Hammerfall\Edguy\Into Eternity- Chicago- Who's Going?


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Mar 29, 2003
This Sunday (8/21) Hammerfall\Edguy\ And Into Eternity will be playing the House Of Blues Chicago. Just curious as to who will be attending?
Im commen with a big group! all 7 of us will be there...just name the time and the spot and well be there. Im thinken maybe at the end of the bar all the way to the left. That could be a good spot to meet. what do ya think?
ps ill be with the 3 hot chix...
I wouldn't miss Edguy for the world. When I saw them the first time in Atlanta three years ago, they took my breath away.

COUNT ME IN! I got a big bunch going with me, so it should be fun.
Keep Rockin'!
Yippee38 and I managed to meet Justin and Rocky Racoon last night. Nice to put faces with names:) Have a nice drive guys - see you again in a few weeks.
It was a good show. It was nice Edguy was wandering around the crowd during Hammerfall.
That show was the shit. I had a good time hanging out with met-al, rroadsfan, and The Q. Nice to hang out with you guys last night!

I had such a good time at the show. I think that they should have switched the headliners because Edguy totally blew Hammerfall off the stage. I am not saying that they did a crappy job, but they did not have nearly as much energy flow as Edguy did. I was hanging out with the guys from Edguy during the Hammerfall set. They are so cool. I got them all to sign my ticket stub. It was a good night. They are so cool.

Anyone else got any comments on the show!

Stay Metal!
The show in Cleveland was small, yet efficiently METAL. Into Eternity played a few different songs than the last time I saw them, and it was great to hear them live. Cool as hell on stage, great fun, and hung out yakking with them for quite a ong time. Edguy was insanely exciting as expected. And funny as hell! Toby pointed all the stage mic stands to crotch level, so the guys had to get on their knees to sing backup. Hilarious! Dwarf jokes, House of Booze jokes, House of Boobs jokes, crazy crowd participation and stage antics... hella good show.

Got back stage passes. Hung with Joacim from HammerFall, talking about what the Swedish concert venues are like. And then Tobias ran in begging people for smokes. Heh heh. Then he asked Joacim to use his dressing room's bathroom cuz someone was using theirs, and he didn't believe Joacim when he told him the lock combination was 456789. "No, you're full of shit. What is it?" "456789." "Oh like anyone here's gonna barge in for autographs when I'm taking a shit. What is it?" "456789." "Are you serious? You're fucking lying to me!" "Then go try it!" He goes to try it. It opens. Everyone around points and laughs and gives the "AAAWWWWWW!!!!" howl like when you're getting sent to the principal's office in grade school! Too funny. Shoulda remembered the Spaceballs reference... "That's the kind of thing an idiot would have on their luggage!"

Excellent show.
Chicago show kicked ass! Into Eternity was awesome, as usual, though I could have gone for a couple more songs. Had fun hangin with Edguy and Into Eternity after the show, what a bunch a great guys!!! Very cool to meet YardleyBates and Yipee38 too! Can't wait to see you all at PP.
rockyracoon said:
where were you The Q??? both dusro and myself, not knowing what you look like, asked maybe 5 people with PPV shirts if they were in fact, The Q, only to be shot down!!!

I'm sorry I was not The Q, but it was good to meet you! Catch you in a few weeks again...

(I was the 6'4" guy standing sort of near the back end of the bar on the left as facing the stage.)

yardleybates said:
LOL you were standing right in front of Yippee38 and I (he's also a 6'4" guy) I just said to him this morning, maybe you were the Q, apparently not. The Q is quite the mystery.
One of the people in this picture is the mysterious Q. See if you can guess which one. ;)