Jorn video footage


Feb 14, 2002
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I know Glenn has already addressed the issue of why Jorn is not on the PP DVD. But I would like to know Glenn's opinion of the Jorn footage and sound ... since Glenn is one of the few to see it and probably ever will see it. Did if really turn out that bad?

Personally, I think it would be a great video companion to his two new collection CDs "The Gathering" and "Unlocking The Past". His PP performance included both original material and cover tunes. So I'd like to think that he or the record label will reconsider and release the footage at some point. At least I can hope. Anyone agree?
Jorn was the only artist that did not agree to participate in advance of the show. However, I was able to at least convince him to allow us to record it and give him the original hard drive and video tapes within two minutes of him walking off the stage. He could take the footage with him and decide if he wanted to participate after he looked at it. If he wanted the footage for himself to use, then all he had to do was send us two songs to use for the dvd that he could edit and mix himself. From a legal standpoint, he cannot release the footage unless he pays for the recording (which he has not done to this day) because he did not give us the required two songs.

I spoke with him after the show and he was pleased with the majority of the set and said he did think there was some stuff that could be used. He was also going to take a look at "Stars" and see if there was some way to fix some of the fuck-ups in the studio. He said he would get back to me in a few weeks.

I wait two months and try to get an answer from him. I never got a direct reply. I was told that he was busy with the two new releases (covers & re-release) and didn't have time to do anything with the tapes.

To this day, I have never heard from him.
Jorn was the only artist that did not agree to participate in advance of the show. However, I was able to at least convince him to allow us to record it and give him the original hard drive and video tapes within two minutes of him walking off the stage. He could take the footage with him and decide if he wanted to participate after he looked at it. If he wanted the footage for himself to use, then all he had to do was send us two songs to use for the dvd that he could edit and mix himself. From a legal standpoint, he cannot release the footage unless he pays for the recording (which he has not done to this day) because he did not give us the required two songs.

I spoke with him after the show and he was pleased with the majority of the set and said he did think there was some stuff that could be used. He was also going to take a look at "Stars" and see if there was some way to fix some of the fuck-ups in the studio. He said he would get back to me in a few weeks.

I wait two months and try to get an answer from him. I never got a direct reply. I was told that he was busy with the two new releases (covers & re-release) and didn't have time to do anything with the tapes.

To this day, I have never heard from him.

That's a shame, I really wanted to see that :(
So, it appears he just never got around to seriously reviewing the tapes or doing any editing. So, basically we missed out because he didn't have the time? Bummer.
To this day, I have never heard from him.

This is truly a shame. Jorn Has one of the most distinctive rock voices out there and I think sometimes he takes it for granted. IMO, he seems to put on the "prima donna" attitude and I think it truly hurts him. Never mind the fact that he can barely survive two albums with any band, but sometimes he appears not to be appreciative of the men and women that purchase his albums (or the ones he appears on, for that matter). Neither being on the DVD nor taking the time to "take a look" at it is not a slap in the face to fans, but it can be a bit irritable to them.

Having that said, I will continue to buy Jorn albums because he is one of the best out there. But his demeanor could quite possibly be a turnoff to some. But's the music business, not summer camp.

I hope he takes the time to review the DVD anyway.
So, it appears he just never got around to seriously reviewing the tapes or doing any editing. So, basically we missed out because he didn't have the time? Bummer.

Correct. However, it should be noted that several bands did not have the time either and allowed me to pick two songs based on the raw footage and allowed us to do a simple mix (sometimes less is more for live stuff eh?). I could have picked two songs and Lucid Lounge could have edited the video in two days. Even if he did not want us to touch the audio portion, all Jorn had to do was mix two songs of an edited video within three months.
that's disappointing.

It is disappointing ... I also think it's incredibly selfish.

Just because Jorn felt there were a few flaws in the performance of "Stars" that all 1,000 people that were at the festival (performers and attendees included) have to miss out on being able to re-live that performance - which I would argue that the majority of folks in attendance would have said was great. Jorn wasn't the only person on stage for that great finale and if he didn't like his own performance than the video footage (and probably the sound footage) could have been edited to (basically) omit him - that is if there had been copies saved. Even if they had copies of that footage, I'm guessing that would have probably been a lot of work, so for that reason I understand why the production crew chose not to take that route, but I would have rather seen part of the "Stars" performance on the DVD than none at all just because Jorn was too busy to give the footage any of his precious time. I would think most other attendees would agree.

That said, from a personal aspect I really enjoyed watching Jorn preform and hanging out with him at the festival and back at the Grenada. He did not strike me as having a "prima donna" attitude, but I can see why his actions and inaction with the DVD footage could lead fans to believe otherwise.
This is truly a shame. Jorn Has one of the most distinctive rock voices out there and I think sometimes he takes it for granted. IMO, he seems to put on the "prima donna" attitude and I think it truly hurts him. .

Nah man - no 'tude there. He was gracious to me when we met in Norway, and he was cool to deal with at PP as well.
He DOES have high standards for his band, and sound/monitor mix .. so he can concentrate on his performance.
I can see why the stars thing may have upset him, as he was the featured vocalist, and he was supposed to have a dedicated mic... that was how it was rehearsed...
Some of the guys had to ad lib due to technical issues (the wirelss mics were going through batteries like crazy). Also - keep in mind, it was late, and some of the guest performers had fans buying them round for 4-5 hrs before they went back onstage.. ;) :puke: :headbang: :kickass:
Yeah Jorn was more than cool when I met him. I was a bit rude and sort-of interrupted him talking to someone to get a picture and he was totally cool about it.
Yeah Jorn was more than cool when I met him. I was a bit rude and sort-of interrupted him talking to someone to get a picture and he was totally cool about it.

I agree 100%. I stood out on the Granada's porch and talked with him for about 15 minutes, and the only reason it didn't go longer is because other people also wanted to talk with him, so I wrapped it up to give them a chance. He stayed out there for a couple of hours, and in fact was still there when I went back inside. Very cool, very approachable, and very gracious. I didn't sense any "prima donna" attitude from him whatsoever.

Nah man - no 'tude there. He was gracious to me when we met in Norway, and he was cool to deal with at PP as well.
He DOES have high standards for his band, and sound/monitor mix .. so he can concentrate on his performance.
I can see why the stars thing may have upset him, as he was the featured vocalist, and he was supposed to have a dedicated mic... that was how it was rehearsed...
Some of the guys had to ad lib due to technical issues (the wirelss mics were going through batteries like crazy). Also - keep in mind, it was late, and some of the guest performers had fans buying them round for 4-5 hrs before they went back onstage.. ;) :puke: :headbang: :kickass:

Maybe "Prima Donna" is a bit strong. But if he is as gracious to fans as you say, I wish someone could have let him know how gracious THE FANS would have been to see some of his stuff on the DVD.

And I won't stray from the topic at hand, I understand he has his reasons for the DVD omission, but it has to be more than musical perfectionism that causes the great bands he's been in and he to split.

Once again....I am a Jorn Lande fan and will still continue to support him.
My .02 for whatever it is worth - pure speculation... I would guess he'd have wanted to feature/highlight his new material ... with his setlist, that did not allow that.
Also - I cannot speak for Masterplan or Snakes, but from what I know of the Ark situation (firsthand info from 3 people in the band - I will not discuss it) - I would have walked away as well.
I haven't run into anyone who was treated with anything less than courtesy by Jorn, he seems to treat his fans nicely and I had a good conversation with him when I met him at PP. I have heard, however, that he is a perfectionist when it comes to his performances, and I'm pretty sure that's why he's not on the dvd.
Wow, Sad to hear about the route Jorn has taken. To not even allow one song is bad business. Very disappointed because next to Evergrey I was looking forward to his songs & "Stars".
I think Jorn has a lot going on and Prog Power probably isn't the biggest priority for him compared to other things going on in his music and/or career/life as it probably isn't for a lot of bands that have played in the past and will in the future.

Lets not forget that when Nevermore bailed out, Jorn stepped up to the plate and helped Glenn and the festival with very short notice. For that I think Jorn's a cool guy and his disinterest in participating in the DVD doesn't make him any less respectable.

That all said, I still don't think Jorn was headliner material for Prog Power VII... nor do I feel After Forever is headliner material for Prog Power VIII. I just wanted to throw that out there again :lol:

The Michael