too much last night and was injured during some drunken happenings. The puking was also an after-effect as well. A bad performance to go along with a subpar new disc is not a good combo.

Damn, I can't remember the young band that went on before them, but they were talented. The singer was 18 years old, and extremely talented. He sang and also played lead guitar .... Very well I might add. It's cool to see young muscians who have managed not to be influenced by the crap they hear on the radio and on MTV. The kids were rooted in the classic old school of metal. If I can think of their band name I will be sure to post it ... I do know they were from the St. Louis area.

All in all a decent night of metal in lovely Tolono, Il .
Yeah, it's located just of 57.

The place is basically a two sided bar with a dining area on one side, and a bar and stage area on the other. It's a decent venue for that size of a show ... probably 100-125 in attendance last night. They could probably do double that if it came down to it. The stage could be a bit higher. The sound was pretty good .. I don't recall a single sound issue last night. They had a smart beer setup ... had a gal off to the side who basically had a trough of beer at the ready.
So what was the place like in Tolono???
I had never heard of that town before.
Is it off the I-57?

Ha, he played at Radmakers. I saw X-Krush, a local central IL cover band, there when I was at U of I 10 years ago. I called the radio station that mentioned that the cover band was playing there, since I needed directions to Tolono.

The DJ says "Take Neil Street south, past Savoy. Once you hit the stop-light, turn left, cross the tracks and the bar is there." So I ask, "which stoplight?" He says "THE stoplight. Tolono only has one stoplight." :D

I'm pretty sure that X-Krush's drummer is one of the owners at Radmakers, which would explain why he'd play in bumb-fuck Illinois.
Jose, you seriously left early????????????
I did notice you guys weren't behind me anymore when it was over.
I didn't know you took off though.

Yeah I took off right as Phantom was starting. I did have some awesome pancakes after though. :D
As was indicated previously, I finally met Jasonic! Unfortunately, that was one of the only highlights of Di'Anno's Chicago performance. I certainly wasn't expecting Paul to sound like Pavarotti or anything, especially given his laryngitis, but I kept thinking to myself that he had laryngitis on this tour for a good reason. I was happy to see that he included a few songs from his solo work, but he and his band totally butchered the Maiden songs by taking them to unsafe speeds. Di'Anno was literally getting to the point where he couldn't enunciate. Of course, the near-hour wait after Icarus Witch didn't help his case. At one point, I turned to my friends and said, "I thought we were going to see Di'Anno, not DeMaio!" I know that someone made the argument that maybe Icarus Witch needed a rest after their set. I'm sorry, but a 45-minute set does not warrant a 55-minute break. Icarus Witch was not to blame here. Somebody within the headliner's ranks has an ego. I won't name names.

Jasonic, I can't argue with you when it comes to ripping on bands. I'll admit that I try to avoid slamming bands on the internet. As a singer who is attempting to get his name out there in the scene, I think it's best to keep most of my negative comments to myself when I make my online posts. However, when I'm amongst friends, as I was in the case of this show, I don't mind speaking my, er, mind. In fact, if I find a band or a particular member of that band to be absolutely unbearable, you'll find that I'm extremely vocal.

Such was the case on Thursday night. I agree wholeheartedly with Jose about Icarus Witch's vocalist. Some singers might not have the most extensive range, but they make up for it with their tone and delivery. This guy had nothing going for him in any of those areas. He had a three-note range, and that might be giving him too much credit. To make matters worse, I've never heard a more nasally vocalist in my life. Every time I watched him, his nose was rushing straight to the top of his head. Perhaps if he learned how to use the numerous other resonators in his body, he might improve. To top it off, his delivery just came off to me as cocky. It didn't help that he was constantly giving the audience a hard time. Let's face it; opening bands generally have a hard time winning an audience over, no matter how good they may be. I didn't mind the singers comments the first couple of times made them, but he was sorely mistaken if he thought that further antagonization would work to his and his band's benefit. Instead of gving the audience crap for not being enthusiastic about their set, maybe he should ask himself why the audience wasn't enthusiastic. Then again, he probably doesn't want to hear the crippling truth: that his band writes boring songs and he's an annoying singer.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Jasonic, I can't argue with you when it comes to ripping on bands. I'll admit that I try to avoid slamming bands on the internet. As a singer who is attempting to get his name out there in the scene, I think it's best to keep most of my negative comments to myself when I make my online posts. However, when I'm amongst friends, as I was in the case of this show, I don't mind speaking my, er, mind. In fact, if I find a band or a particular member of that band to be absolutely unbearable, you'll find that I'm extremely vocal.

Hey, it's totally cool.
Ask anyone who has met me, or Bob (Diabolik).
We aren't afraid to speak our minds about bands either.

I am too damn passionate about music in general to sugar coat anything.

I was just being silly when I said my comment above, since multiple times during the IW set, I overheard you commenting on the vocalist.

I do like IW, though I agree that they didn't do themselves any favors last Thursday.

Well, I went into this show knowing it certainly was not going to be the metal performace of the year. It was what it was. I had a good time.

I don't think anyone needs to worry about ever having to decide whether or not to see Paul Di'Anno live again, as I would be very surprised if it will happen again.