
Power Metal Maniac
Jul 8, 2005
Dixieland USA
Rider of Theli knows that my friends and me are really into this Atlanta-based industrial metal band. Thanks again, Hoyt, for booking this band! They totally slayed at the December Theocracy gig, BTW! They are playing again on Feb.1 at the Three Bears Cafe. I got a message from Lady K(vocalist Kadria) telling me all about the show. Just passing the word along to y'all! Hail Inviolate!
We'll be there. :)


While I wish I could attend this show, the Feb.2 C II C show is a top priority for me, and all my entertainment funds have been taxed accordingly. Best of luck to the Inviolaters on this gig, though.
Inviolate has its own thread?! :D :D

Three Bears Cafe is directly to the left of the Strand, two doors down. You enter the Cafe and make your way to the back where they have the stage and bar and mezzanine and everything. It's a pretty interesting setup. As far as what I've been told, this is going to be the "first official metal show" held there, so as a young band you can see why we're tickled to play the place and want as many people to come out.

Everyone -- thanks so much for the kind words!! This really means a lot to me, Bryon, Chris & Luke. Much love & respect!
...As far as what I've been told, this is going to be the "first official metal show" held there, so as a young band you can see why we're tickled to play the place and want as many people to come out.

yes, I recommend and endorse Inviolate as a great local band. They have a high-energy, industrial rock/metal sound that is definitely unique compared to the other bands around Atlanta. I look forward to the day I can work with them again myself. So as a warm-up to the Circle II Circle show, try to make it to 3-Bears to check out Inviolate!

I'd like to thank Inviolate for stepping up this weekend and filling the spot left vacant by A Lower Deep when a family emergency came up.

So anyone who wants a sneak peek at the next big thing in Atlanta, come on out to Insomnia Saturday night Jan 26th for some great metal!

Wow. Thanks for posting this. Because my stupid brain was thinking that it went from the 25th to Feburary 2nd. Meaning, I was all ready to go see CIIC tomorrow hehehe.
Wow. Thanks for posting this. Because my stupid brain was thinking that it went from the 25th to Feburary 2nd. Meaning, I was all ready to go see CIIC tomorrow hehehe.

well then take a drive up hwy 92 to Douglasville, turn left onto I-20, drive about 10 miles out to Villa Rica and catch this show. :cool:

It's an all ages venue with NO SMOKING. ;)
Inviolate has its own thread?! :D :D

Three Bears Cafe is directly to the left of the Strand, two doors down. You enter the Cafe and make your way to the back where they have the stage and bar and mezzanine and everything. It's a pretty interesting setup. As far as what I've been told, this is going to be the "first official metal show" held there, so as a young band you can see why we're tickled to play the place and want as many people to come out.

Everyone -- thanks so much for the kind words!! This really means a lot to me, Bryon, Chris & Luke. Much love & respect!
Awesome! See you guys at the C II C show on the second, but have a great gig on the first at any rate!:headbang: