Interesting review of ProgPower USA on


May 24, 2006
Atlanta, Ga.

"God, what a fucking disaster. If you're wondering why I'm here to bitch about this show a full month after it took place just keep in mind I needed the full month to actually recover from it. ProgPowerUSA VIII was the worst metal event I have ever attended, and as much as I love Pagan's Mind and Communic (and only a few of you reading this actually realize how much that is) I still wish I hadn't gone. Perhaps you and I differ on the value of money, but I could've easily simulated the ProgPower experience at home with a little fake crowd noise (only a little would be realistic), band CDs on a cheap stereo with distortion-blown speakers, and endless 6-dollar cups of beer. Of course to truly simulate it I would've had to gleefully pile money upon a bonfire the entire time, but barring that I could've at least avoided the 800 miles of travel and the 300 US dollars it cost to attend this incredibly shitty waste of time. Never, ever again will I attend ProgPower, not even to see a reformed Lost Horizon and a time-traveling 1984 Queensryche. Not even for free. Put it this way folks: the ticket was 125 dollars, the hotel (and I got a bargain at a fantastic Red Roof Inn around 7 miles from the event) was 90 per night, and gas was 68 dollars for the round trip. Not even taking the cost of food, drinks, and merchandise into account, it cost me over 300 dollars for two nights of heavy metal, and despite all of that, I still left Atlanta after Pagan's Mind on the first night, before Sonata Arctica (the "headliners" of the first night) had even hit the stage, because ProgPower was just so inherently shit. No band could have saved it for me, and if any band could have it would have been Pagan's Mind. Trust me. The 2nd night tickets you see in the above picture were never used, because when the second night started I was already back at home slamming Tequila, trying to forget the epic disappointment that was ProgPower 2007. I'm not "upset", I'm fucking angry, because ProgPower in its current form is not a mistake - it sucks by design. It sucks because the jerkoff/jerkoffs that run the event care far more about merchandising, commercialization, and cost-cutting than they do about actually setting up a great metal show. If ProgPower wasn't such a niche show with a dependable core group of mindless fellaters Glenn Harveston would have been lynched this weekend, because mainstream bands and their fans sure as hell do not put up with this kind of crap.

First and foremost, the core of any good metal show is the bands, and the quality of the band lineup this year was very mixed. I knew who was playing when I bought my ticket, so this is not an excuse to hate on the show, the inclusion of some sub-par bands merely made the primary musical problem far, far worse. That primary problem was the worst live sound at a non-amateur event I've ever witnessed in my entire life (and I'm 27). Just imagine a sound engineer who cranks every single channel to the max, regardless of distortion, as well as maxing out the bass, mid, and high. Now imagine this "sound engineer" left said board that way for the entire night, and the only time he ever touched it again was to repeatedly mess up the musicians by turning their channels on and off (especially the vocals) seemingly at random. This encapsulates why I hated ProgPower, in a nutshell. Moving around the venue didn't help the sound quality - I even tried to sneak up near the front of the standing room area, but it sounded even worse up there. I brought along a high quality pair of "military grade" earplugs, something I normally would never do... but I had heard rumors about this event, rumors apparently true. The earplugs merely muted most of the high end tone, giving me the experience of listening to a ProgPower bootleg (something none of you will ever be able to do because the show is run by a Fun Nazi). 125 dollars per ticket, the fans themselves paid through sponsorships a large portion (or all) of the band fees and Glenn can't even hire a single decent sound engineer? The bass and drums sounded fine, punchy and room filling, but every single band (including Pagan's Mind) had horribly piercing guitar, vocal, and keyboard tone. As someone who's "all about the music", this ruined the event, all by itself, and there is no excuse for it, except perhaps that ProgPower's organizer/promoter Glenn Harveston is "all about the money", and not about the music.

Glenn must have a lot of coasters to get rid of, because he ran the incredibly annoying ProgPower DVD/CD advertisement in a loop (a 20 second loop, no less) on both large stage screens throughout most of the night (and during the entire Virgin Steele set). This speaks for itself, and is very indicative of the mood of the event - it's all about merchandising and commercialization. There were a solid hundred fans (at least) who only came for merchandise and to mingle with the bands - they didn't give a shit how any band sounded because they didn't actually leave the booth/bar area and go inside, and I fear this is the ProgPower core that pollutes the official board and rejoices at every bad decision Glenn makes as if he's the second coming of Raptor Jesus. I talked to four or five people who sat near me at the event, and not a single one of them was happy with the sound. One of them said she was going to complain after the night was over, because of what happened during Virgin Steele's set, but I have no idea if she did. Personally, I knew better than to complain, because at a festival where the promoter bans all digital photography (of any kind, even cell phone cameras) solely to keep the random bootlegger from adding ProgPower to his low-quality collection (and possibly taking a couple of sales away from Glenn's almighty ProgPower DVD) you can be sure he's a shallow fucking snob who doesn't care about typical metal fans who came to enjoy their favourite bands live. I promise you, we are the furthest thing from his mind. For fucks sake, the guy passes around phrases like "crossover appeal" and "exploding album sales" to justify his decisions for band choices - where do you think his interest is? Just go view the forum thread about next year's event, shaping up to be the worst lineup yet in ProgPowerUSA's short history.

