Might be a problem...


Sep 18, 2006
So last year at some little music festival type thing down in Atlanta my brother and I ran into a bit of an issue. On night 3, by the time Jorn took the stage I, at least, felt giddy with the veritable explosion of musical goodness of the past 2 nights.......but also very much like I had swallowed half a bottle of drano and then been run over by a bus. After so much time standing front and center, cheering, screaming, jumping etc., I just plain ran out of gas. In an odd way I was happy that the last set was Jorn because, although, he does have an amazing voice, I just wasn't really that into it. We could go ahead and sit down somewhere without feeling to bad about it. We actually laughed as we wondered to ourselves how we could have possibly managed if instead of Jorn, the weekend had ended with a 2+ hour Nevermore set. I think I would have had to be carried out on a stretcher.

So......with the truly sick looking lineup this year (seriously I am having a hard time looking at it and seeing ANY sit down time) I am going to have to pace myself better or something :heh:

Who knew that you might have to go into training in order to make it through a metal show. One way or another though......there will be NO sitting for After Forever hehe.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
This will be my first PP but I can see where youre coming from and can see how 3 days worth of music can be pretty tiring. Thankfully there are a few bands this year where I will be able to take a break but I agree with you that there will be no sitting around when After Forever takes the stage. It is truly going to be an amazing show.
It can be tiring if you stand for 8 hours straight in a night. I tried to stand some last year. I just couldn't make it the whole night. Maybe I am getting too old. This year, I am probably going to take a seat for most of the time. I may come to the stage for After Forever and Sonata. But yeah it is tough standing all the hours, especially if you aren't in your 20s anymore.
I about died standing 2nd row waiting for Pain of Salvation (4th band of the night that year). I might have a problem trying to stand up there for Sonata this year. My poor legs.
ill sit down a band, and then stand up for one, it works for me.

this past year i stood up for 3 bands in a row, and i mean you can take it and all, it just gets old standing in the same damn spot, your feet and sometimes back begin to ache. jorns performance wasnt the experience i was hoping for cause i was so beat, so dont be afraid to sit down people!

people take the seats for granted, theres really only a few bad seats in the entire place, and thats on the sides when sometimes the excess curtain blocks the keyboard player or a guitar player on the side.

as long as you dont sit on the sides, the seats are still amazing, thats one thing i love about prog power, you dont have to worry at all about how well your seat will end up.

but my recommendations are sit down for a band then stand up for one, thats just me though, when the band i REALLY like comes out i want to have energy to stand there and truly enjoy it, in the middle of jorn i was enjoying it but on the other hand i couldnt wait to get to a seat, so it lessens the experience when your a bit beat down.

i just cant stand in ONE spot for like 8 hours straight, its just very very tiring to me, if i was walking it would be different, but you cant walk in the middle of a show, well you could but youd look awfully odd haha.

just my 2 cents.
Definitely pace your self. I hit the wall a few times at II ( but that was because I was on the crew) V and VI because of excesscelebration. Last year I did okay but I almost did it again because of partying until all hours of the morning but I took friday night off and I was good to go on saturday!!! Live and learn :zombie:

The keys to pacing yourself:

1. Do not get totally blitzed the first night. There simply isn't time to recover.
2. If you aren't going to be a front rail statue, then take a seat for 1-2 bands of the night. With as much movement as there is, it is rather easy to get a good spot on the floor up until the later bands.
3. If you do not want to give up your spot, then sit down on the floor between sets if possible.
The keys to pacing yourself:

1. Do not get totally blitzed the first night. There simply isn't time to recover.
2. If you aren't going to be a front rail statue, then take a seat for 1-2 bands of the night. With as much movement as there is, it is rather easy to get a good spot on the floor up until the later bands.
3. If you do not want to give up your spot, then sit down on the floor between sets if possible.

The man speaks the truth. I hope to better pace myself this year :lol:
I stood through every band Friday last year, and was absolutely dying during Evergrey's set. Sitting/Laying down following their set was probably the greatest feeling in the world.
I've been honing my system for a several years now...My pacing last year was perfect. My pacing the year before was well of Midnight proportions.. learned a hard lesson that year :lol: I'm not as young as I used to be :lol: the body requires recovery time..

First off I rarely sit down...
And I have two imortant rules that keep my energy up thoughout the weekend.
First rule I have to remember is Eat Enough!! Second Rule.. Get enough sleep between days...

This is how it goes if all goes well...

