are you dead yet blows?

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I noticed too from the first listen that there is MUCH less going on.

If You Like Shit... Prepare For More easily is the most dull, lifeless song on the CD.

AYDY? is probably the best song then BoB for actually having life in a song.
Heavenscent said:
Still, you only have one point: that doing the same stuff makes it crap.
But you don't know what it could have been if Alexi had indeed used all his skills on this one. You can be heavy without being chugga-chugga in a repetitive way. Distortion doesn't make metal.

And lame distortion, too. Since they just covered "Bed of Nails", I guess they should have taken a better look at uncle Alice Cooper's album "Brutal Planet". Now that's what I call a bad ass heavy distortion.

Hmmm I think I'm gonna listen to some Alice Cooper CDs now. You know, that guy sure knows how to compose his shit. Snakebite ftw.
Elysian893 said:
i'll defend my opinions as soon as you say something about the new album that is based in reality.

To whom are these compalints directed to? Do you really think that someone is interested to hear whine from a 20-year-old nolifer? You have complained about the same thing about 2 months now or something. You just keep coming back even though you don't like it, it seems you really do like it after all. And basically you are trying to say, that because bodom is not hatebreeder anymore, it must suck. And on top of all this, you think you know everything about music, because you claim to be a musician. How should I put it.. you are cocky. Just GET OVER IT, start listening to another band!
i have an idea, i actually think several other people on this thread already came up with it though, and its quite brilliant....kill other people that dont share your opinion...what do ya think? i think it will solve a lot
HauknessX said:
i have an idea, i actually think several other people on this thread already came up with it though, and its quite brilliant....kill other people that dont share your opinion...what do ya think? i think it will solve a lot
Don't post this garbage if you dont understand the point. Of course you can share your own opinion, but you don't have whine over and over for long periods of time, in the bands own forum. Go whine somewhere else.
Wow this thread is really going somewhere... i wonder when youll all cut the crap and say something remotely useful for a change... Of course like most people i liked the older albums like follow the reaper better than the new ones even though i like the new ones as well...But we might as well stop this discussion cause the point was clear ages ago and if you dont like the new albums just dont listen to them...This entire forum is getting spammed all over by people saying fuck this fuck that...Well its all been done a million times so if you have nothing to say just shut up and be bored somewhere else...And dont fuck things up for the people that actually have something to say and want to have a normal discussion like what this forum was meant for...Thank you
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