House of Lords - World Upside Down


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
Is anyone familiar with this band that was origianally produced by Gene Simmons in the late 80s/early 90s? They started out as a big powerhouse, arena, hard rock band, but it seems that they've taken their music in some new directions lately. IMO, I think they'd be a great fit for an odd band slot at a future ProgPower. Put it this way, if PC69 can play the festival, I know these guys can hang! :headbang: They have a new one coming out in May, so I've attached a link to the samples. It sounds like great stuff, so check it out.

I am somewhat, my cousin played bass for them for a while. Never saw them live with him though. I have a few of their older cd's. Haven't heard the new stuff yet though.
longshot9 said:
I am somewhat, my cousin played bass for them for a while. Never saw them live with him though. I have a few of their older cd's. Haven't heard the new stuff yet though.

Who is your cousin? They've had several lineup changes apparently. At one point Tommy Aldridge was drumming for them. He's a fantastic drummer, no doubt.
Sean McNabb (probably best known for playing bass for Great White for a number of years, also was the bassist on the S/T Quiet Riot album with Paul Shortino).
I think Greg left for the last album, but came back for this one...

Judging from the sound samples, this will be a better return to form than their last album. I realize the guys are older...more refined...whatever...but the last album left me a little flat...

Regardless...I love this band and have always been a fan...but I don't see them in a PPUSA slot.

Rock on!
Mostly local boys - Jimi Bell plays around here quite a bit (spoke to him a few months ago about this) - he's played with Mike Vescera, BJ had been a staple on the scene here, and had played with MacAlpine on Eyes of the World, and Jimmy Christian is from Milford CT originally, and used to play with Jeff Cannata (a local producer) back in the 70's with Jasper Wrath... I hope it does well for them
I used to have several of House of Lords' albums, but now I only have SAHARA, which I think it is a great pseudo-prog/AOR album. The other ones just didn't have enough songs that grabbed me, which is a shame, since SAHARA was top of the line for that style.
I have the promo of the new one, and its a decent disc. A few really good rockers, and its a bit ballsier than the last one which I found to be very weak.

I dig the older stuff alot more.

If you like this one, I would also recommend you snag James Christians latest solo CD.

Also if you really dig hard rock, check out the band HOUSE OF MIRRORS at neh as well. Ive been talking to these guys for years, and have 2 demos, the previous released disc, and the upcoming disc as well. Damn good Melodic Hard Rock.
longshot9 said:
Sean McNabb (probably best known for playing bass for Great White for a number of years, also was the bassist on the S/T Quiet Riot album with Paul Shortino).

Yeah, I know who you're talking about. He played in Rough Cutt with Shortino too didn't he? Actually, I've recently gotten into Rough Cutt, which is one of the most underrated hard rock bands from that era!
ashaman7122 said:
...but I don't see them in a PPUSA slot.

Rock on!

I disagree. Like I said, if PC69 can play the festival than any power house hard rock band like that can play IMO. There are much better options for that type of music out there than PC. Gotthard and Harem Scarem naming a couple more. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed PC, but I like House of Lords, Gotthard, and Harem Scarem better. Just my opinion though.

