cancelling hotel rooms


Mar 29, 2002
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I've never had to do this before, but because I'll be going to a bigger college next year and my money will be getting more scarce, it just might happen.

My question is, how does each hotel for the event deal with cancellations? Can I cancel all the way up till the day of the event, or is there a limit on how long I can cancel and get my money back?

I know a few of you have been in a similar situtation on money, could you share your experiences with this?
Without knowing which hotel you're looking to book with, it's hard to say. But I do know that at the Residence I can cancel up until the day of the event. It was right in the details of my confirmation.

I'd suggest giving the hotels a call to clarify this for you. They will have more concise information than any of us could provide.
As long as you book with the hotel via phone or their web site, your ok. Most are up to day of.....BUT...if you book on, lets say, either will not be able to cancel or they will zap you with a fee.
Most sites like charge $25 for change or cancellation regardless of when you make the change. I don't know about the other hotels, but the Granada told me 4:00 pm to the day prior to check in and no charge for cancellation.
It all depends on the hotel you're booked at and the terms of your reservation. I have two reservations at the Granada and one I can cancel the day of arrival by 4PM with no penalty; the other I must cancel 3 days prior to the event in order to avoid a charge. Bueno!!
I would HIGHLY SUGGEST not canceling the day before, if you know you're not going to make it cancel at LEAST a week ahead of time. Especially if you booked via a credit card. Some will allow you to cancel a hotel room but will add a fee. Seeing as how this is prime time and if you cancel the day before the hotel could be out of two to three nights of revenue and charge you for it accordingly.

If you can check your reservation online, do it, and look for the cancellation rules. Most of the time, you can cancel with no penalty.
all hotels put the cancellation policy on their website and it is right there when you book online. most are 4 - 6pm that day or sometimes the day before..... just be sure it is not an internet rate or special that requires full payment right then with no refund... i book travel for a living and that has gotten me in the past....
Be sure to check with the hotel in question (whichever it is) and ask for their cancellation policy. Avoid third parties and try to book directly with the hotel. I also personally prefer to speak to a human being over the phone rather than book online, as websites can't reason whereas some humans can... No, seriously, I browse the websites for their best deals and then call the hotels and tell them what I want. I have never had any issues, be it for PP or anything else. Finally, even if you are not cancelling, it's a good idea to call one or two days before check-in to make sure everything is in order. You'd be surprised who quickly you can get pissed off when you've been on airplanes all day, get to your hotel at 3:00am tired as hell and they tell you at the front desk that they do not have a Mr or Ms Yournamehere in their system.
rottingflesh said:
how i have missed your smartass!!!! :)
