I think the new Edguy is going to rule.

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
Sometimes, image can mean a lot. I think that Rocket Ride was an overall stupid album. The songs had their parts, but I think that Tobias took the novelty value of a song like "Lavatory Love Machine" and ran with it a bit too far.

From what I've read and seen about the new Edguy (Tinnitus Sanctus), I think they have a chance to turn it around and become a serious band again (a la masterpieces like Vain Glory Opera or Mandrake). Can't wait to hear it, I hope they don't prove me wrong and release another lackluster CD.

What do you guys expect from the new one?
I expect a softer album/same as Rocket Ride, I don't see it changing at all. He already ruined Avantasia, why not Edguy now
Rocket Ride came out before the new Avantasia, so Edguy was ruined first. Hopefully the next effort will be better, but it won't be a blind buy for me by any means.
I have low expectations. I'm hoping for the best, expecting the worst.

Rocket Ride was a disappointment. I think their best album to date was Hellfire Club. If they can put out an album of that caliber, then I'd consider buying it. Otherwise I'll pass.
I expect a softer album/same as Rocket Ride, I don't see it changing at all. He already ruined Avantasia, why not Edguy now
Outch RMS. That one hurt. I actually like all of the past albums that they have come out with. I know that Rocket Ride was a little out there, but it would not be edguy if they did not come out with a goofy album now and then. You listen to their live album and they are constantly doing things "out of the ordinary". I am expecting this next album to be just like them, goofy along with having some seriousness to it.

Stay Metal!
I LOVE the latest Avantasia and I LOVE Rocket Ride.....I'm way too biased and way too much of a fanboy to chime in.....my bad.
I surprise myself but I'm with RMS on this one. The last Avantasia does not deserve to have that word on its cover and Rocket Ride was a snoozefest. Even Hellfire Club showed early signs of shakiness although I still like it. Bring back the heyday of Vain Glory Opera-Mandrake and I'll sit up and pay attention.
Edguy began to lose me with Hellfire Club.
They completely lost me with Rocket Ride.
Sure, I can understand the humor, and its place in their music. It was taken WAY too far with Rocket Ride.
Theater of Salvation is what made me pay attention to Edguy in the first place. Great epic songwriting.

I think their last few EPs (IE - King Of Fools and Super Heros) were superior to the accompanying full lengths.