Gold Badge Waiting List- Open


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Other than a single sentence in the FAQ that is rarely ever read, I have not advertised the gold badge waiting list in a while. At one point, the waiting list was about 2-3 years. At other times, it fluctuates to mere months. I have simply let it go to keep the wait down as I know that can be frustrating.

As with all things that are not advertised, it is time to replenish the waiting list as it's down to single digits. All you have to do is email me at progpowerusa at to be placed on the list.

The cost of a regular ticket is $126 and that does NOT included ticketmaster charges. The cost of a gold badge is $145 total. The reality is that they only cost $10 more than a regular ticket.

So what do you get for your extra 10 bucks:

1. Early entrance into the venue on Thurs, Fri, & Sat. Get the seats or rail before the regular public gets in.
2. Early cd shopping. Grab your merch early and stick it back in your room before the show starts.
3. Exclusive shows & clinics. This year, the Gold Badge holders & VIPS will have the opportunity to attend an exclusive Vanden Plas acoustic show in The Loft followed by a private meet & greet.
4. Festival shirt pre-orders. Pay for your shirt in advance and pick it up before the show starts. That's more cash to spend on other things.
5. Free lottery. Prizes include shirts, cds, autographed items, tickets, and trips backstage.
6. Private email list with updates that I do not post in public.
7. Anything else I can think of along the way (and it does vary from year to year).
8. You get to raise the middle finger to Ticketmaster and truly support the festival as the gold badge program is the backbone of the festival's existence. If it ceases to exist, the festival ceases to exist.

I would kindly ask that you not post on the forum that you sent a message. Rest assured, you will receive a reply within 24 hrs.


For PPUSA X, I paid Ticketmaster $271.60 for two, For PPUSA XI, I paid the box office $244 for two. So almost $14 per ticket in fees (not accounting for if the fee and/or ticket price had gone up between the two years).

This year I was happy to pay Glenn $290 for two gold badges. Bye bye Ticketmaster!
As a holder of every gold badge from the first year forward, I certainly recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity. There's very little difference in price, and I'd much rather see the money go immediately towards covering the show's expenses, rather than being held for months by Ticketmaster and not paid out until after the show. The extra perks are also cool, and have varied and evolved over the years, but the last few years have been especially cool IMO, with the Saturday afternoon GB/VIP shows in The Loft.
If you're losing so much from ticketmaster, wouldn't the wise move to disassociate yourself with ticketmaster?
If you're losing so much from ticketmaster, wouldn't the wise move to disassociate yourself with ticketmaster?

I have never thought of that! Strategic analysis and business acumen have nothing to do with running a successful festival over the past decade. It's all luck baby! I honestly don't know whether to laugh or be insulted by your post.

Center Stage has an exclusive contract with Ticketmaster. I use Ticket Alternative for shows in The Loft or Vinyl's.

And for the record since you evidently think I have no clue what I'm doing, I do not lose anything to Ticketmaster. Ticketmaster fees are split between them, the venue, and country/city taxes. The venue kick-back is why they have an exclusive contract in place. An outside promoter renting the venue for the weekend does not get shit.

You may want to sit down for my reasons for complaining about ticketmaster and using alternatives when possible. Drumroll....

I actually care about the people attending the show.
I actually care about the people attending the show.

The fact that you actually WROTE THIS DOWN means not enough of us thank you on a weekly basis for what you do, Glenn.

Anyone who doesn't realize that you are so much more than the Promoter of this annual show is beneath my contempt as a human being.

There - I've stepped down from my soapbox.
Will Golden Badge Tickets be sold along with the regular tickets on March 5? They are not sold out, right?

Just making sure :D

Gold badges are indeed currently sold out pending the deadline next week for payment. However, there is a waiting list currently for those interested, and we posted this thread to replenish the waiting list.