Recent content by Dr_Metal

  1. Dr_Metal

    Manilla Road's debut album INVASION

    I really dig Manilla Road.... Throughout their lenghty career they have played everything from psych rock to thrash.... Open the gates and The Deluge are my favorites by them so far.... I'm still hoping they go in a prog-thrash direction on some future album.... That would slay!!!! \m/
  2. Dr_Metal

    what Obama has in store for service members wounded in battle

    Ok.... Who pays the "Private Insurance Companies"??? Usually, it's the soldier themselves that have their own private insurance apart from the government supplied benefits.... I.E., they are charging the soldiers for combat related care.... So All-American Joe gets back from Iraq with his...
  3. Dr_Metal

    what Obama has in store for service members wounded in battle

    Being a veteran myself, I'm somewhat biased.... Any individual that wants to have our military personnel pay for their own medical costs (Especially if said costs are incurred due to combat/ service related activities) is an ungrateful POS.... Alot more "colorful" descriptions come to mind but...
  4. Dr_Metal

    Control Issues Artwork

    Very cool yet quite disturbing.... Looking forward to hearing the album....
  5. Dr_Metal

    Volbeat singer collapses during concert

    Agreed.... Collapsing onstage cuz your sick and giving it your all is totally metal however!!!! :rock: :kickass: :rock:
  6. Dr_Metal

    I love bootleggers!

    Ohhhh.... I wanna watch.... :)
  7. Dr_Metal

    I love bootleggers!

    Unfortunately, There will always be some fuckwit that will try to ruin something for others in the name of getting a quick buck.... I suggest giving the name of this retard to bar & security personnel.... if the fucker goes for a drink or gets checked by security and they find him they can deny...
  8. Dr_Metal

    ProgPower XI Predictions

    People drunk at Progpower!?!?!? Naw.... It'll never happen.... :lol:
  9. Dr_Metal

    Stuff About Stuff, or, What I've Learned While Sick!

    I hope they find out what the issue is soon Ken.... I'm also glad you were able to watch the B5 series and I agree about season 5.... Very anti-climactic.... If you are looking for new reading material ya might want to give Jim Butcher's "The Dresden Files" series a try.... I think there are 11...
  10. Dr_Metal

    Your Guilty Listening Pleasures

    Oddly enough, I was just listening to Sacrilege of Fatal Arms the other night.... I would rate it as my 2nd favorite Devil Doll album after The Girl Who Was... Death. It's too bad that we may never hear new Devil Doll material again....
  11. Dr_Metal

    Your Guilty Listening Pleasures

    Devil Doll.... If I had to describe Devil Doll, I would describe the music as the soundtrack of a journey through a deranged persons mind.... There is an occasional rock element here and there but overall the music is symphonic orchestra with schitzoid vocals.... Brilliant stuff!!!!
  12. Dr_Metal

    Head-bangers, beware of injury, rocker scientists warn

    Yep.... A few years ago I saw Exodus twice in a row.... After the second show my neck felt like an eighteen wheeler ran over it.... As Luck would have it, I narrowly avoided the 300lb stagediver at the first show....
  13. Dr_Metal

    An unknown thrash classic remastered!!!

    Excellent album.... I still own the original which I bought back in the late 80's.... I prefer the self titled debut however....
  14. Dr_Metal

    Babylon 5

    Best sci-fi show ever created IMO.... I have all the B5 stuff on DVD (Except the Crusade off-spin which I did have but found subpar) and still watch them regularly.... Congrats on the marriage thing....