New Maiden


Dopefish lives!
Jul 18, 2006

Will drop mid August. Go to to grab a free mp3 of the new song "El Dorado".

Or listen to it here:

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Personally, I really like the cover - oldschool Maiden, I get a heavy SIT vibe from it. SO much better than the last ones.

The song: Didn't blow me away on first listen. Some cool, simplistic riffs. Chorus is a bit of a let down.

Production: I like the oldschool vibe.
Music: Not my cup of tea, but It's a single, they're usually bad.

Production: I'm really digging the bass tone, the voice and guitars needs more prescense imo.
The absence of Eddie on that cover is disturbing. Unless they pulled some kind of Jason X shit with him and now he's a mutated space creature.

Nothing will ever top the SIT cover. That picture will be on my gravestone, and I will swear by that shit come my tragically drawn-out, movie-quality downfall. There are two things I love in this world, my beer and the cover of Somewhere In Fucking Time.
Seventh Son for me. I think that is supposed to be an evolved Eddie. I haven't been into Maiden for years now. I just can't take another studio album from these guys, what's that about number 497.
Not digging the mix, whatever is trying to be achieved here in terms of "vibe" isn't coming across as well as it could. Good energy to the track though, more lively than Iron Maiden has been in a while.
Worst artwork ever. What were they thinking? It just got downhill since no prayer for the dying.
When I was young, artwork was an integral part of Iron Maiden. Something you could watch for hours and still find new details.
This is ridiculous. Ugly.:puke:
Song is interesting, not extremely catchy but interesting. Mix does the job afaict.
Nothing will ever top the SIT cover. That picture will be on my gravestone, and I will swear by that shit come my tragically drawn-out, movie-quality downfall. There are two things I love in this world, my beer and the cover of Somewhere In Fucking Time.
Someone get this guy a beer.:headbang:
Hmmmmmmmmmm :err:

What is happened with Eddie? I really like the cover, it´s anyhow better than the last two ones, but...I have to agree with Masterbeast here, it looks like a mutated space creature.

The song...the song..meeh I just listened to it 3 times. It´s not bad, of course. The problem is, since "Brave New World" there were too much songs.."not bad" IMO. And "not bad" is not enough.
The cover is too "plastic" and digital, two big no-nos for Maiden, as far as I'm concerned... Riggs FTW
The song is okay, I just hope the album won't be another boring piece of crap like everything they've released from X Factor onwards (excluding BNW).
Song is well.... okay and nothing more.
I saw them live 2 years ago on their "Somewhere Back In Time Tour" and it was absolutely slamming, but at the same time it made me realize that everything they've put out after Brave New World sounds as if they don't even care anymore and just aren't inspired anymore and it's a shame seeing as how pretty much their whole 80s output just makes me wanna fucking headbang and go nuts.
They've been around since the 70s, I'd rather they just throw in the towel and call it a day ASAP. In fact I would have preferred they did that straight after Brave New World and just did some other projects that were fresh and inspiring, rather than putting out the same old, same old.
I just got the whole AC-DC/Malmsteen thing from hearing this song, just more of the same really.
I'm a long-time Maiden fan and I honestly can say I'm dissapointed... :( Let's wait for the album though... As for the cover: get Riggs to paint again by hand, cause he's not so good at Photoshop and 3Dmax! :) Oh, and Steve please do something about the production!
PS: I know this cover is not made by Riggs, I'm just sayin' ;)
Not liking the song much,

Bruce sounds old. Flat as an old ladies tits and doesn't even sound mixed. I guess if you spank the compressor and put the top end back in then the flat and uninspired performance will standout even more.

Time for them to hand the towel in I think (or be a touring band). Financially that doesn't make sense but thats a different story....
It's ok, I guess. Not very impressed, and listened only once though.

I hope it is the same as with AMOLAD and Benjamin Breeg, with this being the weakest track on the album.
Music: Very hard rockish. I hope it is the worst of the album.

Cover: If that is Eddie, he reminds me of the final monster of Alien Resurrection. Very old school but also childish for my taste... It is like an 80's Death Metal band demo cover artwork.