Did anyone else get ill from ProgPower 5?

Seems like a lot of people get sick EVERY year after PP. Me, I spend so much time dealing with the public that I think I'm more immune to such things. I'm more likely to go down with a random mutated bug that slaps me upside the head every couple of years.

I came home with a little chest congestion, but that was just from all the singing, the screaming, and - primarily - the smoke. Cigarettes and stage smoke both.
So far so good. *knocks wood*

I got the PP Flu last year. Man, was I sick. Took ahold about two days after I got home.This year I started in on the vitamin C & D, some L-lysine and Echinacea about a week before I went. I'm still downing the C......

Hope everyone feels better soon!
I didn't stay at the Fairfield but I partied there on Friday night....glad I didn't get the "Fairfield bug" but one of my friends who traveled with me did. *knock on every piece of wood I can find*. Glad I didn't get sick from my first PP visit.

MetalRose I remember seeing you in line for Brainstorm, you were two people ahead of me. They kicked ass.

Hope everyone is feeling better. :)
Jesse James Dupree....... Aieeeee, I went to school with him!

I stayed at the Fairfield but I feel fine, so I evaded the Fairfield Flu this year. :)

In all seriousness, whenever you have a lot of people from different parts of the countr-- err, world! -- all together in one place, you have a greater potential vector for disease transference. That's all that's happening here. We hope.
Pellaz said:
Jesse James Dupree....... Aieeeee, I went to school with him!

I stayed at the Fairfield but I feel fine, so I evaded the Fairfield Flu this year. :)

In all seriousness, whenever you have a lot of people from different parts of the countr-- err, world! -- all together in one place, you have a greater potential vector for disease transference. That's all that's happening here. We hope.
Plus everyone isn't sleeping enough, eating enough, and are all tired from traveling and partying.... Rough combination!

I didn't stay in any hotel last year and I got sicker than sick. This year I stayed at the Fairfield, partied all night everynight, shared bottles of alcohol that were being passed around and yet I'm not sick at all. Yet. I think I'm going to get away scott-free this year!

I hope everyone feels better soon! My thoughts are with you, ProgPower sicknesses are brutal!

Tammy Z

p.s. WHO looks like Jesse James Dupree and WHY don't I know them?
Usually I blow out my voice at events like these. The better the event the faster I lose my voice. Last year it was gone before the Thurs nite pre party! This year..I ended up catching a flu right before Labor Day and it only finally disappeared Thursday on the drive down to Atlanta. This was an awesome event..but I didn't lose my voice for once ;) And so far have stayed relatively healthy since I got back. (Notice I said healthy and not normal ;) Now I'm just dealing with my usual case of the Post Prog Power Blues. Is it Sept 2005 yet?

I just realized that this year I didnt get sick. Weird, Ive missed getting sick leading up to PP too. ALL of my friends came down with something and I told them if I got it for PP Id kill em. I think its maybe just cos I've been going to the gym alot more and have been eating healthier and all that good shit. I am still horrendously tired though from getting like 8 hours of sleep combined from Wed - Sun. One of these years Im gonna NOT get a flight out at 7 AM and SLEEP after the patio party.

This is really freaking me out that Bryan316, Jeremy, Creeps, and Metalmilitia2000 (4 of the main people i met or hung out with at this progpower), not to mention Robin (my girlfriend for chrissakes) all seem to have the same thing but i haven't gotten it. Rakosh, you healthy? i see that toobad seems to have dodged it too.
maybe I had this same strain of cold/flu way back in my childhood and developed an immunity.

Se7enChurches said:
This is really freaking me out that Bryan316, Jeremy, Creeps, and Metalmilitia2000 (4 of the main people i met or hung out with at this progpower), not to mention Robin (my girlfriend for chrissakes) all seem to have the same thing but i haven't gotten it. Rakosh, you healthy? i see that toobad seems to have dodged it too.
maybe I had this same strain of cold/flu way back in my childhood and developed an immunity.


I hope so for your sake man. Because this shit sucks. I have been out of work for 3 days with it.

its the massive pollen count at this time of year and the kudzu that takes over the city. I got sick this year as did my wife and I've gotten sick the last 3 years noow that I think about it. I guess its all part of the fun ! :headbang: :hotjump:
It took a few days, but the PP bug finally caught up with me. Nothing as severe as you guys, but I now have a stuffy runny nose, crap in my chest, and no voice. fun.
Good news folks, I started feeling bad on Friday, and got worse, but I'm markedly better today. Looks like it's a weeklong thing, tops!

= R