For Glenn


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
I am sitting here waiting for the festivities to begin on Wednesday, and continue thru late Sunday morning. All I have to do is pack and get on a plane to Atlanta. I was wondering, Glenn, being the promoter and the man behind Progpower, what is going thru your mind this weekend concerning the show?
I honestly have about 4-5 hours of work ahead of me with badge laminating, printing lists, putting together band care packages, etc. However, I tend to wait till Tuesday to do it as I take the entire week off.
Glenn, I've always been curious about something and I even mentioned it to FatesFan. How much sleep do you actually get during a ProgPower weekend? Also, how long does it take you to recooperate?

Glenn, I've always been curious about something and I even mentioned it to FatesFan. How much sleep do you actually get during a ProgPower weekend? Also, how long does it take you to recooperate? ~Brian~

Wed. & Thurs. are no big deal. For Fri. & Sat., I get about 6 hours of sleep total. And it honestly takes me about 2 weeks to recooperate - not just physically, but also mentally.
Wed. & Thurs. are no big deal. For Fri. & Sat., I get about 6 hours of sleep total. And it honestly takes me about 2 weeks to recooperate - not just physically, but also mentally.

after having worked the lobby and vendor room the first time last year I can also attest to a 3-4 hour a night sleep schedule. Granted, it was a fun weekend, but at the end of the fest I was wrecked physically and mentally. Looking very forward to helping again this year! :heh:

And those who know me know that I do not drink, so the lack of sleep had nothing to do with partying all night and/or alcohol consumption. :p
It's easy to forget how much work this guy does to bring us this miracle every year - thanks Glenn!!!


Having just finished working at Dragon*Con this past weekend, I can attest that helping to put on an event, whether it be a 45,000-person convention or a 1,500-attendance music festival, is no picnic. To actually be in charge, like Glenn is.......whew.

I literally laughed out loud.

Me, too. :lol:
It's a tough job I'm sure, so many fans and bands rely on this festival to get noticed..but imagine if it all stopped? What would everyone think???? what would everyone do?