Day one Thursday- Get up a 4am in the morning to catch my 6:30 flight from San Jose... Arrive in afternoon, (travelling east sucks!) party hard enjoy all the bands but get to bed as early as possible right after show ends... After wolfing enough pizza...:headbang:

Day Two Friday - Sleep in til Noon - 1:00PM waking up before that only to slug down a piece or two of cold pizza :), then back to sleep. If I do this I'm extremely well rested. Get my GB (impossible for west coasters arriving on Thursday to get there in time to get it on thursday - which sucks!)Meet people for lunch but don't drink too much or not at all, then once the show starts it's off da hook.... - Enjoy all bands and party hard until the wee hours... WOO HOO!!!:kickass:

Day Three Saturday - Get as much sleep until dinner at 3-4... Go somewhat easy this night... pace. pace, pace is everything on Saturday This is where I'll sit a little if I hit a wall. The lack of liquid fuel on day three and the whole weekend catching up makes this night the toughest...Last year was cool because I'm not much a Jorn fan so I watched a few songs by him and I got to bed early, Missed Stars and the balls of steel, but oh well - it's a long haul back to San Jose and a long long day if I don't get enough sleep. Of course I'm forced to leave the hotel at 12:00 And my flight usually doesn't leave until late afternoon early evening....

But this year I love the final band so I might have to sacrifice some late night Friday partying but either way I'm gonna be tired on Sunday! Just don't wanna be illin' like the Michael was Haha!!
So I totally agree with this thread... This show is long haul, my goal being have as much fun as possible without becoming a ball of shit by Sunday, because it's a long way home... :D:loco:
My advice to those people who want to survive standing:
1. Pace yourself.
2. Drink no more than 2 bottles of water per day of the festival (unless you plan on investing in some adult diapers).
3. Try to get on the rail, it's a lot less unpleasant than standing in the 2nd row as it gives you something to lean against.
The keys to pacing yourself:

3. If you do not want to give up your spot, then sit down on the floor between sets if possible.

A friend and I decided to sit on the floor while waiting for Angra back at PP VI and we were intentionally kicked in the back by a couple of jackasses standing behind us. The PP crowd, while more genteel than most metal crowds, is not nearly courteous as the nice people on this forum lead you to believe, at least in my experience. Sit at your own risk!
This show is long haul, my goal being have as much fun as possible without becoming a ball of shit by Sunday, because it's a long way home... :D:loco:

It's always one of the loooongest plane rides home for me. By the time my plane takes off I feel worse than I did when I got up. I think it's knowing that it's over and any resolve I had to keep on going no matter what is gone. I'm sure I look just as dead as I feel. :erk:
My issue was the excessive heat in the place. Was it just me, or was it hotter than normal last year. I remember one year it was really cold (which I loved), but last year in particular I felt drained since the venue was hot as balls!
My issue was the excessive heat in the place. Was it just me, or was it hotter than normal last year. I remember one year it was really cold (which I loved), but last year in particular I felt drained since the venue was hot as balls!

The first couple of years it was nice and cold, and I loved it as well; and then it just seemed to get progressively hotter the next few years...

I did manage to pace myself better last year, though, then blew it out the last night!
What I love about Progpower, like they say, is that it's so easy to get a good spot when you want it. I was front and center night one last year for night one, but by the time mercenary left the stage, I was EXAUSTED. I just exploded on all four bands. I Went back to the Granada to catch some lax time, water, and a change of clothes before heading back for evergrey. Once there, I found I was just WIPED, and ended up bailing early. A terrible shame, because I LOVE Evergrey live.

Night two was better, because I was able to skip out on Thunderstone after sitting for Zero Hour and Vision Divine and order pizza for my roomates and I and be back in time for Epica. Found some great real-estate for their show and was stationary for Jorn's set too. Good stuff.

But it's true. If you can't find a front row spot, it's not worth it to stand all night. No one does. You WILL wear yourself out if you try, and ultimately be miserable for it, especially if it's one of your first outings. I've been around for 4 years and I'm STILL trying to find the best Pace to not wear myself out.
My issue was the excessive heat in the place. Was it just me, or was it hotter than normal last year. I remember one year it was really cold (which I loved), but last year in particular I felt drained since the venue was hot as balls!
Yea, it was definitely hotter last year than any other. I doubt Glenn has much say in that though. Maybe being in Oct. this year, it will be better???

kellsco said:
It's always one of the loooongest plane rides home for me. By the time my plane takes off I feel worse than I did when I got up. I think it's knowing that it's over and any resolve I had to keep on going no matter what is gone. I'm sure I look just as dead as I feel.
Ha ha, this is one of my favorite photos from last year. Dave and Michelle, totally zoned out on the plane home.