Grave Digger in Phoenix--What a show!!!


May 8, 2003
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My buddy and I drove from Denver to see Grave Digger at the Mason Jar in Phoenix two days after their show in Cleveland. 105 plus temperatures aside it was a trip well worth the 12 plus hour drive! We arrived in Phoenix Friday afternoon--the show was Sunday night. Went c.d. shopping Saturday afternoon--and to a couple of clubs Saturday night. My parents live in Chandler so the hotel rates were very cheap! :D We arrived at the Mason Jar around 4:30 pm on Sunday afternoon--with the 'heat' still riding high we got a break when the owner came out and saw us waiting--after we talked and told him how far we had come--he invited us in for some air-conditioning and sound check! We weren't inside for more than 10 minutes when in walked Grave Digger!!! It was us, Grave Digger, and about five other people. How frickin' cool was that! We talked, they signed autographs, and took pictures with us--plus, they were impressed with our road trip!! They also mentioned about how much fun and how great the fans in Cleveland were! Unfortunatley, there was no sound check--the 'backline' equipment arrived late. So, with our trip already paying dividends--now we just had to wait for the show. With six bands on bill (three of which should not have been there!) :yuk: -- we had a while to wait. Band number 4 was a band from the Phoenix area--they were called "Frakenshred" -- as you might imagine--with a name like that--the guitar player 'shredded'--they were pretty good.

Ballistic was up next--with Rikard from Jag Panzer on drums--Tom Gattis from Wardog and Tension on (one) guitar and Tony Taylor from Twisted Tower Dire on vox (picked up "Crest of the Martys" from Tony!) they came out and just kicked ass! With a little more of a thrash sound to their sound--they just came out and 'smoked'--picked up their c.d. also--good stuff!

Then came the almighty Grave Digger!! Even though their 'intro' c.d. started to skip--that did not matter. They just walked onto the stage and proceeded to kick all of our asses!!!! From Rhiengold all the way to Heavy Metal Breakdown it was pure metal heaven! Chris B. thanked my buddy and I during the show for making such a long trip to see them--all I could think was--anytime!!! Stephen Arnold handed me a drumstick backstage after the show--we had them sign their set-list for us and we took a few more pictures. What a night!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

The only problem with the evening was the small crowd. I was hoping for a better turn out (around 100-125 people) but I guess that just meant more for us--and even though the crowd was small Grave Digger played like and made us all feel like we were in the middle of Wacken!!!! Thanks guys--can't wait till next time!!!
The set list for The Mason Jar in Phoenix:

The Ring (intro)-- to bad it started to skip!
1) Rheingold
2) Dark of the Sun
3) Son of Evil
4) Valhalla
5) Reaper (scratched from list)
6) Circle of Witches
7) Scotland United
8) Lionheart
9) Yesterday
10) Headbanging Man
11) Witch Hunter
12) Excalibur (or as I like to say--'Excalibooo'!)
13) Grave Digger
14) Morgane Le Fay (scratched)-- bummer!
15) Knights of the Cross
16) Twilight of the Gods

First Encore: Rebellion
The Round Table (scratched)
Heavy Metal Breakdown!!!

There were two encores listed but, they did just one.

I was wondering--- how many people were at BWBK II each night? --and how long was Grave Diggers set?
Grave Digger played for about an hour and 15 minutes. We got almost the same set list minus Headbangin, Roundtable, Twilight, and Yesterdays, other than that we got everything else, even the stuff that was scrached for you guys.

Go to for some Live video of them along with Seven Witches, Brainstorm, and Primal Fear. There is also a review and pics from the fest.
I am glad their show in Phoenix was a success even though 125 people showed up. They couldn't expect that many fans on a one off date non festival appearance. Its so cool that you and your buddy made the trip from Denver. I flew from New Jersey to Ohio to see them. I would say they played for an hour and 20 minutes and it was not long enough! I was front row for them and it was an amazing experience. I was having so much fun that it went way too quick.

The Ohio setlist was as follows...

1. The Ring (intro)
2. Rheingold
3. The Dark Of The Sun
4. Son Of Evil
5. Valhalla
6. The Reaper
7. Circle Of Witches
8. Lionheart
9. Witchunter
10. Scotland United
11. Excalibur
12. The Grave Digger
13. Morgane Le Fay
14. Knights Of The Cross
15. Rebellion
16. Heavy Metal Breakdown (encore)

(It may not have been in that exact order but thats what they played.)