Pre-View: House Of Lords - World Upside Down (Frontiers Records, May 19, 2006) - House Of Lords caused a stir with their last studio album The Power & The Myth, perhaps for the wrong reasons though. The record found it's fans, but a good portion on the traditional HOL fanbase were unhappy with the change in style and direction taken by the band.
It wasn't just the style - it was also the time taken in getting the record done and singer James Christian also came under fire for his vocal performance
World Upside Down is some quirky way is an apt title for this new album. Since the last record everything has been turned upside down. In comes a new line-up...the record was recorded in quick time...and stylistically the band reverts back to everything that made the HOL name great.
I'm not entirely sure that keyboard maestro Gregg Giuffria plays a single note on this record, but his presence is felt through either co-writing credits or advice handed out on how to make a great HOL record.
Captain of the ship James Christian steers the band through rocky waters into a glorious bay of harmonies, wailing guitars, huge choruses and a big fat production sound that sees this album stand proudly between the self-titled debut and Demon's Down.
World Upside Down delivers everything that the traditional House Of Lords fan could want and then some. James Christian himself sounds on fire and delivers some passionate and fiery vocals not heard since Demon's Down.
This record is the very definition of melodic hard rock and for me blows the last album and even James' 2 solo records out of the water.
Track preview:
Mask Of Eternity - A nice typically overblown intro that signals the band's intentions with this record - blazing guitars and an epic production.
These Are The Times - A strong opening track and a typical HOL styled uptempo melodic rocker. A strong chorus is amplified by some big vocals and a hearty guitar riff. Welcome back guys!
All The Way To Heaven - Another trademark HOL track, but this time relying on the band's knack of serving up a rock anthem wrapped up in a moody, angst filled delivery. Some big backing vocals and a very melodic chorus.
Field Of Shattered Dreams - A huge power rock ballad with a chorus that seems to go on forever and featuring some amazing harmony vocals. A message for all those serving their country overseas during this time of conflict.
I'm Free - Less emphasis on the chorus here, which varies up the record a little. This is a heavier and darker rocker with an aggressive edge in the vocals and lead guitar.
All The Pieces Falling - A more traditional and heartfelt ballad with lots of acoustic guitars and some soaring vocals.
Rock Bottom - Another uptempo hard rocker with big groove and big attitude. A bit of a throw-away kind of rocker, but good fun. Guitar riffs reminds me of that true HOL sound.
Million Miles - Everything I love about JC and HOL. Uptempo, cool guitar riff and extremely melodic during the verse and a big melodic anthem chorus. Love it.
Your Eyes - Starts slow and remains mid-tempo and is a ballad of sorts, but a rock ballad with another big catchy harmony filled chorus. A nice guitar solo just adds to the enjoyment.
Ghost Of Time - Another uptempo, very melodic and very passionate rocker with a superb chorus. Following on from Million Miles - the two songs remind me of the closing tracks on the band's killer debut - where every song was more melodic bliss and you couldn't believe one track just followed the other.
My Generation - Turing up the heat again here with a gritter, dirtier rocker along the same lines as I'm Free, but with a bigger and better chorus and lots of drum rhythms. Makes for a nice circuit breaker between anthems.
S.O.S In America - And this track is one of those anthems. Adding to the glorious melodic bliss of Million Miles and Ghost Of Time. Incredibly commercial and utterly brilliant - verse, chorus and big finale.
World Upside Down - Closing the album on a somewhat reflective note, this track is a mid-tempo ballad with a little orchestral padding.
Full review coming up very shortly. Soundbytes for every track online as of today in the World Upside Down showcase. ( )
edgeofthorns said:
Is anyone familiar with this band that was origianally produced by Gene Simmons in the late 80s/early 90s? They started out as a big powerhouse, arena, hard rock band, but it seems that they've taken their music in some new directions lately. IMO, I think they'd be a great fit for an odd band slot at a future ProgPower. Put it this way, if PC69 can play the festival, I know these guys can hang! :headbang: They have a new one coming out in May, so I've attached a link to the samples. It sounds like great stuff, so check it out.


I said this last year or so w/ their last release which featured the dude from Dream Theatre on keys. These guys never let me down. Their 1st relesae was the most commercial and they got edgier and more diverse w/ each following release.
OK...first of all...

Wayne...good feedback...nice history...let it be know that anyone that jams with Mike Vescera earns several virgins in paradise (just my opinion)...just love that guy...

Other than that...KingsGene...what a review...whew!...all I know is that the samples sound kick a return to form...

I'm totally looking forward to the official release...!

Rock on!
Yeah, quite good disc - in fact I am listening to it now when I noticed this post.

It's a return to the old style, which ain't bad. Definitely a cool little hard rock disc. Funny to see that review above mentined Giuffria didn't play on the disc, because all it says on the promo is "Featuring the keyboard production of Gregg Giuffria" ... hmmm ... oh well, it sure sounds like he had his hand in here somewhere as it's much much better than the previous disc, and fits more in with their old discs.
