NFL & Female Fronted Bands


Mar 1, 2005
Albany NY
So it seems someone in the NFL likes female fronted metal bands. Or at least someone at NBC and another person at CBS. Just now Nightwish's Amaranth was played in a clip that was put together on the pregame show for the Buffalo/Miami game on CBS. A few weeks ago it was Within Temptation's Final Destination during the Sunday night game.
Nightwish's Amaranth is being used on allot of sound bites for shows nowdays. So are some of their other songs, I guess the producers are now seeing what a fabulous composer Tuomas is.
I'm wondering if it's something to do with Roadrunner Records since they have both WT & NW but with so short of clips and no singing, it's unlikely people who have never heard the songs will go "Wow, those 5 seconds were awesome! I wonder what band that was."
Roadrunner must have a pretty good licensing operation....i.e., the connections you need in the film/video realm to say "Hey, we have the background music you need for your shows...and we're not too expensive." :)

I remember when the trailer for Hellboy came out and had two Dimmu Borgir songs excerpted within it....before the CD had even come out. :kickass:
As long as they keep Hank Jr. doing the Monday Night theme. I don't really like Hank Jr. nor country music in general, but he somehow fits. I get pumped up when they do that song. They tried some different artists last year and it was terrible.

So... with the Fiesta Bowl on in the background while I look into hotel accommodations for our wedding party what do I hear but "What have you done now" and a few chords of the guitar part before they go to commercial break. So now we can add Fox & college football to the list.
Oddly enough, you'd think I watch football nonstop all these times I catch these songs. Which is completely not the case and makes me wonder how often these songs are being used or if I just happen to be watching the games using them.
Erm, you guys are aware that Nightwish is to 'metal' as hot topic is to Gothenburg. They're definitely at home at an NFL game, which is why i'm not surprised they'd be aired between clips of Nickelback and Queen. I'm not passing judgement on any of those bands (I've got quite a lot of Queen stuff on vinyl), so I mean not to offend. Some, I gather, are personally offended when it's pointed out to them that a certain group is popular music or has become popular music. Shouldn't you be glad they're accessible as a fan? Well, those questions are for the offended to consider, and not me.
Erm, you guys are aware that Nightwish is to 'metal' as hot topic is to Gothenburg. They're definitely at home at an NFL game, which is why i'm not surprised they'd be aired between clips of Nickelback and Queen. I'm not passing judgement on any of those bands (I've got quite a lot of Queen stuff on vinyl), so I mean not to offend. Some, I gather, are personally offended when it's pointed out to them that a certain group is popular music or has become popular music. Shouldn't you be glad they're accessible as a fan? Well, those questions are for the offended to consider, and not me.

I doubt anyone is offended, mainly because your point is not accurate. There's a difference between a band becoming popular, and pop music. You indicated Nightwish is pop music, which is not true. If your point is that they're more popular now, then maybe you should clarify. Either way, a band's accessibility to fans doesn't simply render them as pop music.
Eh, Nightwish's recent output has been a noticeable slide towards the commercial, at least to my ear. That said, it's not bad, but it's not my thing. I'll take Oceanborn and pass on the newer stuff.
I dunno rocky, you sound like you're trying to explain away commercial success. Compare 'metal' Nightwish to Darkthrone, hell even Jorn.

I can readily see the poppy elements of Nightwish, and how it has furthered their commercial success. Are they on the forefront of metal bands achieving commercial success, perhaps. But either way, all of that does not demote their music to the gutter that is pop music. I hope for their continued success, until the point where I feel it negatively influences their musical product, which to this point it has not, for me at least.
Ah, I see now. You're afraid that if you accepted that Nightwish is or contains pop music, they'd be tarnished by the ilk of your extremely negative perception of other so-called pop acts. What's wrong with pop music? I enjoy quite a bit of it. I don't see the point of denial here. Within Temptation is fairly poppy too, often compared to or confused with mainstream act Evanescence. I happen to enjoy both, and I don't need to delude myself saying the former is metal while the latter is pop.

The whole relevance to my bringing that up is that because they are poppy, they are more accessible to an NFL audience than say, Woods of Ypres. Thusly, I'm not surprised at all that those bands would be featured during NFL games.

Empress: Someone like what? :lol:
Seriously. Ken's no more or less stubborn in his oppinion than Rocky himself. Plus Ken is right... new nightwish is hardly metal. That's not degrading it. It's well written pop music.

Also, am I the only metalhead who can recognize that while the songs may suck, Justin Timberlake has a voice head and shoulders above other pop acts? *shrug*

edit: i just realized that was the wrong thing to say in the land of "my music is more complex/obscure than your music". My bad.
Someone who has their own opinion made up. I don't agree that they are pop but I wouldn't label them a full on "Metal Band". But I will admit some of the songs on their new album are more mainstream.

Still, for me, they're the bombastic beautiful pioneers of this wave of female fronted bands. And they are perfect! :D

But I guess it all boils down to perspective and I don't expect anyone to agree on everything, so lately I realized there's never any point in arguing with someone who doesn't think like you or feel like you about something. Their opinion is theirs, and it's really not effecting anyone in the end.

Good call. I think one thing that we can all agree on as metalheads, prog fans, and just people of the planet earth is that Rainbow's "Stargazer" is probably the best song ever written.
So, Empress hasn't made up her opinion yet. Alrighty then. And yeah Zach, Justin has talent. I'm not into a lot of his music, a song or two here and there. I'm not in denial like some *cough* around here.