What I can't figure out is why he tries to get mainstream commercial sounding bands (like Into Eternity and Raintime) to fill out the lineup of extremely fringe prog acts (Redemption is the definitive example but such a list could go for pages) and traditional power metal bands. Why even create such a hellspawn mixture if you never have any problems selling tickets? Oh, doth mine Virgin Earse detect a dirty white lie? I'd like to dedicate an entire editorial to the disgusting practice of fan sponsorship (and the bidding process that makes it disgusting) but I can't because of lack of time and effort. It is possible that band sponsorship may help create the above problem of conflicting music styles featuring at the same event, but I don't have a definitive answer for you. An editorial about these issues would be an entertaining read with the information I have so far, but I don't have the time or desire to collect the further evidence needed to make it factually accurate and convincing to my personal standards (and after this article many of the people I've talked to about ProgPower will probably be less than keen to continue any further discussions). You'll just have to take my word (and opinion) at face value. Or don't. I really don't care if you want to waste your money, wasting money is your right as a first world citizen.

For those of you that never read a full editorial and only scroll to the bottom to read the summary, here it is: I attended ProgPower expecting a high quality metal show focused on the music, and I didn't get that. All I got was intense disappointment at the shameless commercialism on display and anger at the ridiculous waste of money. Please, if you're considering attending ProgPower for the music: Don't. Shameless commercialism, awful lineup decisions, and terrible live sound quality make this one a time and money sink you would do well to avoid."

Did this guy accidentally end up at Milwaukee Metalfest??
What a complete tool. It's one thing to bitch, but this is chock full of uninformed b.s.
Did he get spanked too hard at the erotic art show upstairs?
I'd LOVE to read what this douche considers a REAL festival.
If it wasn't so blantantly a troll-ish review, I might have laughed at this....
This guy is a wacko. He reminds me of the comic book store owner in the Simpsons. I for one am sick of all the bitching about the sound. It was a live show! there is never a "perfect" live sound, and as far as I'm concerned I got my moneys worth(250 simolians). The metal scene needs less of these douchbags and more people who want to have good time. I had a blast , and will next year as well!:headbang:
So what I got from that was that he didn't like the sound and then decided to get pissed off at every single thing going on at the festival. I don't see how this qualifies as a 'review' at all. An ad for the dvd running when the cameras aren't indicating the festival is about nothing other than commercialism? Give me a break.
Glenn, did you fuck this guy's girl in the restroom at Earthlink or what? :)

Fucking douchebag. I don't always like the lineup but you just can't ever question, legitimately, the setup and the professionalism of this festival. That's what keeps bands excited to come over for it. That's why there will be 3/4 ticket sales in the first couple months each time. This guy wants "sound issues" try going to Koshick's NJ Metalfest where it was Virgin Steele vs. a death metal band with a curtain dividing the 2 stages. What a fuckstick this dude is with a review like that. And i'm certainly no Glenn "fanboy" anymore than I'm a "fanboy" for anyone else. This festival is 1st class compared to ANY.
You know I'm all for voicing ones opinion but come on. I also think that the guy who wrote it never attended Progpower. It sounds like it was just made to get a rise out of us and especially Glenn. I'm not falling for it nor should you.
"What I can't figure out is why he tries to get mainstream commercial sounding bands (like Into Eternity and Raintime)"

uhmmm... Into Etenity, commercial? I really like Into Eternity... but commercial?..uhmm no...

Sounds like he walked in with a chip on his shoulder (maybe with a band that got turned down for the show?)
While, I'm not agreeing with everything this person wrote and certainly don't enjoy reading personal attacks, when you spend 100s of dollars and travel 100s of miles, some people expect more than an average $20 local show. I spent upwards of $750 (like many) and travelled 500 miles roundtrip (probably less than many), so I wasn't happy that bands were missing or that the sound was not 100% or that sets got cut short.
Wow is pretty much all I can say. I thought the sound was only bad during Pagan's Mind and it wasnt that it was bad just too loud and it wasnt even that much in excess. I thought the sound for all the other bands was great. The advertising during VS was because the jackasses wouldnt let their set be taped.
I agree with the first posters' take. Sounds like he didn't like the sound and decided to bitch about everything else. Attacking Glenn is way over the line. There are many things that can be criticized even in the best festivals, and Progpower is clearly the best in the US by several orders of magnitude. But Glenn himself works his butt off and takes major chances(chances I've criticized for being unnecessary and sometimes headscratching) to bring us the best metal show he can bring.

I do agree that the sound at metal shows in general could be better. But Progpower has better sound than almost any other place you'll see a metal show.

As for commercialization, please. Most of us have wanted DVDs and CDs of Progpower performances forever. The more PP stuff I can buy, the better.

As for people hanging out in the vendor area and never going in, I suspect that is because they don't have tickets. I bought a ticket from someone at the last minute, but since I was in Atlanta anyway, I was going to take an opportunity to buy some merchandise and meet people.
More than a few people had complaints about the mics this year, and Virgin Steele's was easily the worst of the VIII. The most memorable parts of their set was Defeis looking and shaking the mic as if something was wrong with it. My guess is he got pissed at the really bad sound of Virgin Steele, and there was no way to appease him from that point. First impressions are so important, and because his was bad he missed out on a lot of what ProgPower has to offer. Too bad for him.
I'd think Pagan's Mind would have redeemed it. They were the best sounding band of the night, possibly of the festival. But yeah, Virgin Steele's sound was by far the worst I've ever seen at PP. I could only hear him when he shrieked, and he did it like every five seconds.
Pagan's Mind might have redeemed it if he was in a redeemable state of mind. Clearly not. I know a few people like this. Once they're mad, they're mad. Can't fix it.