A Note About Me At PP This Year


Crazed Diet Coke Addict
Mar 12, 2003
Baltimore, MD
I am having ongoing eye problems that require all sorts of treatment and surgery (I can now say that I know what it feels like to have needles put into my eye). Anyway, my vision in my right eye is really bad at the moment (my next surgery is in November), so if I'm talking to you and turning my head in odd directions, it does not mean that I'm loaded up on booze (well, probably not), just that I'm trying to see you better. This also makes reading things like menus or CD labels pretty hard, though I will have my helper (Mary) with me for these things.

This should make navigating the stairs especially challenging. I suspect that those seated around the soundboard (where we usually park ourselves) should get some unplanned entertainment watching me fall at least once during the show...:heh:

Oh man, sorry to hear that! My father has had to undergo the same treatments for eye damage. He equated the procedure to the scene from Fire in the Sky... :ill: Good luck! I hope it all goes well!
That sucks about all the eye problems, dude. Hopefully you'll still be able to enjoy the show. Perhaps a pair of binoculars would help if you are planning to sit back and relax and enjoy the show from more of a distance. You could always shut the one eye with the blurry vision and look through with the good eye, but at least then you would see the show clearly.

I also noticed your from Baltimore. I've been noticing more and more folks on the forum recently from this area. Please try to say hi if you see me at any point during the fest. :headbang:
^Actually, I see things better at a distance, so I'll be fine for the show. And yes, I do sometimes close my right eye to see better. I have considered getting an eye patch. But them I'd be tempted to get a sword and talk like a pirate all the time, and I'm thinking this might annoy people.

Baltimore rules! If I see you, I'll say "hey".

^Actually, I see things better at a distance, so I'll be fine for the show. And yes, I do sometimes close my right eye to see better. I have considered getting an eye patch. But them I'd be tempted to get a sword and talk like a pirate all the time, and I'm thinking this might annoy people.

Baltimore rules! If I see you, I'll say "hey".


That would RULE! You should totally get an eye patch for PP!
I'm not sure what the in/out rules for swords are, but we may be able to set you up with one of those tiny swords from the mixed drinks.

Seriously dude, sorry to hear about the eye problems.
That would RULE! You should totally get an eye patch for PP!
I'm not sure what the in/out rules for swords are, but we may be able to set you up with one of those tiny swords from the mixed drinks.

Eye patches are metal, right?! It would totally rock if you dressed and spoke like a pirate (on at least one of the nights of the fest - maybe corset/kilt night if you are not already planning to do the kilt thing). Hey, you'd be easy to spot at the very least. Just don't make it one of those cheesy plastic Halloween numbers from a party store. (It cracked me up this past weekend when I saw folks wearing those to the RennFest. :lol:) But if you did the full-on pirate costume, that would be kick-ass! :headbang:
Man Dave, sorry to hear about your eye problems. I haven't seen you and Mary for far too long now! Looking forward to seeing you guys in ATL! Kinda funny considering Mary and I work so close to each other and you only live like 25 minutes away from me.

As far as Baltimore goes... born and raised in Catonsville! :kickass:
Sorry to hear that Rick! :heh:

Dave - Good luck with getting the eye issues resolved. I still plan on dragging you kicking and screaming from your perch to say to the FK dudes, unless you play nice & come along willingly! :)
Dude, I had eye surgery a year ago, still also seeing the "halos" at the lights, it's challenging when going upstairs on the movies when lights are shut! Are you using teardrops? I'm still on minor treatment finally things look better :)