Kemper Profiling Amp

Thank you v much - yeah I thought this was how it worked but just wanted to make sure. This thing is really tempting me. Not sure how easy they are to get in Australia, though.
Thank you v much - yeah I thought this was how it worked but just wanted to make sure. This thing is really tempting me. Not sure how easy they are to get in Australia, though.

They weigh under 20 pounds and are the size of a toaster; at worst you could order it, have it shipped to someone in the US, and have them ship it to you.
I have a question for those who own a kemper or have played one. Would you recommend it to someone who doesn't have immediate access to decent tube amps to profile or people with adequate knowledge on how to get a good miked tone out of one? In other words to someone who would probably rely exclusively to presets being posted by others on the internet.
Keregioz there are a ton of great free and commercial profiles available both on the Kemper site and at

Yes, I'm aware of that, and although I haven't really listened to the vast majority of those and some could possibly be great, so far the best tones I've heard (the ones that make me want to get a kemper) are mostly made by people who aren't willing to share.
I have a question for those who own a kemper or have played one. Would you recommend it to someone who doesn't have immediate access to decent tube amps to profile or people with adequate knowledge on how to get a good miked tone out of one? In other words to someone who would probably rely exclusively to presets being posted by others on the internet.

I don't have an amp and I certainly won't be being one anytime soon with the amount of user and commercial profiles for the Kemper. I've tried/owned nearly every modeler and none of them ever had the feel and even response of the Kemper IMO. There are hundreds to choose and tons of options on the Kemper to further tweak the tone.

You won't lose anything in giving one a try. There is a small learning curve with getting the input settings right and if you don't like it after that just sell it on since they are in high demand.
I have a question for those who own a kemper or have played one. Would you recommend it to someone who doesn't have immediate access to decent tube amps to profile or people with adequate knowledge on how to get a good miked tone out of one? In other words to someone who would probably rely exclusively to presets being posted by others on the internet.

Yes. Don't forget there are EQ, gain, and presence controls, and they work well (especially the presence!), so it's not like you are locked into someone else's amp tone -- you can do quite a bit of adjusting. But for sure many of the presets just destroy any sim, at least the sims I've heard.

I have not yet downloaded any other user tones off the internet, so I cannot attest to how good other peoples' profiles work. I'll try to link one of my profiles in the next day or two. It will be interesting to see how they sound coming out of someone else's guitar.
Jeff, you'll be happy. The low end is clearly different than the amp you are profiling -- be ready for that. But the rest is shocking. It is damn near identical. I did not do any profile refining on the brief test I did yesterday, so apparently I can get it even closer. The one thing, without question, is that this sounds like a real amp. I am still totally shocked at what I experienced yesterday, testing it out for the first time. I A/Bed vs. my best Pod preset and it made the Pod sound like it came out of a cracker jack box.

I have not played with any of the user profiles available on the Kemper web site. Will do after I update the firmware.

You will see that the low end and amp dynamics will come alot closer (and in some cases will even be damn near identical) to the Amp if you do a proper refine profile process. I think many people complaining that the Kemper doesn't capture the dynamics and feels stiff didn't refine their profiles. It often makes a huge difference. But really cool to hear that more and more people are getting into the Kemper - mine has made my everyday studio life and live playing with my bands alot easier.
BTW, I seriously doubt Andy will share a profile. I mean, that would just give away too much of his signature sound, wouldn't it? Thinking of it, I even hope he won't share for the sake of variety in todays productions...I mean everybody would use it, right? More fun just as with a real amp/cab/mic/pre chain to find the sound that works in your music and for your style of mixing....
I would be shocked if Sneap gave out a profile for free. I would pay a lot for it, no question.

Agreed. It would unreal to be able to hit an engineer up and say i want these 5 - 10 tones and pay some cash and get those tones. To be able to specify amp heads / cabs and the style of tone your going for would be sick.

5 metal tones
5 hard rock tones
5 punk tones

and i'd be gold for the most part i reckon
JeffTD: You are right some of it does sound crappy, but there are some that sound spot on to the tone he was trying to clone I think. I wound't have considered buying it from these clips for sure. It wasn't till I heard the Decapimesa clip that I decided to buy it. To me that clip really show the potential of this thing.
Those tone matches are with Ozone EQ matching after the Kemper though so it can't really be seen as a Kemper demo since there is an external piece of gear used. You get the same result/tone using Amp sims.

They released a new update so you can finally record dry and wet guitar signals at the same time. All they need is a rig librarian and I'll be happy.