Iced Earth tour dates...

Well, if they play a few songs from the new album, then for Iced Earth it really IS NOT a Greatest Hits show. :lol:

Not to get too political or anything, but by my interpretation, the 'Sons of Liberty' project is not at all "pro-American". Well, at least not in the way that you're probably thinking. Its main theme is actually *anti* American-government. It's almost a complete reversal of the type of flag-waving, government-supporting "patriotism" that you probably associate with Jon in the past.

I'm not saying that you should agree or disagree, I just want people to know that 'Sons of Liberty' is *not* a continuation of something you may have heard Jon say in an interview 6 years ago; it's actually a pretty radical departure.


Doesn't that seem to you in a weird way that the whole "Anti American-Government" theme of the album comes off as a direct criticism to the current American government? Jon is clearly against the Democratic party, President Obama and any sort of liberalism in the USA. Then again, I haven't paid close attention to the lyrics on Sons of Liberty, just a few of them.

If that was the case (and I could be totally off here), then by doing this, Jon is really reiterating his own political beliefs and continuing his never ending rant. Just doing it in a "disguised" way.
If that was the case (and I could be totally off here), then by doing this, Jon is really reiterating his own political beliefs and continuing his never ending rant. Just doing it in a "disguised" way.

I would say you are most likely 100% dead on!!!!

I dunno, I can't say I care a lick about this Sons of Liberty project.

I am just glad he created a different project to get those viewpoints out instead of using it for an IE album.
I wouldn't bother going to see them right now even if Barlow was singing and there was no hint of Sons Of Liberty. I don't have any interest in IE these days. They would need a seriously ripping new album to recapture my attention, and I don't think they have it in them.


You know, as far as their new material, I feel the exact same way. Maybe there has been two or three songs off their recent 2 albums that caught my attention.

The bottom line is, in my opinion, the cause for Iced Earth's drastic change in direction is simple: Demons and Wizards. After Jon and Hansi started hanging out more (especially with the second DW album), Jon really became a sucker for the massive choruses and the more mid-tempo stuff.

As far as me still wanting to see them, it's simple. For years, I kicked myself in the nuts (flexible muscles) for not seeing Iced Earth with Barlow (Ripper was the only choice). When Barlow was announced back in the band, I was the happiest person in the world. However, the ProgPower IX show wasn't great, imo. I still hope to see Iced Earth perform a kick-ass, ripping concert with Barlow that will defile me musically (not in a kinky way). In a way, that'd be full-circle for me, and I would probably put the nail on the coffin with seeing them live.
I would say you are most likely 100% dead on!!!!

I dunno, I can't say I care a lick about this Sons of Liberty project.

I am just glad he created a different project to get those viewpoints out instead of using it for an IE album.

Glad to know I'm not crazy. And I agree, thankfully he started a side project to spit out his beliefs once again. I'd hate to read on Blabbermouth, "Iced Earth announces 'We Will Take Our Country Back' as title of their new album, with Sarah Palin and Glenn Back as guests."
I believe I already thanked Guardian of the Blind for correcting my error.

heh...check the timestamps, your admission of your error and my harping were posted almost simultaneously. I'm a pretty fast typist, but I had no chance to see your response before I posted mine.

I DID see Guardian of the Blind's post mentioning that Sons of Liberty was opening, but I wanted to add on because even his post seemed slightly ambiguous to me, so I checked the website itself. Despite being Jon's boy, your post was the first I heard about these shows (so thanks for that) but after reading your description of what you thought was happening, I had almost the same "That's f'n lame" reaction as you.

So I wanted to minimize the chances that anyone else reading this thread would get the wrong idea, since a lot of times people will read the first post in the thread but not the rest of it.

Pretty sure I didn't intimate that there would be tackling or ranting about the Federal Reserve.

No, of course not, that was supposed to be humorous hyperbolic imagery, intended to at least make you crack a smile, not get all huffy!

None the less, it's the kind of the response I'd expect from Jon's webmaster (past or present).

Ad hominem fallacy! :)

Too bad the timing on these isn't a little different; I'm going to be in NYC (and DC!) in September, but not those dates, and I think it would've been great to sit down and have a beer at one of these shows!

Well, I won't be going to the DC show, since I'll be in Atlanta. That makes it an easy decision.

Yeah, I don't know why bands seem to counterprogram ProgPower, since it really is going to hurt the amount of people to show up.

I agree with others that Iced Earth's ProgPower performance was weak, but that wouldn't stop me from seeing them again.
I still listen to Alive in Athens very often, I think it's a really good interpretation of what that band was at its "musical peak" (that's my opinion).

I think you're not alone in that opinion!

And did Jon just call his fans "minions"? WTF

For the record, the name of the official fanclub is now apparently "Minions of the Wicked", so that's why he's using that verbiage. Yeah, kind of dumb if you actually stop to think about it, but if you look at it from a "Heavy Metal, Larger-Than-Life, Crowd-of-10,000-Strong Minions Chanting For Set Abominae" perspective, then maybe it's kind of cool? Any way you slice it, I'm pretty sure it's still better than "Droogies"! :lol:

Metallica has to be huge to support lars' ego. :lol:

Anyway, on a related note, I thought Iced Earth's PP performance was killer, since I wasn't a fan and had never seen them before, they definitely won me over as a live band.

That's interesting. I was super excited to see Barlow singing with them, and some of the songs during the show I was ecstatic. However, it was a bit of a letdown to me, overall.
If that was the case (and I could be totally off here), then by doing this, Jon is really reiterating his own political beliefs and continuing his never ending rant. Just doing it in a "disguised" way.

