In Flames...


West Bench White Trash
Mar 7, 2009
Magna, Utah
Does anyone here remember when In Flames used to kick ass?

I got the song "Dialogue with the Stars" on random just a few minutes ago and it took me through a deep nostalgia trip. In Flames was pretty much a HUGE bridge band for me back in the day.

Now they can flat out lick my chode! :Smug:
I never really loved them, but I like some of their stuff, namely Jester Race and about half of Reroute to Remain and about half of Come Clarity, but practically nothing in between those albums clicks with me. Colony is overrated blandness. Clayman has a good title track, and there it ends. Escape blows. A Sense of Purpose is possibly the worst album of 2008.
Clayman was a monumental album. I've never heard guitar tone and bass tone that blended together so powerfully and so cohesively. Yet when playing the intricate parts, they separated and showed detail and clarity between each instrument so perfectly.

Genius production quality on that album.
U mad?

Personaly I love "A sense of purpose" along with the older stuff, I don't think there is a bad song on the disc. Great lyrics..hehe.. "I feel like shit but at least I feel something", "Don't say I didn't try, but I just don't want to live here anymore" or "Don't tell me..tell my ghost, cause I blame him for all I don't know" which was the mantra for the Teron Gorefiend fight in WoW when raiding Black Temple.
You mean before Anders decided he wanted to be an extended member of Korn? Yep. They use to kick ass indeed.


Hahaha, thumbs up!

Everything up to and including Colony was excellent (though Lunar Strain never really clicked with me). Clayman was good for what it was, and very catchy.

The rest is total crap. The first time I heard Cloud Connected, I couldn't believe my ears that it was the same band. Fucking horrible. Actually I think I did hear one song from that album that wasn't bad at all. Had bagpipes I think.

But anyway, to answer the original question, yes, I remember too.
The first time I heard Cloud Connected, I couldn't believe my ears that it was the same band. Fucking horrible. Actually I think I did hear one song from that album that wasn't bad at all. Had bagpipes I think.

But anyway, to answer the original question, yes, I remember too.

Dude, Cloud Connected is a killer song, and one that always gets my head banging.
Clayman was a monumental album. I've never heard guitar tone and bass tone that blended together so powerfully and so cohesively. Yet when playing the intricate parts, they separated and showed detail and clarity between each instrument so perfectly.

Genius production quality on that album.

Over the years I've also come to the conclusion that the production quality is a significant portion of why I like Clayman so much. Everything is clear, punchy, and the melodies stand out well and either contrast or blend with the riffs when necessary. I was thus disappointed when the band ditched Fredrik Nordstrom after this disc and brought in Daniel Bergstrand as their producer (though I can understand why they may have done it). As a result, there were still good riffs and stuff on Reroute To Remain, but the arrangements often seemed sloppy, and it often sounded muddy... the melodic aspect also seemed dulled. Overall, I still like most of their later stuff, but it did not make as much of an impact on me as the stuff they put out from 1996 - 2000.
In my opinion, Whoracle is the only thing worth listening to. That was such a groundbreaking, life changing, genre defining album, and still is. Definitely the greatest melodic death metal album of all time. It is a shame they started to lick goat testicles. But if you'd rather lick goat balls than make great music....
I remember when they used to write songs about space and shit. Now it's all about how they're outcasts and full of angst. Funny how they got more money and that's the kind of shit they put out.

I can't believe their new fans either...they love the new stuff, but scratch their heads when the band plays the awesome stuff live. I felt like I was the only one who knew every word to Behind Space on the Evergrey/Nevermore tour.