a thanks from a short person


Sep 17, 2002
SF Bay Area
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I would like to thank the guys that let me in front of them for Edguy.

It sucks at concerts to be small. I am not even 5 '2 so getting a good view of the bands can often be difficult.

I am not a raging fan of Zero Hour or Silent Force, so I didn't want to be rude and hog the front during their performance. So I tried to push upfront for Edguy( they were the band I was most looking forward to and they certaintly did not disappoint), and I managed with great difficulty to get up to the second row of people (although way off to the side where I couldn't see Jens) thanks to a bunch of guys who were nice enough to let me ahead of them when I asked. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have even gotten to see the half of the stage that I did.

I know I read posts earlier about how people think it is rude to hog the front waiting for a favorite band to perform. However, I am going to apoligize ahead of time because unless I can find 5 inch comfortable platform sneakers, I will have to hog the front in the future because unless someone is under 5'7, I can't see over them at all. I promise I won't be obstructing anyone's view(unless you are a midget), and I will certaintly not look bored.

Oh, and if you are over 6'2, be aware that if you are in the front row, you are obstructing the views of at least 5 people behind you and in some cases people off to the side of you.
That's a very good point ReaLM. I'm not incredibly tall either, but I would like to at least _see_ the stage! I would have gone up to the seats so I could see, but at the same time I want to stand up and have fun and didn't want to obstruct someone else's view. So people like those nice guys are awesome! There's nothing quite like Prog & Power fans!
