Gear junkies unite


Feb 27, 2002
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I know I'm probably not the only musician type person that's going to be going to ProgPower, so I was wondering if the locals can recommend any cool music stores?

Also I was going to try and go to the Warrior guitar gallery during one of the days there, so if there are any bassist/guitarist types that are interested maybe we can set up a showing for one of those days. For those who are unfamiliar with Warrior stuff check out
I know I'm probably not the only musician type person that's going to be going to ProgPower, so I was wondering if the locals can recommend any cool music stores?

Well, I would have to say that the best place around Atlanta for gear is going to be the ProgPower sponsor, Guitar Center. There is one off of I-85 not far from the venue and hotels. In my opinion, it is the best place around town for selection and price. We have tons of small local stores, but it's basically a crapshoot as to which one has anything cool in stock, and how much they're gonna want for it. I have found that, to get the best possible deal at Guitar Center, you should first visit and look up their prices. If you take in the catalog, or even have them look it up online, Guitar Center will usually match the Musician's Friend price.

Hope That helps!
