Might be a problem...

I really reccomend these: Foot Pain,Foot Care - WalkFit

Yes, they are more expensive than the cheap Dr. Scholls ones, but I've tried them all and these are hands down the best and they LAST! I've had mine for 3 years now. And they don't make your shoes smell! The air holes keep it so your feet breathe, which let me tell you at a metal fest is freaking NICE!

They suggest taking 3-6 months to have them adjust to your feet. But I've been wearing them for the last 2 years and rarely have any issues other than just general tiredness... but it really allevates (did I spell that right?) the "I've been standing for 8 hours and my feet/legs hurt."

I always sit. I'm there to hear the music and watch the show. I've done the club thing where it's standing room only and by the time I reach the end of the show I'm not disappointed it's over. I like being able to just sit for eight hours and enjoy the show.

That being said, I STILL got tired at PPVI. I was falling asleep through Angra's set, and as I walked around trying to stay awake so I could enjoy one of my favorite bands, I noticed others napping as well. Maybe we're just all getting too darn old or something.
Haha, I was actually falling asleep during Angra's set while standing up! I was just so damned exhausted. Plus, I didn't know their music at all :( .... now I kick myself in the ass whenever I watch their DVD
About sitting down and dosing off:

Lack of oxygen. Those seats have all the hot breath of the floor floating up there, and there's no O2. I've found that as long as I can go walk around the concourse for a lap or two, get the joints moving, get the back to flex a bit, I'm all good again. It's just tough to get back to that barrier!
I'm actually quite excited to see how my body holds up this year. I'm exersizing 3-4x a week now and have dropped 20lbs since the last PP, and looking to drop another 20-30 lbs before the summer. All the extra movement should help a lot.
Maybe. I never imagined being able to fall asleep at a metal concert. I can't fall asleep if I hear even soft music playing in an adjacent apartment.
It's also important to "pace" after you get home. This year, I'm taking off work the following Monday *and* Tuesday. :)

That's what generally kicks my ass ALL the way to the ground. I travel so much over the year, so I always tend to go back to work the next day after I get home so save on vacation days. I always request the next day off....in case of travel hangs ups and what not, but I end up coming into work anyway.

One year, was three years ago I think, I didn't come to work that next day as I. Was. Beyond. Dead. When I went to work all my co-workers were laughing and saying that they just knew that I must have been super hung over and wiped to have not come in. :lol:
Maybe. I never imagined being able to fall asleep at a metal concert. I can't fall asleep if I hear even soft music playing in an adjacent apartment.

I thought I'd never be able to fall asleep at a concert or anything really loud until I fell asleep several times throughout Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers at the movie theatre. That day, I ended up getting a virus that was going aroud and felt so sick and tired that I napped throughout much of the massive fight scenes. When I got home I ended up passing out until the next morning. So I slept a total of about 19 hrs that day.
My biggest issues during concerts tends to be a drop in my sugar level. I'm not diabetic but I've managed to loose my vision at concerts before. It actually first started happening in early morning classes in college where if I didn't eat and stood for a long period of time, I'd end up in a cold sweat and a purple haze would cloud my eyes (and despite what that sounds like - I've never done drugs). Then it started occuring at concerts and not just "high energy" ones. I can offset this from happening by bringing something like a pack of life savers or starbursts.
You want to see a problem!!!

I've been honing my system for a several years now...My pacing last year was perfect. My pacing the year before was well of Midnight proportions.. learned a hard lesson that year :lol: I'm not as young as I used to be :lol: the body requires recovery time..

First off I rarely sit down...
And I have two imortant rules that keep my energy up thoughout the weekend.
First rule I have to remember is Eat Enough!! Second Rule.. Get enough sleep between days...

This is how it goes if all goes well...

Day one Thursday- Get up a 4am in the morning to catch my 6:30 flight from San Jose... Arrive in afternoon, (travelling east sucks!) party hard enjoy all the bands but get to bed as early as possible right after show ends... After wolfing enough pizza...:headbang:

Day Two Friday - Sleep in til Noon - 1:00PM waking up before that only to slug down a piece or two of cold pizza :), then back to sleep. If I do this I'm extremely well rested. Get my GB (impossible for west coasters arriving on Thursday to get there in time to get it on thursday - which sucks!)Meet people for lunch but don't drink too much or not at all, then once the show starts it's off da hook.... - Enjoy all bands and party hard until the wee hours... WOO HOO!!!:kickass:

Day Three Saturday - Get as much sleep until dinner at 3-4... Go somewhat easy this night... pace. pace, pace is everything on Saturday This is where I'll sit a little if I hit a wall. The lack of liquid fuel on day three and the whole weekend catching up makes this night the toughest...Last year was cool because I'm not much a Jorn fan so I watched a few songs by him and I got to bed early, Missed Stars and the balls of steel, but oh well - it's a long haul back to San Jose and a long long day if I don't get enough sleep. Of course I'm forced to leave the hotel at 12:00 And my flight usually doesn't leave until late afternoon early evening....

But this year I love the final band so I might have to sacrifice some late night Friday partying but either way I'm gonna be tired on Sunday! Just don't wanna be illin' like the Michael was Haha!!
So I totally agree with this thread... This show is long haul, my goal being have as much fun as possible without becoming a ball of shit by Sunday, because it's a long way home... :D:loco:

Love it :headbang: You forgot to mention how all the Coors Light keeps you light on your feet as well :lol: Me and Colleen drank a boatload of Grand Marnier and Guiness which couldn't have helped very much :lol: I usually pace mysely and only brave the floor for bands that I *have* to see right in my face. This year there will definitely be more standing for me. So far Redemption & AF will force me to stand at the stage on the floor :lol:
Thanks guys for taking care of an old man, now if Glenn will get me one at Centerstage i will be all set. You guys are all just way to nice to an old metal head.