Barfest... night 1...

Yeah I've gotta say, booking 2 bands I haven't heard of plus one that I know by name only wouldn't have helped the festival. This was a strong lineup but it was missing a really big band to get fence-sitters to make up their mind (they would have had it with Angra), and 21+ probably hurt them quite a bit too, variety in the lineup or whatever was not the issue.
I thought it was a pretty damn good line up. We didn't go because we have seen a lot of these bands before, we just saw Spock's Beard a week before at RoSFest, and ther venue doesn't have seating. The last one was particularly killer, as there is no way my trashed knee is going to take standing for two days. Put this show in an all-ages venue with some seating, and I think you'd have a bigger crowd. And yeah, like others have already said, having Angra there would have likely made a huge difference.

Another thing that may factor into it is that people are hesitant to travel to a first-time festival, since they have no idea if the promoter is going to deliver on their promises. I think that if there's another Barfest. there will likely be a larger turn out, based on positive word of mouth on the first one. I know the Enchant show we attended in March from the same promoter was well run, so I'd certainly trust him in the future to put on a quality show.

I also think there may be a limit to the number of festivals you can reasonably expect people to travel long distances to attend. Most people can only afford one or two (at the most). We manage three a year (RoSFest, Nearfest, PP), only because the first two are within driving distance. If air travel is involved, it increases the cost and annoyance factor. Just something else to consider.

Gawd... It is wonderful how the people who were not there are offering all this "constructive" criticism. I had a blast. My husband had a blast. The only thing we can complain about were the bar prices - constantly changing from order to order and a bit on the high side. Meh... water was still cheaper than at the venues here.

The line-up was incredible. I have not seen this many quality bands with top-notch performances. The mostly prog vibe I liked a lot. For me the draw was Jon Oliva. And Crimson Glory to a lesser extent. Angra has been to two ProgPowers and I saw them both times. Could not have cared less if they were on the bill. I am also a fan of the 21+ shows - sorry, minors, but it is the younger crowds that get rough and roudy and diminish others' experience.

Thanks to all of the organizers and bands for the package! BAR Fest 2 is much looked forward to in my household.

And here is Jon Oliva's Pain's rendition of New York City Don't Mean Nothing straight from BAR Fest:
Yeah, as soon as someone turns 21 and has the ability to buy alcohol, they become a whole lot more well behaved! :rolleyes:

I'd agree, though I'd guess that progressive metal crowds are a bit more subdued than the standard metal crowd - and people may get a bit used to that at these festivals. I had a lot of issues with intoxicated 40-50 year old adults at the Heaven and Hell show this weekend in Chicago. Anyone in their 20's or even younger was great - but it was the obnoxiously drunk adults that caused a lot of problems.
Having just attended this myself, I actually agree with alot of what is said.

However, keep in mind that this is a first-time effort for this festival, so there are going to be mistakes made (the one that really got my goat was the incorrect time on the tickets - still pissed that I missed most of Odin's Court's set :| purely due to the fact that I thought it didn't start until 7, when they actually started like around 6:15) and lessons learned.

I personally thought the line-up was very solid with plenty of excellent acts on there. For me, most of those bands, I've not seen live. The only ones that I did see before was Spock's Beard, Zero Hour and Odin's Court, so in the end, this was well worth the long as trip from Richmond, VA to go to.

'longshot9' hit the nail on the head with the recaps, so no point repeating what is already said in that regard, as I totally agree. However, I did stick it to the end during the Spock's Beard show (pretty cool the keyboardist remembered me from when I saw them at Jaxx last year!). The only thing was that I was friggan dogged-ass tired, though (plus imbibing in a "wine and cheese" party at the inn I was staying at, as well as drinking a screwdriver or two back at the suite, then having another 4 or 5 beers during the night, plus still the effects of the time change (it was really 5 in the morning to me by that time) did not help). I was up front right near the keyboards leaning against the front of the stage half asleep during Spock's Beard doing my best to try to stay awake. Also, I do agree, that I wish there was more seating available at that venue. By the end of both nights, my knees where friggan killing me (the last 25+ years of skiing certainly has taken its toll on my knees).

The crowd was actually very well behaved during this show. I don't recall any obnoxious drunks trying to ruin it for anybody else during those two days of the show.

I was very impressed with this show (other than the ticket-time mixup) and I hope I can go again. However, San Francisco is just such a friggan long as away so it is very unlikely that I'll get to go very often. I guess it has to be a lineup with alot of good bands that I've not really seen before to get me to come out again. ProgPowerUSA is just so much more feasible for me to go to as Atlanta is not that far away, thus non-stop flights are cheap and plentiful. But for those out there in that part of the world, and for which Atlanta may not always be feasible to get to, this opens up another option to go see the kinds of music and acts that we all really enjoy.

My Kudo's to Dave and crew for organizing this very excellent show and to all the totally awesome bands that played that night. For two glorious nights, friggan San Francisco was the place to be for metal! Now, for the only "kicked myself in the ass" moment, I was outside shooting the shit with D.C. Cooper and Danny (the singer from EyeFear) while eating a piece of pizza that I got up the street, and it never dawned on me to get somebody to take a quick pic of me with them! {DOH!}.

Keep up the awesome work Dave and I can only wish you awesome success and that this show will indeed get better and better!
BARFEST site says that Odin's Court's set was 6:00 to 6:30 PM.

Sucks that the tickets were printed wrong. But I always check Web sites when possible, or call the venues before shows just in case.

I hope they put on another show next year. The more shows in the US, the more likely bands are to be able to play in the states.
In reply to the ticket fiasco, which we found out about during sound checks, we pushed back the starting time 20 minutes for Odin's Court, everything else went on schedule, in fact we were ahead of the schedule all weekend...Thanks in large part to our awesome crew, Henry, Marc, Chris, Damien and everyone else that helped...


BARfest was awesome! Yes there were a few minor and I mean minor glitches but for the most part it was great show and a great crowd! Dave and the gang are to be commended for putting together a great show!

All the bands were great. Mob Rules and Eyefear were both huge in my book they were both incredible surprises! Danny Cecati was a force for Eyefear! Enchant was perfect... Not my favorite music but I enjoy Enchant a lot and they are great no doubt and I really enjoyed their set. Zero Hour, well they just amaze and Crimson Glory with Wade Black was killer! And of course Jon Oliva was excellent and seemed to be really having a good time...

And congrats to Timeline and Odins Court for getting the ball rolling each night! Great job! It was really cool to finally be able to see Rick doing his thang!

Thanks to everyone there for help making it a killer weekend of music and serious frivolity!!

We just finished the drive back from San Diego, but still talking about the show. My gf and I loved it. The highlight of day 1 for us was Mob Rules. My gf actually turned me on to them two years ago, as she had been listening to them for a while. Have all their albums, and was very eager to see them. Unfortunately, they had a very short set, seemed like maybe six songs?

I thought Spock's Beard was alright. They did a great job, but I'm just not into them as much without Morse. Can't get used to the sound. Different. It's okay though.

As great as all the bands were, we were really there for Jon Oliva and the bunch. OMFG was that a great show. It was basically all Savatage songs, with a few JOP songs from Maniacal Renderings. Edge Of Thorns, Gutter Ballet, a lot of Streets, Hall Of The Mountain King, etc, it by far made the 1000+ mile drive worthwhile for us. Matt LaPort was absolutely unreal on guitar. Like Jon said, if you just close your eyes, it's there. It was.

Thanks to all that put the show together. I was honestly shocked more people weren't there for it, they really missed out. I really hope there will be a repeat next year.