Bashing 80's metal---again...


May 8, 2003
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I found out about this from BWBK news and to some it may not be a huge deal but, I know there are some people who post here that dig that style of music--including myself---and may I be so bold to say that if it had not been for some of those bands--I probably wouldn't be listening to some of the melodic power metal that I love today!!! Now, I know that 80's metal and todays power metal aren't the closest sounding but, in a melodic sense there are similarities.(Imo) Anyway, go to and click on the picture with the big boobs and Poison necklace with the title "Too Fast for Love" and then give it a read. Yea, it may be his opinion---but, I still think it was a bit harsh and we should send him the entire Poison catalog!!! Frickin' Dickweed :hotjump:
I couldn't agree with you more. 80's metal was what got me into what I like today. I highly doubt if I had of listened to 80's pop that I would have ever given DT a chance, ditto if I was into the hard core thrash or death of the 80's. Melody is what it's all about for me, and talentless or not, 80's metal was chock full of melody galore.

Now I wouldn't disagree now that Poison, and a few other bands were lacking on the talent side... seriously, is there anyone in their right mind that would actually say that CC Deville has any talent other than sticking a straw in his nose? But I'm sorry, Extreme had some major talent, Nuno is a god... Great White wrote some of the best bluesy metal tunes of the 80's.... Winger... yeah Kips a dork, but he's got a great voice, and Reb Beach is insane... so was Rod Morgenstein. Luckily he didn't have the balls to throw Tesla into the 'no talent' category.

I think what he's mainly getting at is the people that still "live in the 80's" and look it... yeah there are some people that need to wake up... I miss my super long hair sometimmes, but that's not me anymore. I still love the music and listen to it on occasion, but to say it's talentless and people that like it need to have their head's examined is ignorant. Listen too a kerry king solo dude, tell me there's ANY talent there.
I have to agree with him, for the most part, about most of the 'hair bands' of that time period. That is my opinion and if it doesn't match your opinion...don't sweat it. I don't get pissed off about someone's opinion that differs from mine.

Having said that, I have a lot of fond memeories, and some memories that would be fond if I could remember them :Spin:, of the 80's scene. Some of my favorite bands came out of the 80's like, Queensryche, King's X, Crimson Glory, Dream Theater and many others, so the aspect of 80's music he is talking about is only one part of the music scene of that era. How many great albums by DIO, Maiden, Priest, Savatage, and the like, come out in the 80's...a whole fuckin' bunch, so don't let this one guy's view piss you off too much.

Like what you like and listen to what you like and screw everyone else... :headbang:
I don't care what anyone says. Jackyl (even though they are early 90's- many mistake them for 80's) STILL puts on one of the best live shows I have ever seen. (And I saw them "past their prime" about 2 months ago) Hands down...

Some bands I could give a rats ass about, but in truth... I was young (less than 10) during the 80's and if I hadn't seen Bon Jovi or Posion jumping around on stage in leather pants... I can promise I would not be typing this message today.

Who can really say that Huey Lewis and The News or New Kids on the Block were more talented and more "musical" than Hair bands. Jordan Knight VS CeCe Deville in a guitar match? I know who I'd put my money on...

Love it or leave it, but it's what got me started.

I don't care for most of the 80's pop/hair/glam metal or whatever you want to call it, but I saw Cinderella early in their career and they were one of the most professional and entertaining bands I have ever witnessed. Tom Keifer hit every note on vocals and he and Lebar picked and fretted each other's guitars and they did all of that slinging the guitar around your back and stuff. Also Vita Bratta of White Lion was a guitar God !!
Back in the 80's though I did like The Crue and Dokken etc. I was mostly listening to bands like Dio, Accept, Yngwie and Sabbath etc. The glam scene did get too saturated, but I think it had it;s place in metal history and it doesn't matter who likes it or not, they can't erase history. It was there and popular so get over it.

Totally agreed Bryant... I've seen Cinderella 4 times inluding just a few years ago and they are incredible live. One of the best sounding bands I've ever seen live, them and Tesla.
symfnyx said:
Totally agreed Bryant... I've seen Cinderella 4 times inluding just a few years ago and they are incredible live. One of the best sounding bands I've ever seen live, them and Tesla.

The problem with the music, in the late 80's & early 90's, is that it - the music - became almost secondary to the image, the look. If you had the right look you could get a record deal even if you didn't have the songs to back it up. Cinderella was one of the bands that became a victim of their image, but did have the chops and could deliver great bluesy rock. The music was good, but they were looked at as just another hair band, and so, their music got dismissed a lot of times unfairly, imo.

The 80's were a fun time and the music reflected that. These bands weren't out to change the world, just to have a good time and a good time was usually had by all.
TheWhisper said:
Like what you like and listen to what you like and screw everyone else... :headbang:
Now there's some words to live by...well said Whisper!

Rock on!
TheWhisper said:
The problem with the music, in the late 80's & early 90's, is that it - the music - became almost secondary to the image, the look.

True, but in the late 80's I was between 10 and 12. As I stated before and as superficial as it sounds, the men in long hair and leather pants got me into the "heavier" side of music. Granted I listen to it now, and it's not as heavy as what I usually listen to.... but everyone starts somewhere.


Bryant said:
I don't care for most of the 80's pop/hair/glam metal or whatever you want to call it, but I saw Cinderella early in their career and they were one of the most professional and entertaining bands I have ever witnessed. Tom Keifer hit every note on vocals and he and Lebar picked and fretted each other's guitars and they did all of that slinging the guitar around your back and stuff. Also Vita Bratta of White Lion was a guitar God !!
Back in the 80's though I did like The Crue and Dokken etc. I was mostly listening to bands like Dio, Accept, Yngwie and Sabbath etc. The glam scene did get too saturated, but I think it had it;s place in metal history and it doesn't matter who likes it or not, they can't erase history. It was there and popular so get over it.

Good memories, huh Bryant?

I remember meeting Cinderella early in their career at an in-store appearance where nobody showed up (it was long before Night Songs broke big). They were on some shitty bill at a shitty club. I wasn't even there for the in-store...didn't even know about it, but recognized the guys as they were just milling around in a virtually empty warehouse-type store. I already had their album (probably heard it on Charlie Kendall's Metal Shop or something), and I started telling Fred Coury how much I liked it, and he just freaked...started calling all the other guys over. They kept repeating, "Hey, we got a fan!"..."This guy has our album!" They were so was really appreciative they were at just one guy that bought their album. Little did they know how many more they were gonna sell...

It was a trip...nice bunch of guys. A year later they came back to town with Bon Jovi and sold out our coliseum...all my buddies were on the bandwagon by then, along with all the girlfriends. They were already old news to me...(my friends were a bunch of poseurs)...

Good times...

Rock on!