A Special Angra-Holiday Gift for Jasonic and Nomisofsiman

I hadn't heard any of the new album yet; wariness over the mixed reviews, but I'm really into the Lease of Life song. They excel at ballads. I think I'm gonna get Aqua.

Ok I'm listening to Arising Thunder and did I just hear Edu go "Look-out!" right after the 3 minute mark? Awesome!

Aqua is one of those albums that rewards you with something new every time you spin it. It's not instantly likeable, but it's well worth making the extra effort to appreciate its complexities.

You narrowed it down to some of the very best of the best, though there are so many others one could mention, these are pretty much what I would have posted as well. There are also the other more obscure ones that come to mind that kinda showed another side to them like with Rainy Nights or Chega De Saudade, Stand Away on Angels Cry, besides Freedom Call and Queen of the Night that was already mentioned. But this is a great post, one I refer other people who have never heard of them to. Thanks for doing the work for me:)
You narrowed it down to some of the very best of the best, though there are so many others one could mention, these are pretty much what I would have posted as well. There are also the other more obscure ones that come to mind that kinda showed another side to them like with Rainy Nights or Chega De Saudade, Stand Away on Angels Cry, besides Freedom Call and Queen of the Night that was already mentioned. But this is a great post, one I refer other people who have never heard of them to. Thanks for doing the work for me:)

You got it. I could definitely give another 3 songs off each album that are just as great as these, but I figured this would be a good-enough start. You mentioned some great tracks for sure, but it is up to us to just allow people to discover them on their own now, hehe. As for Chega de Saudade, it's a great little cover. I wish they'd do more bossa-nova covers like that every now and then.