A Special Angra-Holiday Gift for Jasonic and Nomisofsiman


Aug 1, 2002
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Ok, so here it's my promised thread with Angra recommendations mainly for Jason and Simon... obviously, I hope that everyone else (ESPECIALLY THE YOUNGER AND NEW TO THE STYLE) will check these out. I picked a few per album. Obviously it doesn't mean these are the best songs or whatever... just a few I picked.

Reminder: First three albums here had Andre Matos on vocals. The rest are all Edu Falaschi.

Angels Cry:

Holy Land:




Hunters and Prey:

Temple of Shadows:


Aurora Consurgens:



Enjoy guys!
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Yes, thanks for posting these indeed, as it did help me finally dig more into this band's work.
Solid stuff indeed. I agree that the Angels Cry stuff was the best of the bunch.
Yes, thanks for posting these indeed, as it did help me finally dig more into this band's work.
Solid stuff indeed. I agree that the Angels Cry stuff was the best of the bunch.

Anytime man. Like I said before, I am not trying to make you like them or convince you they're good. I figured since Fireworks was your first choice, and it's not the best representation of their career, you needed to give them another fair chance. I'm glad you dig the Angels Cry stuff.
Yeah, Angra is just one of many bands that I heard before, but with so many bands, if it doesn't click at first, it's ignore and move on, ya know???

Happens all the time. Too many bands to be into all of them.

Hell, these days, there are so many bands that I don't even always get CDs anymore by bands that I do like alot, simply because there is so much new stuff out there, or older bands I am getting into for the first time.
I hadn't heard any of the new album yet; wariness over the mixed reviews, but I'm really into the Lease of Life song. They excel at ballads. I think I'm gonna get Aqua.

Ok I'm listening to Arising Thunder and did I just hear Edu go "Look-out!" right after the 3 minute mark? Awesome!
Yeah, Angra is just one of many bands that I heard before, but with so many bands, if it doesn't click at first, it's ignore and move on, ya know???

Happens all the time. Too many bands to be into all of them.

Hell, these days, there are so many bands that I don't even always get CDs anymore by bands that I do like alot, simply because there is so much new stuff out there, or older bands I am getting into for the first time.

Very true.
Thanks for posting this. There is so much music out there to check out and with BG touring next week that's what I've been focusing on, but it's been awhile since I've listened to Temple of Shadows but MAN, that disc is awesome. I normally go to Angles Cry and Rebirth when I want to listen to Angra but I'm going to have to queue up Temple of Shadows now. I just love Morning Star. The guitars smokes on that track.

AngraRULES - I do have one question which you would be the one who would know this; do you know if they ever released the 2-disc digi version of Aqua? I've looked and never been able to find it.
Thanks for posting this. There is so much music out there to check out and with BG touring next week that's what I've been focusing on, but it's been awhile since I've listened to Temple of Shadows but MAN, that disc is awesome. I normally go to Angles Cry and Rebirth when I want to listen to Angra but I'm going to have to queue up Temple of Shadows now. I just love Morning Star. The guitars smokes on that track.

AngraRULES - I do have one question which you would be the one who would know this; do you know if they ever released the 2-disc digi version of Aqua? I've looked and never been able to find it.

It's so funny you mention that -- today I went and put on Freedom Call (the EP). It's been years since I've listened to it, and then I heard the song Freedom Call and that felt so good cause IT IS SUCH AN AMAZING SONG!!

As for the Aqua digipack version, you can find that in Europe if I'm not wrong. I think the digi version came out in Brazil and Europe - though I haven't found a vendor online who has it.

I'm gonna check with my cousin if he can find it in Brazil. He's supposed to be here in the States for the holidays. We'll see. I'll let you know!
It's so funny you mention that -- today I went and put on Freedom Call (the EP). It's been years since I've listened to it, and then I heard the song Freedom Call and that felt so good cause IT IS SUCH AN AMAZING SONG!!

That it is, along with Queen of the Night.

As for the Aqua digipack version, you can find that in Europe if I'm not wrong. I think the digi version came out in Brazil and Europe - though I haven't found a vendor online who has it.

I'm gonna check with my cousin if he can find it in Brazil. He's supposed to be here in the States for the holidays. We'll see. I'll let you know!

Thanks for posting this. There is so much music out there to check out and with BG touring next week that's what I've been focusing on, but it's been awhile since I've listened to Temple of Shadows but MAN, that disc is awesome. I normally go to Angles Cry and Rebirth when I want to listen to Angra but I'm going to have to queue up Temple of Shadows now. I just love Morning Star. The guitars smokes on that track.

AngraRULES - I do have one question which you would be the one who would know this; do you know if they ever released the 2-disc digi version of Aqua? I've looked and never been able to find it.

Isn't the second disc just a collection of previously released songs?

Angra is way overdue for a live DVD. I was watching the Rebirth live DVD last night and it seems like ages ago.