Post ProgPower Syndrome...

I'll admit I was a bit bummed to say good bye to some awesome friends I met there. But in the end, I got this huge stack of CDs to listen to, but surprisingly, I was actually familier with nearly all the bands announced (only two that I had a "who?" response - Riverside and Volbeat). That lineup as it is, has me already stoked for next year.

Also, granted, it may not be the same as ProgPower, but it is nice to have Jaxx literally right up the street from my place - can get there within 1/2 hour leaving straight from work (like tonight). I've been to enough shows at that place that I am almost guaranteed that I'll find somebody that I know that I can hang out with (including Jay, the owner of the place!), not to mention it seems like I meet somebody else new every time I go there. Kinda majorly bummed that I'll miss After Forever this upcoming Saturday due to prior commitments this weekend, though. I thought they kicked ass at ProgPower and would to love to see them again in a more intimate setting like at Jaxx. Oh well, looking forward to celebrating my b-day with Therion, however!
I was actually familier with nearly all the bands announced (only two that I had a "who?" response - Riverside and Volbeat). That lineup as it is, has me already stoked for next year.

Me too, but with Volbeat and Serenity. While I'm bummed about saying goodbye to PP VIII, I'm looking forward to PP IX with so much anticipation it nearly makes me forget the withdrawls. :tickled:
This was the first year I have NOT been real sad after PPUSA. It could be a lot of things but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that I leave in 18 days to do it all over again in Denmark for a week!! :headbang:

When I get back from there I'm sure I'll be :cry:
I think this year I'm taking the post-ProgPower syndrome even worse than the previous two years.

The reason? Glenn has already announced 10 out of the 12 bands for next year. (for a normal year - that would be the entire lineup!) I'm so stoked on hearing Pathosray and JOP next year. Usually Glenn leads us on for a couple of months, letting us know of a new band every few weeks. Now that we know who most of the lineup is right now, its really hard to wait soooooooo long until next September. Once the announces the headliners - I'll really be on pins and needles waiting for the weekend we all descend on our "mecca" (in our case, Atlanta).

I like going to ProgPower because you don't have to explain the music because everyone already KNOWS the sub-genres that we listen to. I also like going because I do my major CD purchasing at that time. I don't have to go through mounds of crap to find the few gems - because mostly what's sold at the vendors tables are THE gems!

But like SkiBumMSP said, we met a TON of friends there this year. Its a shame that the vast majority of them aren't from around here. :cry: I think this year we made a commitment to meet people from the forums, and other people as we saw them. (thanks for those who wore your PP USA T-shirts on the MARTA and at the airport.) Also thanks for Michael for setting up lunch at Front Page News. :kickass:

But at least we have Jaxx to get us by for now. Not the same though. :cry:

Till next year...
The thing I'm missing is the people is damn honest and really cool, you dont see that very often here.
Post syndrome, ear damage, hangover, jetlag and ran ouf of money but... IT WAS WORTH! and... See you next year.
I got hit with the withdrawal mostly because I basically never get to go to any metal shows anymore, so then when you go to something of the caliber of ProgPower and it ends...its just sad. I know I won't be doing anything that fun for a long time.
The feeling hasn't faded yet.Maybe because I may not get back to PPUSA next year?Every year we make the trek down,I plan on introducing myself to a fewpeople I've met through here,every year I get home without making one new friend.2008 may not happen because the wife doesn't get into the 3 day festival.She said one was cool,two wasn't bad,but the last three she has been less enthused each time out.I'll let the months pass before bringing it up again