I'd say it's highly likely that the 2008 election was the *impetus* for Jon's shift in thinking, but then I think that it launched him well beyond the Republicans-vs.-Democrats mindset he'd had in the past. It's as if someone said to him "You know, for most of those things you hate about Democrats, the Republicans are basically the same". And instead of saying "NoNoNoShutUp Democrats are way worse!!!", he said "you know, you're right". It seems like he's actually rejected the "Fox News, Bush Rules" Republicanism he's held in the past. I would be surprised to see him supporting any Republicans not named Ron Paul. So while it may still not be the ideal position of many people, I think almost everyone would agree that equal-opportunity government-mistrust is at least an improvement over blind-Republicanism (well, I guess Republicans would disagree!)

(for the record, it's been years since I've had a real conversation with Jon, so I'm only going off the Alex Jones interview and the SoL (ha!) lyrics)

There were too many shows to pick from last time IE came through, so I ended up not seeing them. That said, I'd still really like to see them with Barlow before they hang it up, and I have to agree with Jasonic in saying that I don't expect them to last beyond another album or two.

The NYC show is on a Thursday. So, it's a big maybe. I would really like to go, though.
Glad to know I'm not crazy. And I agree, thankfully he started a side project to spit out his beliefs once again. I'd hate to read on Blabbermouth, "Iced Earth announces 'We Will Take Our Country Back' as title of their new album, with Sarah Palin and Glenn Back as guests."

:lol:...I honestly can't see Shaffer backing Palin, but who knows. If I were guessing, he's probably not too keen on any politician from any political party. That's simply a guess on my part though.

:lol:...I honestly can't see Shaffer backing Palin, but who knows. If I were guessing, he's probably not too keen on any politician from any political party. That's simply a guess on my part though.


The way I see it, if there are so-called intelligent people in this country supporting Palin, I don't see why he wouldn't do it, especially after he defended Bush so many times in the past on interviews and such.

Then again, if you're right, then maybe he's starting to evolve.

And don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Schaffer personally. I've met him in the past, and have had the opportunity to interview him. He was one of the nicest and more attentious musicians I've ever had the pleasure to speaking with. However, some of his political remarks in the past have really bothered me.
ICED EARTH have confirmed 4 North American tour dates for the Fall of 2010. Meant as an "Escape From The Studio", these exclusive dates will also get fans the chance to see Jon Schaffer's new project SONS OF LIBERTY on stage for their first-ever live performances.

Jon Schaffer: "It has been too long since we played North America and after the South American shows we felt we should bring a "Greatest Hits"-set to our loyal fans in the US. I am also very much looking forward to introducing SONS OF LIBERTY to the Minions. See you out there!"

My love affair with Iced Earth has been cooling for the last few years. Framing Armageddon and The Crucible of Man were varying shades of awful. Their ProgPower performance was so uninspired, I walked out half way through. I think the majority of Iced Earth fans, or one time fans, view the band as caught in a downward spiral. All that said, I would have been on the fence about attending the NYC show... but likely would have gone. However, the Sons of Liberty thing is the straw that breaks the camel's back. For starters, I think it's insane to ever ask a vocalist as talented as Barlow to step aside for someone as mediocre as Jon. Second, even if I didn't have an issue with the Sons of Liberty material, I think it's unfair to take money from Iced Earth fans, and then play them non-Iced Earth material at an Iced Earth show. If you want to perform the Sons of Liberty material, than do so. But don't disguise it as an Iced Earth show. It just makes it seem like one more way Jon can extract money from die-hard fans (e.g. pointless box sets).

When all is said and done, I'm simply not going to pay money to hear Jon sing songs inspired by the mind of Alex Jones.


Note... perhaps Jon should look up the primary definition of the word "minion" (a servile dependent). What a flattering view he has of his fans.

Wow. I highly disagree with you on the progpower set. The only thing that was bad about it is that they didn't finish. They were VERY solid that night. Much better than when I saw them at progpower. My only complaint is that I'm mixed when it comes to Barlow doing Ripper material.

I have no problem with him doing Sons of Liberty. Is it great? No. But compared to a lot of these metal openers, I'd take that band any day. In terms of vocals of that band, I think due to the material is why he didn't have Barlow sing it. Lastly, where does it say that Iced Earth is going to be playing Sons of Liberty? I would imagine that Sons of Liberty will be the warm up and then Jon and co. will come back for an Iced Earth set. How in the world is having Sons of Liberty taking money away from Iced Earth fans if Iced Earth is playing anyways? All it's taking away from is if they had a different support band and by having Sons of Liberty, they cut cost down significantly I would imagine.

Despite all this, I'm not going though. This year I'm just being careful with what concerts I go to and am only going to those bands I haven't seen before to save money. Also, it hasn't been long enough that I'm craving to go to an Iced Earth show. Now if this Greatest Hits meant nothing off of the last two albums, then I may go. :lol:

Lastly, in terms of the last two albums. They weren't great but I wouldn't say they were completely awful. Each had a couple songs that were decent. I think the problem with them is that Jon focused way too much time on the story and not on the actual music, which is what the fans want more. Plus, I've never been a fan of that story to be perfectly honest. For the next album they need to go back doing their themed albums but not a complete story sort of album.
The way I see it, if there are so-called intelligent people in this country supporting Palin, I don't see why he wouldn't do it, especially after he defended Bush so many times in the past on interviews and such.

Then again, if you're right, then maybe he's starting to evolve.

Personally, I don't know anyone that backs Palin and I live in a very red state. Quite frankly, most of the people I know, including myself, are tired of the bullshit that goes on in D.C. out of both parties. Like I said, I'm guessing that's where Shaffer is these days.

Wow. I highly disagree with you on the progpower set. The only thing that was bad about it is that they didn't finish. They were VERY solid that night. Much better than when I saw them at progpower. My only complaint is that I'm mixed when it comes to Barlow doing Ripper material.

So they were better at ProgPower than at ProgPower? :confused: