Edguy/Hammerfall/Into Eternity in NYC


Aug 1, 2002
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Is anyone going to this show on tuesday? Me and my girlfriend will be there, as well as Matt (YngvaiX) and Ernie... I was just wondering if more ProgPower folks are gonna make it, it'd be cool to meet and hang out with more PP people before the actual festival....
I'd like to, but for whatever reason they decided to have the San Francisco show at the DNA Lounge, which is a 21+ venue, and I'm only 20.

Don't they realize that most of Hammerfall's fans are less than 16? What a dumb move on their part.
I will be there Tuesday night with my friend Dan. The Edguy/Tad Morose show last year at BB Kings was nothing short of amazing. This is gonna be just as good. Even looking foward to seeing Into Eternity for the first time. This will be my second time for HammerFall and my second time for Edguy.
Well, if anyone is up for a little progpower meeting/gathering, let me know over here in this thread and we can arrange it, it would be fun!
Heavenly Call said:
What other songs?

Does anyone have a set list?

Lets see if i can remember them all

in no particular order:

Riders of the Storm
Let the Hammer Fall
Glory to the Brave
Hammer of Justice
Crimson Thunder
Heeding the Call
(im sure there were a few more in there but i was toast! after being awake for 27 hrs yer brain don't function right) :)

Hearts on Fire

Jens had a cool solo,and during one song he kept breaking into other tunes..Like Run to the Hills & Painkiller.Elmgren pulled a similair stunt during Glory to the Brave when he jumped into Run to the Hills and one or 2 others that i can remember.THEN he started playing the lead into Enter Sandmand and they palyed the full first verse of it!.
TwstDrSteph said:
Count me in! Steph
Count me in as well, look forward to it! I will be at BB King's for this trifecta of an awesome show. Also, heading down to the Philly show for more and doin' some band interviews & concert photos for the website...which will be launching a new & improved redesigned site this month!!